Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    The Top 22 Churches in America

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    Rounding out the top ten are:  Willow; Potter’s House; Fellowship of the Woodlands; NorthRidge Church; and Seacoast.

    You’ll need to hop over to ChurchRelevance (a GREAT site, btw) for the rest of Kent’s compiled list...

    Any thoughts?

    In an effort to make sense of all the lists; Kent over at has compiled a list of all the recent lists. Take his for what its worth... but it IS interesting. The top five churches when you compile all the lists together:; Fellowship Church; Saddleback; New Hope Christian Fellowship; and Lakewood...


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    1. Camey on Mon, March 05, 2007

      There’s something about Texas? 5 out of 22….. Talk about diversified churches!

    2. drbob on Mon, March 05, 2007

      Again, what qualification is “influential” is it “how big” is it “how many churches model this church” is it “lives changed” is it “nations touched by the sending out of missionaries” ?

    3. Kent on Mon, March 05, 2007

      Dr. Bob,

      The Church Report creates its yearly list of “influential” churches by surveying a large number of churches (usually megachurches) and asking which churches have most influenced them.

    4. Jim from NJ on Mon, March 05, 2007

      I found it interesting that these churches covered a wide portion of the US (even Hawaii), except for the Northeast. I guess megachurches don’t fluorish as well there.

    5. don on Mon, March 05, 2007

      maybe the northeast is to religious and stiff. just a thought. And being a visitor to the northeast i noticed that people are’nt as friendly and any eye contact while waling down the street usually has someone ask you for directions to somewhere because they are visitors also.

      i am in texas by the way

    6. Jim from NJ on Tue, March 06, 2007

      don -

      I agree with you about cultural differences. I have relatives in Indiana and I marvel at the difference in the two cultures. I actually think that kids there grow up in a more nurturing,

      less cynical way. The big churches here in the Northeast seem to be either old established churches or relatively new charismatic churches. But I don’t think even these churches which probably run from 1,000 to 5,000 at most come close to the megachurches in other parts of the country. By the way, I live in Southern NJ and it is an entirely different culture from Northern NJ which is IMHO an extension of New York City culture - very fast, more confrontational. Southern NJ is more rural (although developers are changing that) and we still have a lot of acreage in farmland. Anyway, lists can be fun and stimulating.

    7. David E Thomas on Tue, March 06, 2007

      The pastor of the “Top Church” has posted a WONDERFUL response on his blog

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