Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Bill Gates on Church Attendance

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    Seems like a common criticism.  Kind of goes along with the 'church is boring'; 'I don't get anything out of church' mindset that many non-Christians feel about the church.

    So what is the church and it's believers to do to reach people who think like Bill Gates? 

    Many churches have done a great job at making church relevant, interesting, and applicable to conditions that unsaved (yes, sinners) are going through; only to be criticized by other Christians for guess what... being relevant and watering down the message.

    Many churches have concentrated on meeting felt needs:  more topical messages; trying to relate to real-life issues that people are having in today's society.  Find a need and fill it; only to be criticized by other Christians for being humanistic, centering on man's needs and not Christ.

    FOR YOUR INPUT:  So my question... how would you approach Bill Gates?  If you're church is not being relevant or meeting felt-needs of unbelievers, how would you get past his criticism that your church is not worth his time?  How do you convince someone who has everything (earthly speaking) that he needs Christ?

    In an interview with TIME magazine, Bill Gates is quoted as saying:  "Just in terms of allocation of time resources, religion is not very efficient. There’s a lot more I could be doing on a Sunday morning." Of course, by "Sunday Morning" he’s talking about a church service.  To Bill, church and religion are not worth one hour of his time.  It’s just good time management.


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    1. Karen Welsh on Wed, June 22, 2005

      I would ask Mr. Gates how he plans to allocate his time during eternity.

    2. cstrom on Thu, June 23, 2005

      Bill, I would say:

      You’re right – You should stay away from church until Christians like Buddhists and Hindus realize that they need to live the way of Jesus too.

      You’re right – if all the church has to offer are pithy threats based on a shrunken gospel of fear then you’re wasting your time.

      You’re right – you seem to be closer to a cutting edge way of life than the people I meet in church who’s pastime seems to be waiting to get out of this hell hole instead of living a revolutionary life to change it.

      You’re right – you should stay away when the most we can offer you is condemnation and judgment without even knowing your spiritual journey.

      You’re right – and maybe like you or maybe for different reasons there is a new class of followers of Jesus who don’t “attend church” anymore because it hurts their relationship with Jesus.  135 million strong worldwide.

      You’re right - because it looks like you’ve found more purpose in your job that is doing more to change the world for the better than the church; who’s idea of you helping to change the world is for you to give them money to build bigger buildings or for you to piece together scriptures for the purpose of calling down hell fire on “the lost”.

      You’re right - because if the church thinks the thing they do for an hour on Sunday is actually church then why ever go.

      You’re right - because God is love but you probably won’t find much in church these days.  Just take a look at this very thread for proof.


      You’re right Bill because you don’t need the church in its current form to find Jesus.  I don’t know what your spiritual journey has been but I’d like to know.  A few observations since we can’t chat.  Bill, I think the work that you do and the life you’re experiencing already has flashes of Jesus that you probably don’t recognize.  God made you incredibly brilliant and He loves you.  I see that you donate a lot of money every year to people that are in need?  Why do you do that?  What’s in you that calls you to live that way?  Do you feel just as alive when you do that as when you come up with another innovative idea?  Are you aware that God made you innovative and creative because He wants to partner with you in this world to change it?  Did you know that a life as a Christ follower isn’t about an hour on Sunday but a radical way to live that’s more revolutionary than how you live now—if you take Jesus seriously?  Do you know Jesus offers hope not condemnation?  Did you know that Jesus throws love around not hate?  Did you know that Christianity is supposed to be about a person even though it’s practiced like a religion?  You don’t have to waste you’re time on a religion – you can connect directly to the source of the things that make you feel most alive right now.  What’s good – that was God’s idea – He started it all off good and much is still good now and much needs altered now.  If you want to sync up with the source of all the good you experience – it’s not a world view, it’s not a church service, it’s not anything – it’s someone.  His name is Jesus and if He and His teachings were the operating system for your life – you could not experience a more revolutionary way to live.


      Hypothetically speaking – that’s what I would say to Bill Gates.


    3. Daniel Zepeda on Thu, June 23, 2005

      So what is the church and it’s believers to do to reach people who think like Bill Gates?

      It not just the Bill Gates of the world that need to be reached for Christ, but people in general. I recently heard a statistical quote that Christians in America from the baby boomer age represented 33% to 37% of the total population and that at the continued rate of evangelism that those who are in the teenage years today in America will represent only 20 % of the population. This is awful to contemplate.

      It is only when you and I who are Christians finally understand that being Christian is more than a denomination, more than just works, but a life transforming, personal experience with Jesus Christ and Our heavenly Father. It is only when people see Jesus in us, as we live our daily lives that despite our difficulties we retain our peace and joy that they will hunger for what we have. It is when we the body of Christ continually have the name of Jesus on our lips. It is when we who are enraptured with the love of Christ and Jesus fills our preferred conversations that true evangelism will come forth and people will see that we serve a living God who is reigning in the midst of his people. We are all currently looking for that perfect church and it does exist, but only in your own personal relationship with Christ. It is this sacred ground of the heart that true transformation takes place and the character of Jesus is born and a new man arises.

    4. Brett on Mon, June 27, 2005

      I would try to become his friend first and show him the importance of what he is missing.  Bill give me a call!

    5. Molly on Mon, June 27, 2005

      I would preach to him and if needed use words.   “St Francis of Asissi

    6. 1shepherd on Tue, June 28, 2005

      The question assumes Bill is of a mind to listen when clearly he is not interested in the least. In fact it would appear by his comment that he looks at religious or spiritual things with disdain. I wouldn’t throw God’s pearls of truth at his feet at this time. I would focus on the fields that are “ripe and white unto harvest”. It’s a grim reality that not all will be saved and we should not waste one minute trying to save those who don’t want to be. The Apostle Paul in Acts 13 shook the dust off his feet and moved on when the message he proclaimed would not be listened to. If I were in Bill’s circle of friends I would remain available to him should he someday feel a twinge of remorse for his sinful life but my energy would be focused on those who are lost and ready to listen now. Until the day Bill or I die his soul will be on my prayer list. Think of what his assets could do for missions.

    7. Tom Simbo on Tue, June 28, 2005

      Bill Gates has all the right to his opinion that “the church is not worth his time.”

      However, he needs to be reminded that life on earth is but temporal and all that he has now will not be worth anything in eternity, without Jesus Christ.

      He also needs to be reminded that he needs God’s forgiveness for his sins which will make eternity far more a bliss than what he is experiencing now.

      He also needs to be reminded that God expects him to be a proper steward of what he has blessed him with now.  Not giving his life to God and serving him in the Body of Christ is tantamount to being a poor steward.

    8. Tom on Mon, July 11, 2005

      Listen and respond. Church is not about Sunday morning or Saturday evening attendance. It is not church only when it is gathered but also when it is scattered. It is the Spirit that convicts not my words or my preaching. It is time to do church differently.

    9. BK on Mon, July 11, 2005

      The first thing I want to know is, where in Scripture does it state that we are to make church acceptable to the felt needs of unbelievers?  In fact, the question only demonstrates how little “Believers” know the Scriptures.  If churches were more interested in equiping the Saints, by teaching them the Word, and how to read and understand the Word of God, we would not read as some posted here that church / Christ provides unconditional acceptance and love, purpose and meaning in life.  What happened on the Cross, God paid the atonement for Sin… it was not to bring us Love, purpose or meaning, but meant to appease the wrath of a Holyt, Just, and loving God.  Church is not for the unsaved, it is for the Saints, to gather in Worship of Christ.  If churches were doing their jobs of equiping the Saints, each believer would know the Word of God well enough to evangelize without having to bring them to a building, because to the unbeliever, it is a waste of time.

    10. pmn on Tue, July 12, 2005

      Hmmm, relevant/felt needs? 

      Jesus told the rich young ruler who WAS interested in how to get to heaven;

      Go sell all that you have.

      The rich young ruler walked away and Jesus looked at him and loved him.

      Now, that’s what Jesus did with someone who’s heart was not inclined to seeing him as more desirable than anything else, including his great wealth.

      Jesus met his felt need (money) by asking him to give that up for a felt need that would be more satisfying, himself, and yet the rich young ruler walked away.  Jesus did not chase after him nor try to convince him.

      How do you see this applying to a Bill Gates?


    11. Ed Palmer on Mon, July 18, 2005

      I would sing the sacred song “If I Gained the World” for him , one stanza of which ends with the question. “Are all earthly pleasures worth comparing for a moment, with a Christ-filled life”?  EP

    12. Tom Louis on Tue, July 19, 2005

      I can understand Bill’s sentiment.  After being raised in a Roman Catholic (RC)Church and attending RC School through 4th grade, I rebelled against what I knew about religion and God as a teen because it was boring and irrelevant to me. What the material/secular world offered to me in the suburbs of Chicago was much more exciting than what I knew of religion and I didn’t plan to ever attend church again. 

        Afer a couple bad break-ups with girlfriends and using drinking and rock & roll to munb the pain, I found myself in a 5-year struggle with depression and isolation.  I had people around me that cared, yet I was so ashamed and confused by how I felt that I held it inside and continued my quest for happiness and meaning to life.  Things got worse before they got better.  One night, I came very close to being in legal trouble and was brokent to the point that I actually prayed the first serious prayer of my life.  I didn’t want to get religious, just out of the mess I had made of my life.  Yet, God had other plans.

        My mother is a godly, loving lady; althought at the time she was a devout RC and did not know how to articulate or share the Gospel.  She knew that I was hurting when I moved back into the house after my close brush with the law.  She gave me a book to read that contained two Bible verses: Phil. 4:13 and Romans 8:31.  Those two verses, along with the Holy Spirit’s nudging were enough to make me consider the benefits of religion. 

        I considered returning to my RC roots, yet when I woke up Sunday mornings, I would resist going.  “My friends will think I’m a sissy” and “It’s not cool,” the thoughts went through my mind. This went on for about 3 weeks without telling a soul until one Saturday night I determined I would go to church the next morning no matter what.  That same evening I was talking to one of my “cool” friends and asked him what he was doing the next day and he said he was going to church.  I about fell off my chair.


        “You don’t go to church!”  I told him.  He said, “Yeah, I know, but this girl at work invited me to attend this church that meets in a movie theater.”  I asked if I could come along and he said “sure.”  The next morning (Sunday) I drove into the parking lot at Willow Creek Movie Theater in Palatine, IL (my home town).  I had been their plenty of times to watch what came from Hollywood but not from the Bible.  You can imagine the stark contrast I experienced between what I witnessed there compared to my RC expierence.


        People were smiling and seemed happy.  They had music that I enjoyed and a drama sketch that got me thinking.  When Bill Hybels started talking, I felt he and I were carrying on a conversation.  He was giving answers to the things that were running around in my brain for the past 5 years.  I kept going back to Willow for a couple of months and then attended their Good Friday service held at the Arlington Park Hilton Hotel (the race track) on Friday the 13th, April, 1979.  It was there during a solo drama presentation that I understood that Christ died for me.  When the Gospel was explained; I was ready and I prayed.  Before the service ended, I sensed the peace of God and as the evening progress, I was blown away with the joy of salvation.  I knew that God was real and He had changed my life.  I witnessed to a friend about what had happened to me and he listened; even though I can’t remember a word I said to him (I was still surprised that someone would be interested in religion, yet Jesus Christ is much more!).


        After getting involved at Willow and being discipled, I knew I wanted to be in full-time Christian ministry.  It has been a long and many ups and downs along the way.  Yet, the Christian faith is the best thing happening.  A lot has happened in the past 26 years and I am now in full-time Christian ministry.  God is good and His Word is true.  The Gospel in powerful and Jesus does love me.  I now seek to use my life to convey His love to others (in a “relevant” manner).


      Tom Louis


    13. John Sekamonyo on Mon, September 26, 2005

      It is not a matter of Bill, the richest of the world or the poorest, it is all about God’s love, salvation, eternal life and the glorious kingdom of God.

      It is not a matter of our security(financial, interectual,spiritual.political) and success, it is about finding peace with God who reign forever.

      The one Christ set free,He set free indeed, it is not a matter of social class, it is all about inviting Christ, the savior to be a king of your life.

      John B. Sekamonyo


    14. william on Fri, February 10, 2006

      to Tom James: Yes, it IS wrong for God to require us to live by his rules. He gave us free will. If we’re required to live by his rules, then why call it free will?

      To BeHim: Who said Bill Gates is breaking God’s rules by not going to church? Or by thinking and asking questions instead of bleating like a sheep, like you are? God made heaven for PEOPLE, not sheep like you.  And speak for yourself. What do you mean we’re ALL lawbreakers? Who died and made you sheriff? What anyone else does is none of your business. Go BAAAH somewhere else, you sancitmonious fraud.

      To Rick: And I’d listen for the moment when you broke down and said you had to believe in something so it might as well be whatever…

      Again to BeHim: What do you mean how would you convince someone he needs Christ? Allah? Sloppy Joe? Who are you? Osama Bin Laden? You ever thought of just minding your own gd business?

      To Bernie Dehler: First of all, God gave you a brain. Do you agree or disagree?Second, he gave you a brain to use. Yes or No?Third, there ain’t no such word as seperation you half wit. It’s separation. Use your gd brain.

      To Al. You’re full of beans. You don’t have a clue what being born again means. And the worst part is, you THINK you do, you even thing that YOU are born again. (Trust me. NO ONE WOULD DARE ADMIT IT)

      But because you think you already know, you will never make the gruesome unknown efforts it requires to be born again. But then, what do I know? I’m not admitting anything.


      To Tez; yes we must get these individuals to see it our way, And if they don’t, let’s just kill them. God will reward us in heaven. After all, they disagreed with me so they must be sinners. Christ, you blathering idiots, you’re the very people Jesus said he would vomit from his mouth. And so would I.

      What every single one of you losers completely miss is that Gates follows the golden rule; do unto others as you would have others do unto you. If you were playing checkers with someone, wouldn’t you despise them if they let you win? It’s the same with Gates. He plays to win, not to make you feel like a little imbecile by LETTING you win. If you’re up against Gates in business, by God you’re gonna KNOW IT! Bill Gates SAVED OUR COUNTRY! Remember how back in the 70’s and 80’s all those jokes about the japs buying up our country? We were on a freight train to Hell. Then Gates happened and turned our one nation under God into a going concern again. And what happened to Japan? They were pounded into slag. And they deserve it. Anytime you have a country whose favorite saying is “the nail that is up will be hammered down’ discourages individuality. That Guy saved your worthless asses and all you can do is dis him. Well, guess where you’re going to wind up?

    15. steven sinclair on Wed, April 18, 2007


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