Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    This was 1981.  But what will the Church look like in 2040?

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    This was 1981.  But what will the Church look like in 2040?

    "Imagine sitting down to drink your morning cup of coffee, turning on your computer, and using it to read your daily newspaper... It's not as farfetched as it may seem".  It was almost 30 years ago.  1981.  The year before I graduated high school.  Take a look at this short news report about the internet, then I'm going to ask you to put on your thinking cap...

    That was almost 30 years ago, yet I remember it like yesterday.  How things have changed in 30 years.

    The church has gone through massive changes over the past 30 years as well.  I've been involved in ministry for almost 25 years, most of that time serving on a church staff.  Things are definitely different now than when I started.  Some of the changes have been great.  Some not so much.

    But what about the next 30 years?

    In 30 years, my kids will be 48, 46, 44, and 42. I'm guessing my grandkids will likely be teenagers.  I will be 75.  What will the church look like then?

    In 1981, turning on a computer to read your newspaper seemed 'farfetched'.  This morning, I can flip on my iPad and read USA TODAY or any other newspaper in seconds.  (The first newspaper took over 2 hours to download just the text.  And you had to pay for all of your 'on-line minutes'!)

    I'm wondering today?  What seems farfetched in our minds about the church, that my grandchildren will think is normal?  What will the church look like in 2040?  Will we even recognize it?

    What do you think I'll be wearing to worship when I'm 75?  What will I be singing?  Will I even go to worship in a building?

    Will sermons still be boring?  Will there still be sermons?

    Will John Piper and Rick Warren still be friends?

    What version of the Bible will we use in 2040?

    What will technology look like?

    How many campuses will Mars Hill and have?

    I have many questions.  Please give me some answers.

    And add your questions and thoughts to the comments section below as well.  What will the church look like in 2040?



    PS-- even more specifically than "THE CHURCH", what will YOUR CHURCH look like in 2040?  What are you doing now that will impact the next 30 years of your church and community?


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    Daily Diversion

    Fish Dance

    Ahh… the fish dance.  I needed this today.

