Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Watchdogging the Watchdogs

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    John’s excellent post about John Macarthur and his upcoming book Truth War gives clear evidence as to just how high up the “watch-dogging” craze goes. When prominent Church leaders begin to advocate a “devil in our midst” philosophy (no pun intended), then the lower ranks may take their lead and begin seeing the devil everywhere as well. Think Salem Witch trials but without the burning at the stake (at least not yet)…

    According to the proponents of these “discernment” ministries, almost everything that is happening in the American Christian church is bad/negative/apostate in some form or another…

    In their minds, these people are the faithful remnant while the vast majority of people involved in the American Church have abandoned Christ. From their perspective, this wholesale apostasy leaves only the few who REALLY know and REALLLY understand how Christianity is REALLY supposed to work, leaving the rest of us out in the cold and in the Dark.

    But how do these “watch-doggies” end up where they are at, believing themselves to be among the few faithful while the overwhelming majority of the Church (at least in the States) are traveling down the road to ruin? I would suggest one possibility – They have tickled their own ears.

    Click here to continue to read Scott’s great article on Watchdogging the Watchdogs...

    Then, come back here to MMI… I’d love to hear your comments on this one…

    Scott has a fascinating article over at his Verum Serum blog. Her writes... As the issues connected to Christian “watch-dogging” have heated up, I have become more and more fascinated with the whole concept of people feeling as though they have been called upon (by God) to keep watch over the rest of us. Mind you, I’m not speaking of the “pastors as shepherds of their flock” kind of watching, but more along the lines of the “Big Brother is watching you” kind of watching...


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    1. scott ragan on Fri, January 19, 2007

      After wading in the Watch Dog Waters for awhile, it is nice to come over to a site like this and read some well-thought-out, non-reactionary thoughts and comments.  It’s not so much that people here agree with what I said.  It’s more that the tone is measured and reasonable and not escalating to the “Scott is going to hell” level that I have been getting used to.  I have to say that doing the two “Tickling One’s Own Ears” posts was cathartic.  After going head to head with Ken, Ingrid and some of their other more “enthusiastic” supporters for the last year, everything inside of me just seemed to yell “Enough!”  I was able to purge a lot of the frustration and disappointment out of my spiritual system (at least for now).

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