The Barak Obama Bible Cover. Get Yours Today.

- Posted by: Todd
- Posted on: Fri, October 16, 2009
- Viewed 569
- (18) comments so far

I think I may wait to get mine at Big Lots in the $.99 bin later this year. They'll make great Christmas presents.
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Peter Hamm on Tue, October 20, 2009
[Some christians believe abortion isn�t murder, first because the bible doesn�t say when life begins, does it begin at conception? how about implamentation? how about the heart beat or brain waves?] Many use Psalm 139 to argue that life actually begins BEFORE conception, theologically speaking. But I would argue that for thousands of years the medical community believed that life in the womb as life, and that killing it was harming life. Who changed that? Doctors? No. Lawyers… I’m sorry to say this, but people who argue and ask the question “When does life begin… really?” are too often merely looking for an “out”, a reason to believe that abortion is okay.
[Furthermore, in cases or rape or incest when the mothers life is at stake?] I believe you will find that many, if not most pro-life people believe that if the mother’s life is at stake the issue becomes complicated, at least… But if a baby in the womb IS life, then regardless of how he or she got there (rape, incest), he or she is still, in the womb, innocent of the crime that put them there.
[there are no easy answers here, but we try to make it a black and white one.] I agree. The answers are not easy, and too many very far-right Christians not only try to make it black and white, but try to say that if you believe differently from them you’re not saved. That is, frankly, ridiculous.
Oliver on Tue, October 20, 2009
ok, let me try to respond with an open mind, first just to clarify I don’t believe abortion is ok all the time, especially if someone just wants to get away from an sticky problem. Ps 139 is a good verse, I have always taken that as poetry though generally speaking about the miracle of birth, but doesn’t delve into sticky issues. For example, what about still-borns, and miscarraiges, do we mean that God “aborted’ those babies? If he is knitting them in womb, does God make a mistake and decides to abort a baby? I am not sure, but I can’t see that interpretation working. Medically speaking, the medical community scientifically as I understand what I have read from textbooks at library, pregancy is defined as implemenation, so therefore the morning after, or conraceptives, are not abortions. The cathollic church in medieval times believed that “every sperm is sacred” and therefore are against everything, but as protestants, we usually only go as far as the bible goes and therefore recongized that there is room for debate. Recently, though the right has taken over and actually has moved closer to the catholic position. This has been a political cultural move, not one that is neccessarily biblically. My view is that the church should stay out of politics as much as possible, I think the instiutional church has meddled to much in private issues of people. This is partly what has turned me off against the mega church, too many of them have become political animals. When we live life like the first century church did in home groups, we live out real christianity, not the “political” kind. I think that is the better way.
rbud on Thu, October 22, 2009
At first I thought this a misguided allegiance. But, I’ve since changed my view. Why not, I asked myself? We have a Billy Graham Bible, a Jerry Falwell and Liberty U Bible, a Tyndale Bible, a Scofield Bible, and those are more than just a cover. My son once had a children’s Bible with King David’s picture on it. There’s serendipity covers, poet laced covers, and I’m sure there must be others, I just don’t have any. So, why not an Obama cover if that’s important to you? Why not meld Christian principles with your favorite hero? Just because it’s Obama (instead of a popular religious leader) doesn’t make it wrong of itself. Does it?
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