Monday Morning Insights

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    When is Your Worship Too Loud?

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    1.  The music is too loud when the volume distracts from worship.  Muchow relates about a service where the congregational singing was wonderful until the organist got to the last verse.  At this verse the organist did a showy demonstration and greatly increased the volume of the organ.  Muchow said everyone began to take notice of the organist and the attention was no longer on the text of the song.  He says “the volume of the music is just right when it is not noticed.  Our bodies should feel the music, not notice the volume.”

    2.  The music is too loud when it is no longer musical.  Muchow says that “high volume is not a synonym for excellence.  Beginning musicians often try to use loud volume to make up for a lack of accuracy and practice - as if the louder they play, the better their musicianship will sound.” Muchow also shares about the plight of other musicians on stage when one instrument is too loud - they also turn up their volume to hear themselves.  Muchow suggests that musicians should seek to have varying dynamics in their music.  “When the music is only one volume, whether too loud or soft, it becomes less musical and has less impact.  Using dynamics is a great way to improve communication.”

    3.  The music is too loud when it causes hearing loss.  Muchow states that “repeated exposure to loud noise can cause permanent damage and hearing loss.  If people need to shout to be heard above the music, then the volume is too loud.” Muchow uses a decibel meter at his sound board to monitor the level of the volume in rehearsals and services.  He believes the volume limit should be at 96 decibels (similar to a hand drill or spray painter or bulldozer).  A typical conversation is at 60 decibels while rock concerts are normally at 130-140 decibels.  Muchow says that “it would take continuous exposure to sounds at 100 decibels - such as a very loud worship band and an energetic teacher with a microphone - for about one to two hours, the average length of a church service, to cause permanent hearing loss. Church musicians are at more risk than the rest of the congregation because they are closer to the sound and are exposed to the volume longer.

    What do you think?  How do you determine how loud your music is?

    It's a contentious issue in many churches today. You have a small group complaining that the worship music is 'too loud', while another group wants you to crank it. Who do you listen to? And when IS the music too loud? Here's a synopsis of some great points from Rick Muchow's The Worship Answer Book that can help you out...


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    1. Peter Hamm on Mon, January 14, 2008

      The music is too quiet when NOBODY complains about the volume, though. Is is one of those things that “ticks some people off”?

      Those are good points!

    2. Adam McLane on Mon, January 14, 2008

      We too use a decibel meter. The musicians hate it because we use it to cap the db level at 93ish.

      The congregation likes that we’re measuring because even if they feel it is too loud, they know that caring people are making sure their hearing won’t be damaged while we rock out to the latest Crowder song.

      The funny thing is, if the quality of worship is very good, those complaints aren’t that frequent. But when the quality is poor, even 70 db is too much.

    3. Danny on Mon, January 14, 2008

      I always have to laugh when I see things written on sound and being to loud. I have been a sound engineer now for over 30 years, and one thing I have learned is you will NEVER EVER please everyone. No matter how soft it is, it is going to be to loud for someone. No matter how loud it is, it will never be loud enough. I gave up a long time ago trying to please people. The only one I try to please now is God, and those over me in the church.

      There are so many different things that contribute to it being to “Loud.” The acoustics of the room is one of the main contributors. A propoerly designer room, functioning with the proper speaker system can make a worlds of difference in how things sound.

    4. Brent H on Mon, January 14, 2008

      Danny has a good point.  Loudness often does not have as much to do db level as with good sound mixing.  95db mixed poorly (bad EQ especially) in a bad room can sound much louder than 95db mixed well in a good room.  A db meter is a good place to start, but it’s just the beginning of the problem in most church’s.

    5. Mike Utech on Mon, January 14, 2008

      We are a portable church that meets in a high school auditorium. we also use a spl meter and our worship time target range is 90-105 db on the C scale. Depending on the song and the reaction of the congregation we will raise and lower as needed. I also have a number of individuals who sit in various spots in the auditorium that I look to for feedback. Typically you can also see peoples reactions - if the guitar comes in and everyone leans back then it is too loud. The biggest thing is keeping your ‘systems’ separate - I have a 10-15 db drop when I mute my PA and just have stage volume - on stage I try to keep the overall level under 90 for the musicians.

      If there are complaints they aren’t getting to me.

    6. AndrewM on Mon, January 14, 2008

      I feel I would like to add my $.02 here. Could I ask that anyone considering using a sound level meter as a means to achieve peace on this issue, please dont do so at the expense of the mix. As a musician, sound engineer, etc, I find it tragic to see a person mix with their eyes (on the meter) than with their ears. I agree that the level has to be controlled, however, I have heard so many moments of potentially beautiful music lost because someone was not learned in the ways of sound dynamics and simply squashed the mix to keep the db meter happy. Ok, now I can step off my soapbox and move on.. Thanks!

    7. Dale on Mon, January 14, 2008

      I would just add that it is less about db and more about EQ.  Often it seems louder and hurts the ears more when the highs are being pushed.  Anyway, we are a louder service (about 100db tops) so we always offer earplugs at the front door.

    8. Brian on Mon, January 14, 2008

      If it’s to loud your to old…...I sometimes think it is to loud :(

    9. Eric Joppa on Mon, January 14, 2008

      Your worship is too loud anytime there is someone with a hearing aid in the room, no matter how many instruments, voices, drums no drums…all it takes is a hearing aid and it’s too loud.

    10. Jermayn on Mon, January 14, 2008

      When it comes more about the music than worshiping God. When/ if this happens, you ditch the musicians and just focus on worship…

      Why do musicians think its about them?

    11. Peter Hamm on Mon, January 14, 2008


      With all due respect, the volume an audience hears has (usually) no connection to “musicians thinking it is all about them”. The musician on stage is not the one setting the volume in the house.

      And I’ve found it is VERY hard indeed to judge whether a musician actually thinks it’s all about them. Hint: It happens less than most think, imho.

    12. Shaun Wilson on Mon, January 14, 2008

      God’s awesome!  I am convinced that He is listening to our hearts, not our music, voices, words, emails, blogs etc.

      When I lead worship, I am pursuing and expecting the “presence” of our living God!  I take it very seriously - spiritualy speaking - to be the one leading the congregation there…  This involves prayer, fasting, connection with the people in the body (know who you are serving…)

      Music, loud or soft, can impact the emotions.  Dynamics add a lot.  However, many “seasoned” believers see through that stuff, straight to the heart.

      I’ve had scores of older congregation members say plainly, “I’m not as much into the “style”, but I’m 1000 percent behind your heart!  I can see you love Jesus and that floods into the congregation.”

      That rocks!!!

      I love watching God change us musicians into worshippers!  It makes all the difference in being able to lead “annointed, inspired, awesome worship”, rather than simply great music…

      Shaun Paul Wilson

    13. Dave on Tue, January 15, 2008

      Sometimes I like it loud, sometimes I don’t.  This is one of those horribly subjective issues…

      For the congregation’s sake - loud enough for (most) everyone to hear, loud enough to drown out small distractions, loud enough to keep people awake - quiet enough to hear yourself think and an usher yell “fire” to the crowd if need be. lol…

    14. Jan on Wed, January 16, 2008

      I’m laughing at myself a bit.  This last Sunday I was visiting another church and we straggled in as worship had already begun.  My first thought was “Wow! This is loud!”

      As the service went on and I engaged in what was happening I lost that immediate thought.  Others were engaged too, and that had a direct impact on my ability to draw near to God without the “loud” aspect in my thoughts.

      I think that may be the key… when we let God, and worship, He takes out the distractions.

      I think “too loud” happens, in my experience, when the congregation begins to watch and not engage.  I’ve seen that happen.  The worship leading becomes a concert venue, then loses it’s purpose.

      Side Note:  As to hearing aides, this is really true.  They ring and buzz at certain tones, and nothing the artist is doing is at fault.  I think sometimes we just need to tell the wearer, to turn down their own volume.

      I was singing in a concert with my friend, and she was singing this song that kept building, and ultimately ended above high C and this poor woman in the front row was sticking her fingers in her ears, to block the ringing from her hearing aide.  A funny moment, but probably not for her

    15. Matt Heerema on Mon, January 28, 2008

      Totally agree that the volume should not distract from worship (music, sermon, group reading, fellowship, etc…)

      Tricky point is that music being too soft can also distract!  It’s far more subtle, but music that sounds “attenuated” feels distant and is easy to disconnect with.  Music that is too loud can be painful or even disorienting.

      Mix, context, quality of the sound system, room acoustics, and skill of the band all play together in this.

      We run our evening college services at around 105 dB on average (peaks can get up to 110…) but our band and sound crew is very skilled, our sound system is excellent (we meet in a rock club…) and our congregation is primarily college aged.  It helps them to feel at home.  They are used to rock clubs.

      On Sunday morning, where the congregation is older, room acoustics are not well designed, and sound system isn’t as good, we run between 95 and 100 dB with minimal complaints.  (Totally agree with the bro above who says there will always be complainers.)

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