Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Worship Pastors Only:  The Untalented and Special Music

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    OK... if you've been a worship leader longer than two weeks, you've already found out that some of the least talented singers in your church somehow think they are the most talented singers in your church.  This type of individual will seek you out to do special music (usually every other week would fit their schedule).  As worship leader, you know they can't sing; but at the same time don't want to tell them that they can't sing.  Every been there?

    I remember a Monday morning meeting with my pastor once many years ago,  after a Draker-like performance the previous day.  He simply said, "Don't let it happen again".  (He said it with a smile but was very serious).  The quality was poor.  The musicality was poor.  It was tough to sit through.

    These situations are never easy.  And, to be honest, it is one of the things I miss least about being in the worship leadership area of the church.  smile

    How do you handle special music? Do you work through auditions?  How do you tell people they're 'not good enough'? (there are a number of ways to do so gracefully, but somehow the person always reads through it back to this main point).

    Finally... what was your most horrendous special music experience?


    OK… all you worship leaders out there.  Here’s the scenario.  Well, wait.  First you need to view this: VIEW VIDEO(It may take it a little to download, but it’s worth it)…


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    1. Duane on Wed, July 27, 2005

      I have a way to deal with untalented people that always sends them on thier way, with no hard feelings. Try this, it works; Simply tell the individual that they, like everone else, should spend some time with a voice coach before participating in the music ministry. Give them the name of someone that you trust. This is how it works: The no- talent person thinks that they actually have talent. They see no reason to pay money to learn to do something that they do just fine. They will not follow through and will not approach again because they did not take voice lessons. You, in effect, put thier ignorance to work for you. I know what you are thinking, “what if they call your bluff?” Either they will learn to sing or give up. Tell the voice coach to give them somthing to sing that they can do somewhat decently. They learn to sing and all is well! Leaders must always remember to smile and use tact. Make eye contact when you speak with the person and do not flinch. You must succeed, or you will have to pay the price of listening to bad music right along with you congregation. Failure is not an option!!!

    2. Duane on Wed, July 27, 2005

      I have a way to deal with untalented people that always sends them on thier way, with no hard feelings. Try this, it works; Simply tell the individual that they, like everone else, should spend some time with a voice coach before participating in the music ministry. Give them the name of someone that you trust. This is how it works: The no- talent person thinks that they actually have talent. They see no reason to pay money to learn to do something that they do just fine. They will not follow through and will not approach again because they did not take voice lessons. You, in effect, put thier ignorance to work for you. I know what you are thinking, “what if they call your bluff?” Either they will learn to sing or give up. Tell the voice coach to give them somthing to sing that they can do somewhat decently. They learn to sing and all is well! Leaders must always remember to smile and use tact. Make eye contact when you speak with the person and do not flinch. You must succeed, or you will have to pay the price of listening to bad music right along with you congregation. Failure is not an option!!!

    3. JB King on Mon, August 01, 2005

      This has always been a “strange senario” for the 16 years I have served as a worship pastor.  I have come to the conclusion that the only way to make sure the music for specials is good and appropriate for services is:  1.) You must be a member of our worship team and attend meetings.  2.) you must have a demo ready or be able to audition for services 3 months prior to performing.  3.) We will accept professional artists from outside the immediate body to perform for special events and every month, we audition new members for our choir and worship team. 

      With that, you can easily weed out those who have little to no talent and redirect them into theatrical events or into other areas in your worship service where they won’t have the opportunity to be embarrassed in front of the congregation.

      People who have the desire to serve are an important asset of any church since only about 10% of most congregations are active in participation.  This covers everything from set up to clean up and daily steward services.  Don’t turn anyone away from service, but redirect them to an area where they may be better suited.

      JB King


    4. Sparrow Holt on Mon, August 08, 2005

      Please forgive me if what I am about to say sounds arrogant. Believe me when I say that I am writing with the humility of usually learning God’s truth the hard way.

      The answer to this problem is really right in front of us if we remain biblical in our approach. Of course, the New Testament doesn’t tell us a lot about corporate worship, at least, not as much as the Old Testament does. (The Old Testament is an invaluable guide for Worship Leaders and Worship Pastors (and other pastors, elders, and leaders) when it comes to corporate worship.)

      If we look at when David was first establishing organized, corporate worship, we see that they selected the best musicians to lead the worship. I don’t believe this selection could have been done without someone listening to another person, comparing them with others, and then choosing who was best. In other words, some sort of “audition” had to have been performed (no pun intended). A “picking-one-over-another” senario was inevitable.

      So how do we deal with people who aren’t selected to lead worship (and that is what EVERYONE in front of the congregation is there to do)? Here, a very important biblical principal comes into play: sharing the truth in love. The Old Testament tells us that “the wounds of a friend are to be cherished above the kisses of an enemy”. If you REALLY love someone, you will be truthful with them, even if it hurts. In fact, if you REALLY love someone, your “truth that hurts” can be VERY constructive. In the case of the person who believes they are a worship artist but aren’t, we are usually dealing with an issue that involves the possibility of hurting someone’s feelings or hurting their pride. If this is the case (and in almost all of the instances where I have dealt with this matter, it has been), it is going to take the personal involvement of the pastor(s)/leader(s) to help the person overcome this.


      As pastors and leaders it is part of our responsibilities to help brothers and sisters in Christ grow, develop, and find their best fit in service to Christ. This is many times difficult, time-consuming work. We would love to have a quick and easy formula, because most pastors and church leaders have “enough” on their plates already, but it just doesn’t work that way. We MUST take the time to not just help them realize they don’t have the talent they think they have, but find the talent, and the place in the body of Christ they DO have.

      Sharing the truth in love is not saying things (or not saying things) to avoid hurt feelings. Sharing the truth in love is sharing the truth, whatever that truth is, because we love.

      I wonder how many children’s workers, journalists, media artists, greeters, youth workers, bookeepers, small group leaders, fellowship planners/workers, cooks, stage crew members, etc., etc. we’re missing because no one has loved them enough to tell them the truth and help them find their true gift(s) and calling in the church?


    5. Paula on Mon, September 12, 2005

      I agree with Bobby by letting those wo can’t sing so much go first.  That’s what I always did.  But here’s the catch for me.  Who am I to keep someone from bringing an offering to God if they feel so led?  Have you ever heard that old song about the old guy who alwats wanted to sing in the choir and they would never let him?  He tried out everytime and they wouldn’t let him in.  Finally when he died the church all said sweetly now he gets to sing all he wants and beautifully with the angels.  That song really made me mad. My mom always said that we kill off our weak and sick ones in the church instead of helping them.  Are we so vain that we have to have our reputation unblemished and our performance perfected by sacrificing those we are called to love?  Who cares if they get a little off.  We have gotten so petty and forgotten how to love.

    6. sizegenetics on Sun, December 04, 2005

      Three phrases should be among the most common in our daily usage. They are: Thank you, I am grateful and I appreciate.

    7. Edith Hill on Tue, January 03, 2006

      Oh my goodness - may your giftings large and small be treated to the same grace you have offered.  May your worst preaching moment be placed on an internet site for experts. 

      Maybe it is because of my background - having given so much of my time, prayers, energies, talents, and degrees to the training of young Christian artists, who,in my opinion are limping out of churches in droves - none of us were Bach or David when we started.  Most of our pastors were not Spurgeon, or Moody either.  Thank you Jesus for the church leaders who will plan to train minister/artists to serve—who are as committed to an excellent process of discipleship in all areas,  and the people who do the ministry, as they are to an excellent product—who divert people to a voice coach because they want them to succeed and reach people for Christ, not because they want them convieniently out of their hair.  Thank you for those who understand that excellence is multi-layered and more than what you see or hear, and that there should be far more opportunities in these last days to say “yes you can.”  Thank you for those who realize the call of a Christian artist is as deep as the call of a Christian missionary.

      Maybe it is this nagging question - would the preaching staff submit to a monthly audition with say, Christian theatre directors—those expertly trained in the details of verbal/visual communication, especially after dedicating their lives to several years of theological education?  Would these pastors sit down if the church was run by spiritually sound artists, driven by scripture, who felt these pastor’s communication skills lacked polish, or they needed more dance training in order to cover the stage with more grace, or their clothes were the wrong color, or their hair was too neatly parted, or their diction was grating; their timing was off?  I’m wondering if after all they invested,if they would be willing to join the preaching team of five who preach the writing pastor’s sermon, in unison every Sunday—so their faults wouldn’t be distracting? 

      I’m hoping the answer is no.  That their passion and calling would drive them, so more could be saved.  I would hope their devotion to the gospel of Christ would be worth more to them than that.


      An artist called of Christ is no different.  Good or bad, big talent or small, they preach with their art, they teach with their art, they evangelize with their art, they pray that their art will be a tool of revealing Christ’s character and glory to a lost world.   It is serious stuff - this artistic offering.  It is the stuff of Matthew 28:19        

      Maybe it is because of my recent experience—I have seen far less of the truly awful or proud trying to worm their way into a diva moment behind the podium than I have the truly talented with annointing, training, and a deep desire to touch others for Jesus with their art being told to sit down.  I keep wondering what we are so afraid of - and what strange version of works we are serving. For the sake of one leperous finger we are cutting off a whole arm.


    8. Dan on Wed, May 17, 2006

      Oh dear!  That video is a scream!  Some of you people need to loosen up a bit.  That clip was vintage ‘70 local programming!  I mean, that actually air to some poor unsuspecting community!

      How do we effectively present a message through music?  proper communication, and my friend, that video was way to close to home for many of our churches.  No wonder our culture says, “No thanks!”

      Thanks for the belly laugh!


    9. LeVaN on Thu, November 02, 2006 ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^

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