Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Today’s Buzz:  Polka Worship; MyNaked Pastor; Tony and Country Music; and more!

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    Is Tony Going Country?
    If any of you read Tony Morgan’s blog, you’re probably aware that he has one wish… the total eradication of country music from the planet.  Well, why is it last night, when I attended our country fair (yes, we still have those here in Ohio) and went to the concert featuring country artist Mark Wills, that the only person I could think of was Tony Morgan?  Come to think of it, I’ve never seen Tony and Mark in the same place at the same time.  Maybe Tony’s moonlighting on Newspring with a few country shows here and there.  Wish you could’ve been there Tony… I’m sure you would have not liked it. 

    MyNakedPastor is up and running...
    I watched a little bit this morning… it seems that Troy likes country music.  Sorry Tony… I think country is taking over the world.  You can watch the live feed at Troy will be bringing his live feed to Innovate as well at the end of the month.

    Both Bishop Weeks and Juanita Byrom Break their Silence...
    Continuing the real life soap opera of popular Bishop Thomas Weeks, who’s accused of beating, stomping, choking and threatening his wife (also famed TV evangelist Juanita Bynum) outside an Atlanta hotel:  Bishop Weeks says:  “Because of the method in which this was handled just hours following the situation, it has not only hurt me, but has damaged the reputation of Christians around the world.” Huh?!  As for Bynum’s response, she said on TBN last week that she harbors no bitterness toward her husband. She also vowed not to say anything negative about him.  “He’s a brilliant man and I believe God is [going to] get that purpose out of his life. Maybe he wasn’t meant to be with me and so that’s why I wish him the best. I wish him the best.” She also gave her attorney permission to start the divorce proceedings.  Both remain in full-time ministry without skipping a beat.  Source. Any thoughts?

    TD Jakes Responds to the Bishop Weeks/Juanita Byron Situation
    Bishop Jakes wrote an op ed piece for the Atlanta Journal Constitution, saying he was ‘concerned and saddened’ by the situation; and advocating that the church take a deeper look at the issue of abuse.  You can read his piece here. But Dr. Shayne Lee, a professor at Tulane University thinks Jakes response was sanitized and political.  He says:  “Pretend Juanita Bynum is your sister, mother, or daughter who was stomped, beaten and choked by her husband.  In response to such brutality, would you want one of the most powerful preachers in America to craft a sanitized and diplomatic statement on her behalf such as the one in the Atlanta Journal Constitution?  Hell no!” Source. More at the Dallas News Religion Blog What do you think of TD Jakes comments?

    Darn… I missed it!
    You don’t know how disappointed I am!  Source

    Willow Creek’s Leadership Summit to Hit Nearly 80 Countries Worldwide
    Some countries have been itching for the one of the most recognized leadership summits to come to their local cities and train hundreds of pastors who otherwise have little resources available to them.  This month, the Willow Creek Leadership Summit will make landfall in 78 cities overseas, following the success of the North American summit in August.  “By all accounts, Summit ‘07 was rated the best ever,” said Bill Hybels, senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church. The Aug. 9-11 Leadership Summit was in its 12th year and beamed via satellite to 138 cities in the United States and Canada from the Willow Creek campus in South Barrington, Ill.  Now on DVD, the prominent summit will launch in global sites on Sept. 28 and run through Dec. 7 as the event schedule adapts to the cultural variances of different countries.  New sites added to this year’s global summit include three cities in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malaysia, and Singapore among others, some of which were sponsored by church leaders in North America.  More here.

    Southern Baptists Sell FamilyNet to Charles Stanley and InTouch...
    At its peak, the Southern Baptist Convention produced a remarkable number and variety of radio and TV programs, ranging from preaching to documentaries to animation. But Southern Baptists’ broadcasting fortunes began to dim years ago. And now it’s fade to black. Faced with financial losses, SBC leaders have agreed to sell what’s left of the denomination’s broadcast operation — FamilyNet, a TV network and satellite radio channel — to In Touch Ministries of Atlanta. The remaining 36 employees will get generous severance, and the 80,000-square-foot headquarters in West Fort Worth will go on the market, said Tim Patterson, a Jacksonville, Fla., pastor who chaired the task force that recommended selling FamilyNet. More here...

    I Guess This is one Solution (and an Old Testament Remedy)...
    A man cut off his own penis and threw it in a toilet ‘so he would stop sinning’.  The 30-year-old was recovering in the Hospital Clinico Universitario in Salamanca in western Spain.  Doctors said his condition was ‘stable’ and he was not in danger of losing his life.

    OK… that’s enough for today, I think…


    In today's Buzz... Tony Morgan and country music; MyNakedPastor is up and streaming; More on Bishop Weeks and Juanita Byrom and the response to the situation by TD Jakes; Willow's Leadership Summit goes world wide; the Southern Baptists sell their TV operation to Charles Stanley. We'll throw in a little polka worship, just for fun. Oh... and a man takes a very serious step to stop sinning...


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    1. Peter Hamm on Mon, September 10, 2007

      [Both remain in full-time ministry without skipping a beat.]

      That’s the kicker for me. He has a problem. He needs to deal with it. She has been hurt. She needs to deal with it. Maybe it’s not really ministry, maybe it’s really “business” and they have to keep the cash-flow going. Sorry for my attitude… but come on!

    2. Edmond on Mon, September 10, 2007

      So, we have another husband and wife “ministry” team opting for divorce. Do we now have new rules for divorce. Bynum said “Maybe he wasn’t meant to be with me. . .” Paula White and her soon to be ex-hubby are splitting up due to different directions in their ministry. What is going on here? Where is the outrage?

    3. Danny Isom on Mon, September 10, 2007


      You’re in luck! The Polka service starts NEXT WEEK, so you can still make the service!! I think we would all love a recap next Monday morning!

    4. kareemc on Mon, September 10, 2007

      today’s society has gotten away from the real meaning of marraige. Men don’t know their place nor do women. When we operate outside of our God ordained positions we could only expect the worse.

      There’s a lot of ism’s that has contributed to the demise of Christianity.

      I believe, ministry is no longer ministry and marriage is no longer sacred. Everybody is looking for business propositions. What happened to true love?

      When I read about Paula statments about their ministries going in opposite directions; my spirit was disturbed. Correct me if I’m wrong, the women was made to be an help-mate for the man…

      We need to get back to biblical life management…

    5. SKD on Mon, September 10, 2007

      I have been in the circles of “charismatic super stars” for the last 15 years.  So I think that gives me a different view point than those who have not.

      I am deeply saddened by the “entertainment” that many of the preachers today give to the body of Christ.

      The ministries get so big that the “machine” takes over and the lives of those around the ministries get run over.

      I am sure that these ministers (Junita, Weeks, White’s) never intended such events to happen in their lives.

      Which leads me to my point about accountability.  I believe that if these folks would humble themselves to God and other ministers that they trust, these situations would not be as prevelant.

      We cannot be an island to ourselves. So we must create safe relationships within the body of Christ for “high profile” ministers (and all ministers) to share their issues.

      It seems in the body, we crucify those in leadership with issues instead of covering them and walking with them through potential “damaging” issues.

    6. kareemc on Mon, September 10, 2007

      The mistake many make is by labeling or being labeled “a big profile preacher.”

      what I like about the Apostle Paul was his humility. Paul didn’t let his name get to him, Paul didn’t let the money infulence him, Paul didn’t allow himself to be called “a big profile preacher.”

      there are many today trying to make their names great while ignoring the purpose in which we’re created. That is to glorify God.

      Are these big profile preachers glorifying God or self? Divorce in the body of Christ, preachers suing because they were talked about, homosexuals and lesbians in leadership positions… (Tell me, how is God being glorified by this?)

      yes, many could preach it but can’t live it.

      What made Jesus different from the Pharisees and religious leaders of His day was, Jesus didn’t practice what He preached. But, He preached what He practiced.

      yes, Christianity has been reduced to entertainment and God has been reduced to a Jennie in an bottle.

      people would rather take man’s knowledge and wisdom over God’s…

      I did street witnessing some time back, and I witnessed to this young man who was about my age 30 years old. And as we were talking he said something that blew my mind, “church isn’t like it used to be.” I told him to explain himself. And he said, “just look around, pastors no longer care for the flock, everybody is trying to make a name for themselves and entertainment is at an all time high. everybody is coming to church just to get a business connect.  anytime you got to go through two secretaries, two administrative assistants and an body guard just to talk to the pastor. church isn’t the same…” “church is has become an after party and morning talent/fashion show…” church has changed…

      I believe in praying for those who has fallen prey to the devil. I also pray this is a wake up call to get back to Biblical Christianity…


    7. Edmond on Mon, September 10, 2007


      Are you suggesting that these high-profile “leaders,” whatever that means, who are undergoing divorce proceedings might be “potentially” damaged by their acts? Potentially damaged?

      What bothers me more is the shame the church is exeriencing in the eyes of the public by the hypocrisy of such well-known figures. Do these people lack any sense of biblical standards for marriage? Are we to believe that God has ordained ministries that tear families apart? If he has, how can we trust his Word, seeing that he compromised his own principles?

      How can we have any sense of sympathy for someone such as Paula White? She would leave her marriage in the name of “minstry,” and we are expected to “cover” her in a potentially damaging situation. She walked away with a home in New York and one in Texas.

      She has brought shame on the Body of Christ. Who deserves the greater sympathy, her or the church?

    8. kareemc on Mon, September 10, 2007

      amen Edmond…

      the sad thing is, we are warned to beware of wolves in sheep clothing…

      a generation of vipers…

      what’s the difference between the bloods and crips street gangs and these gangs in the church?

      what’s the difference between pimps on the streets and pimps in the church?

      what’s the difference between hustlers on the streets and hustlers in the church?

      Whoredom is at an all time high with our so called “big profile preachers.” Preachers selling their sould just to make a dollar…

      try getting one of them to speak at your church and see what’s the going rate they would come for…

      the devil is sitting back laughing…

    9. David Copeland on Tue, September 11, 2007

      All I can say to all the comments is AMEN, AMEN and AMEN!!

      Did we get what we wanted, but did we lose what we had?

    10. Mpho on Tue, September 11, 2007

      Well all the comments I can say they are valid and true. But I have always had one question maybe some of you can answer me, we always expect God to understand our conditions but the question is, “does He really understand?” Does He understand that Juanitta wants a divorce, does He understand all this other things the we are doing or expect Him to understand.

      So I think there is a lot of vandalism in the Body of Christ and we expect Christ to understand our vandalism to His Body. And true church is not what it used to be.

    11. kareemc on Wed, September 12, 2007

      when you say, “does God understand our conditions?” the Bible says, “He was tempted in all manners, but He sinned not…” (paraphrasing)

      the problem comes when we want God to line up to our conditions. we got this thing twisted. We are to line up to God and not the other way around.

      This new prosperity gospel has blined many to Gospel fundamental gospel truths. its to the point where everybody is looking for some feel good feeling and yet when it’s time to bear their cross they crumble and cry.

      God promised His disciples an cross not material wealth. The Apostle Paul encourages us to endure to the end; not quit half way through.

      what would of happened if Jesus decided to quit on the Vi Dela Rosa? What would of happened if Jesus would of came down from the cross because the pain was too much for Him to bear? When Jesus felt like giving in the Bible says, “He went a little further…”

      This is the same principles we are to apply to marraige and to life. I pray these marraiges would endure to the end. This is the key to love “endurance.” Love endures all. Love would love you when you don’t love love back, love would give you strength to make the marraige right. Above all, love covers a multitude of sins…

      Men were created for the glory of God and women for the glory of man…

      It’s Paula’s job to line up to her husband Randy. 

      The story is told about a married couple, the wife was saved but the husband wasn’t. The husband drove, but the wife didn’t. Every Sunday the wife would get up and cook her husband breakfast, serve her husband the breakfast in bed, get dressed, walk 5 miles to church, walk 5 miles back home, cook her husband dinner, serve him the dinner while he watched tv, and upheld all her wife duties. This wife did this consistently without complaining. One Sunday the wife got up and started on her routine, she got up made her husband breakfast, and when she went to serve him his food he wasn’t laying in the bed. So she left the food on the bed and headed towards the bathroom, her husband came out of the bathroom fully dressed in a suit. the wife asked the husband, “where are you going?” he responded, “I’m going to church with you…” She rejoiced, “Praise be to God…” He responded, “Every Sunday I watched you and you never complained, you never ridiculed me, you upheld your end of the marraige even when I didn’t…I want to go and meet the God you’re serving…”

      The wife upheld her duties and by doing so her husband got saved…

      I pray for all the other marraiges that’s on the verge of becoming an Hollywood story…I speak the blessings, love and endurance of Christ into these marraiges in the name of Jesus Christ…

    12. SKD on Thu, September 13, 2007


      In NO way and I saying that we “cover” sinful actions and say it is ok.

      Sin is sin.  If it is lying, stealing, divorce or murder.  The Bible makes that clear.

      The problem is that in our entertainment society, the “church” body has encouraged “superstars” in the pulpit.

      I believe do not believe this is what Christ intended for the New Testament Church today.

      Through the church’s ignorance, the Devil has had a “field day” making a mockery of the church.

      The church needs to wake up and read our Bibles and become learned in the things of God.  It is every Christian’s responsibility.

      That is probably what the 30 yr old on the street was saying, that is one way the church has changed.

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