Ted Haggard to make a “Surprising” and “Groundbreaking” announcement next week…
- Posted on May 28, 2010
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Ted Haggard's publicist said today that the ousted founder of New Life Church will announce plans for his future at a press conference at his Colorado Springs home Wednesday morning. Haggard's spokesman said he would make a "surprising" and "groundbreaking" announcement with his family. Ted Haggard and his wife Gayle on April 29 incorporated a new church, St. James, sited at their home at 1865 Old Ranch Road. At the time, Ted Haggard said it was done for accounting purposes as the couple managed dual speaking careers. However, Haggard did tell the Colorado Springs Gazette that he likely would return to ministry one day and wouldn't rule out that St. James would one day be a real church.
On a personal note... I really wish Ted didn't have a publicist or any kind of groundbreaking or surprising announcements. A ground breaking announcement could be that is starting an 'official' new church. A surprising announcement could be that it would be an affirming church. I have no idea what the announcement will be; but my cynical side tells me that it will probably be neither groundbreaking nor surprising.
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fishon on Fri, June 04, 2010
John Burton on Thu, June 03, 2010
In your opinion he doesn�t qualify for the biblical role of pastor. It takes humility to admit that others have different takes on it.
———-Ok, here is humility as you define it.
Yes, without a doubt, others have a different opinion than me.
“And they are wrong, in my humble opinion.”
Bud Press on Fri, June 04, 2010
John Burton wrote:
“Regarding theology, isn�t it fair to simply agree to disagree? Meaning, Todd hasn�t messed with any of the absolutes of scripture� he�s solid there� he just has differing ideas on other theological matters. Many Christians agree with him, many others disagree.”
Todd Bentley is “solid” on the “absolutes of Scripture”? Here are a few quotes from Bentley’s writings concerning Jesus Christ and the gospel:
“Upon His breastplate was the imprint of a golden eagle. He was so muscular, that the breastplate took on the ripples of His mighty chest! His biceps were enormous, the size of my head, and He had massive forearms and huge hands. There was Jesus, the mighty warrior God! He towered over me three to four times my height, so tall, He would have to bend down to communicate with me” (“Journey Into The Miraculous,” January 2008, p. 27, book on file).
Compare Todd Bentley’s muscle-bound “Jesus” with the Apostle Paul’s warning in 2 Corinthians 11:3-4.
“We can preach the Gospel all day long, but that won’t win souls. That won’t win the hearts of the people. We can talk, try to theorize, theologize, reason, argue, debate, and spend time trying to prove that Jesus lived, but that won’t win a heart. How often do we see the religious mindset that believes that the more Scripture quoting, the more yelling, the more hell fire and brimstone preaching, the greater the chance to win someone over for the Kingdom? Likewise, how often do we see people sitting or standing there listening in stone-cold silence or indifference? (“Kingdom Rising: Making the Kingdom Real in Your Life,” October 2008, p. 67, book on file).
Compare Todd Bentley’s words with God’s written word in 2 Timothy 4:1-2; Romans 1:16-17; and Romans 10:14.
Again, on page 67 of “Kingdom Rising,” Todd Bentley claims that during a mission trip, he and his team encountered drug addicts and gangsters while preaching in the ghettos of South Africa. How he chose to handle a specific group of gangsters that is disturbing:
“What could I do? How could I convince them? Would preaching more convince them? Would a lesson in theology convince these violent youth and drug addicts? I thought not. I called them over and said, ‘Fine, that’s what you believe, but line up right here and let me lay hands on you. Watch how God will touch you. I guarantee that if God doesn’t touch you, that I will say that God isn’t real.’”
Refer to Psalm 10:3-4 and Psalm 14:1.
Todd Bentley’s preoccupation with signs and wonders over the preaching the gospel shouldn’t come as a surprise, for he teaches that the gospel alone isn’t enough to save a soul destined for hell:
“God hasn’t called us just to preach the Gospel. The Gospel ‘package’ includes performing signs and wonders. Your destiny is to be a sign and wonder!” (“The Reality of the Supernatural World,” June 2008, p. 70, book on file).
“In my ministry, I teach my disciples, ‘Power first, then the Word. Go in and prophesy first, or demonstrate the power of God first in some way.’” [Ibid., p. 72]
But God’s written word rebukes Todd Bentley (Acts 19:8-10. See also Acts 17:1-9; Acts 28:23-31).
Finally, Todd Bentley is a man of many words and claims. But unlike Jesus Christ, Bentley’s words are carefully interlaced with incredible deception and blasphemy. His writings betray the pure and perfect words of Jesus Christ.
Jesus and His gospel are absolutes of Scripture. By Todd Bentley’s own admission, he denies the absolutes.
Thank you for allowing me to post on your blog.
Bud Press
Ricky on Fri, June 04, 2010
“The only one I know of is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.”
And what is the definition of “blasphemy?” Is it only a vocal denial of God’s Spirit or can it also be the way a person handles his life?
In Ted’s case, there is no doubt that he is only interested in promoting himself (a “publicist?”) and thus he denies through his misrepresentation of Christ, that he is blasphemous.
Ricky on Fri, June 04, 2010
“Or, someone will see them and be blown away that someone could fall into a sin as vile as the one that held the in bondage, and see grace and love and hope� and be encouraged that even the most vile sinners can be healed, delivered and restored.”
John, what most people see as “grace, hope and love” and “restoration” is nothing more than clever posturing. It is Ted and Todd, et al, putting themselves in positions where they can be seen and call it “God” restoring them.
Don’t be fooled.
Ricky on Fri, June 04, 2010
“But, I�ll just say this� the main thing I�m concerned about is the striking lack of compassion or heart for fallen ministers.”
And by saying thus, you’re saying that all who believe that Ted and Todd are not qualified to serve in a high-profile position lack “compassion.” You are thus guilty of what you accuse others of being: judgmental.
John, is this about how good it makes you feel to have so-called “compassion” or is it more about the fact that others really do care about the Body of Christ in protecting it from wolves in sheep’s clothing?
Ricky on Fri, June 04, 2010
As far as Ted and Todd go, this is nothing more than about the MONEY that both men feel they must make. This is NOT about some “mandate” that they have from God.
Saying that it is is saying that God NEEDS them to complete the work that only they can do. Hogwash! God’s work will be accomplished with or without us. Talk about an impotent God!
If Ted and Todd were truly repentant, they would want to just go and work like everyone else does, quietly, humbly, faithfully. No, they must be in the limelight because the limelight equals money and power.
It narcissism at its finest.
rbud on Sun, June 06, 2010
That fact that he is announcing that he will be announcing is enough to turn me off. The Ho-hums are attacking.
Alyssa Cumella on Wed, October 20, 2010
John, I agree with you! The bible doesn’t mention female angels maybe because females held no positions of authority (couldn’t be the few archangels?) But there can be plenty of unmentioned female angels.
The Bible also NEVER mentions South America…....
Does that mean that believing in South America makes you a heretic?
How about Native Americans? Eskimos? The Rocky Mountains? Cats (Not lions)? Cars? Australia? Antarctica? China? Japan? Polynesia? The North Pole? The South Pole? The planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto? The planets’ moons? Gravity? The Rapture? The exact type of fruit that grew on the forbidden tree? The saying “God helps those who help themselves”? or that angels are in anyway superior to man?
Angels are just people who do God’s work. People, males and females, can do God’s work. So there are female angels in the “messenger” definition.
Alyssa Cumella on Wed, October 20, 2010
from my last post:
“or that angels are in anyway superior to man?”
In appearance I mean.
I’m aware that God created man a little lower than the angels.
In reality we don’t know what angels look like.
Also we simply don’t know if there are truly angels who are female. I’m sure they can take on female form for some godly reasons. (modesty, pro life, etc.)
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