Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Brian McLaren Wants You to Vote for Obama…

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    Here's the new TV commercial. What do you think?


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    1. Bo Lane on Tue, August 26, 2008

      I believe, concerning either candidate, that by voting for either one, you are breaking the heart of a holy God.

      Scripture tells us that God has already appointed - and often anointed - those he has deemed to be rulers and leaders. And scripture never calls us to vote someone into any office of leadership - regardless if they are the “lesser of two evils” - which, in my opinion, is a slap in God’s face.


      That’s exactly why I’m voting for Chuck Norris. Or as the Kids call him ... Whip Botty.


    2. Pastor Steve on Tue, August 26, 2008

      I personally don’t agree with McLaren’s choice.  However, I would like to know why scripturally or legally why a Pastor can not voice his political opinion “as a Pastor”?  Granted, we should not tell others WHO to vote for.  But, as a citizen with freedom of speech rights, as a citizen with civil responsibilities, as a pastor with leadership responsibilities…who says I should give those up because of my profession?

    3. Tyler Jagen on Tue, August 26, 2008

      Here is the tag verse for which paid for the ad and which McClaren subscribes to: “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’

      What about the least of those who were born after a failed abortion and were refused aid and died several hours later?  According to Obama’s voting record he upholds the right of a woman to rid herself of a baby that was delivered from a failed abortion and now independent of her body.  According to Obama her rights to let a born baby die supersedes the rights of an innocent child to live.  How does this square with’s mission statement? Does this mean they are unwittingly sacrificing Jesus again?

    4. Daniel on Tue, August 26, 2008

      Tyler, very briefly, read Obama’s response to criticism regarding his vote on the Illinois Infants Born Alive bill. The wording was not innocent. He of course does not support killing babies for the fun of it.

      The way folks here have been criticizing Obama on abortion is ridiculous. Just like political liberals can pussyfoot around abortion, political conservatives can pussyfoot around war and nuclear armament.

      THESE ARE POLITICIANS. Get used to it, regardless of your preferred party.

      Finally, I have to ask. What on earth does it matter where Obama’s half-brother lives and how much money he makes? Do any of us have half-brothers (or even just brothers) that don’t live anywhere near us? Are we responsible for them? How long are we our brothers’ keepers? What about our cousins? Do the rich have an obligation to give to all their blood relatives, no matter how distant? Why just the relatives?

      Come on now, people.



    5. Pastor Steve on Tue, August 26, 2008

      Article gives additional proof of obama’s knowledgable support of infanticide.

      Life Lies

      Barack Obama and Born-Alive.

      By David Freddoso 8/17/08

    6. /James Phippin Sr on Thu, September 25, 2008

      This shows the condition our churches are in,they have compromized the teaching of the word of GOD to gain popularity with the world.

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