Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Two New Church Campuses This Weekend:  2,700 People

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    You can read more about Mars Hill’s new campus, as well as an interview with their campus pastor here.

    And here’s more on NewSpring’s new campus (be sure to watch the video); along with Perry’s thoughts from yesterday...

    Great job guys!

    Both NewSpring and Mars Hill Seattle added new campuses this last weekend. Mars Hill's new Bellevue campus had over 1,000 people in attendance. New Spring's Greenville campus hosted over 1,700 people. According to Perry Noble, they were hoping for around a 1,000 their first week. And most surprising was that their Anderson campus was also UP in attendance for the weekend. Great job to both Perry and Mark Driscoll and their teams for a great weekend and starts of new works that will no doubt influence many people and bring many new converts to the body of Christ over the next years in their communities...


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    1. deaubery on Thu, July 17, 2008

      lenoard you said they had leadership in the church along with the satellite, as long as they have ministers to relate to then that is not such a problem. and i think if a pastor sends someone to pastor another church , he should be the overseeing pastor until he has it somewhat established before he put him/her altoghether on their see if they are god lead or just wanted to try their wings.young pastors does need guidence.

    2. DanielR on Thu, July 17, 2008

      Bonk, bonk, bonk ..... that’s me banging my head against the wall.

      I’ve love the posts at MMI but I’ve really got to remember to skip some of the comments. 

      Todd, maybe you could find some kind of filtering software so readers could automatically filter out the asinine comments?

      I read about new church venues opening and lots of people showing up and I rejoice.  Even if most of the people who attended the Greenville campus are not new but people who normally attend the Anderson campus, it’s still a new church that may reach people in Greenville who couldn’t or wouldn’t travel to Anderson.  And any new church venue anywhere in Seattle has my support because Seattle needs all the Christianity anyone can bring to it.  Almost as badly as San Francisco.  And so I rejoice.

      And then I read the comments of some who are just skeptical of this particular issue and some who never have anything good to say about anything ever.  And I end up banging my head against the wall.

      Sure you could do multi-campus wrong, but you can also do it right.  Why make the assumption that either of these churches is doing it wrong unless you have some evidence of that?  Why? Because some people are just negative and critical of anything and everything.

      Two new churches opened and people came and heard the Gospel.  Rejoice.

    3. Jim in NJ on Thu, July 17, 2008

      I suspect that many people who object to multi-site, long distance, teaching feel that a certain closeness is lost between the preaching pastor and the congregation. There would be the same concern for many mega churches where it would be almost impossible to have a close relationship to the senior pastor. That is why small groups and assistant pastors have to work hard at giving people the personal touch they need. As I approach senior status, I sometimes feel uncomfortable when I hear of unfamiliar things. Then I look at my home church. It has changed so much over the last 10 years or so. If the 10 year ago me was transported to my current church, I would feel very uncomfortable. But, going through gradual change over the years, I feel very welcome where I am now. We, as Christians have to stop condemning anything other than what we are used to as “of the devil.” As long as the essential beliefs are taught, what does the form matter? If I walked into a church on the other side of the world, I probably would feel out of place both linguistically and culturally. Can’t we all just get along and rejoice that more people are being drawn into church who wouldn’t attend the traditional church with its 3 hymns, 3-point, 20 minute sermon, rote prayer, responsive reading, and King James version only. That traditional church is fine for some, but a stumbling block to others.

    4. JOANN on Wed, July 23, 2008

      How about asking some of us attenders of the multi site church how we feel!!! well it is awesome god is doing great things for our a matter of fact my daughter gave her life to christ on the first service at this site.

      Thanks NewSpring!!!!!

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