Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Kirk Cameron:  “Am I ever going to hear the message that will save my soul from Hell?&#82

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    Will you ever tell me the truth clearly enough so that I realize that my sin has made me an enemy of God: that I am currently on the path that leads to destruction, with the wrath of God dwelling upon me, and that unless I repent and put my faith in the Savior, I will perish? Or have you decided that it’s better to simply entertain me, and on Sundays I can come to have my “felt needs” met with good music and good advice? Pastor, while I would appreciate that, it’s the ultimate betrayal of my trust in you if you don’t tell me the truth. Will I ever hear the words “repent,” “surrender,” “turn to the Savior,” “be born again”? If you don’t tell me those things, how will I ever know to do it?  Please don’t leave it up to the Wednesday night small-group leader. They’re taking their cues from you. You’re leading the flock.

    And now I speak to you as a Christian. If you and I fail to teach the whole counsel of God, and we don’t warn sinners to flee from the wrath to come, and run to the love of Christ on the Cross to save their soul, we make a terrible mistake. It doesn’t matter how happy a person is- how much a sinner is enjoying the pleasures of sin for a season- without the righteousness of Christ, he’ll perish on the Day of Judgment. The Bible says, “Riches profit not on the Day of Wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.” You see, that’s how Kirk Cameron realized he needed a Savior. I had riches, but I knew that it was the righteousness of God that I needed in order to be saved from my sin.

    Any thoughts?

    HT:  Alpha and Omega

    Growing Pains star Kirk Cameron recently addressed the SBC pastors convention via video... here is part of his presentation: Can I speak to you from my heart for a moment? I realize that, theologically, I’m not worthy to wash your socks. But imagine this scenario with me, if you will: Imagine I’m a “seeker”- I’m a non-Christian, sitting in your church week after week after week listening to you. Am I ever going to hear the message that will save my soul from Hell?


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    1. Phil DiLernia on Wed, July 11, 2007

      Hi Prisca:

      On that point I have to agree with Kirk.  The NT is clear that we were enemies of the Gospel AND living as enemies of the Gospel.

      What makes grace so wonderful is that Jesus who tells us to love our enemies did just that for us when He did what is detailed in Philippians 2.  We become friends after becoming His children and not before.  That’s hard for us to understand because we really don’t understand that we can hate the sinner and yet love them.  What higher demonstration of love can their be but to demonstrate that love to your enemies.  That’s what God did.  See Pslam 5:5-7 and others.

      God’s peace,


    2. Kim on Mon, July 30, 2007

      I don’t feel that Kirk was saying we don’t show them Love too.  He was saying that we need to tell HOW to be saved and what we need to do to turn our lives over to God.  To many people like to pick apart what someone who is showing genuin concern and care for soul is trying to say instead of just telling them Great Job!  Your right we NEED to be sharing what we believe, how we believe and HOW to find eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    3. LARRY ROUNSAVILLE on Tue, August 21, 2007

      My worship leader prayed “father i’m so glad that you left your throne in heaven and came down to die on the cross and raised yourself from the grave so that i might be saved”

      Is this biblical ?  I can’t find it.

    4. Phil DiLernia on Tue, August 21, 2007

      Philippians 2:6-11, John 3:16, Romans 8:34 come to mind.

    5. Kirk on Sat, March 29, 2008

      Hello! I was a child actor and I believe there is a god because he has spared the world of my miserable acting by leaving me without any decent work in popular acting since “Growing Pains.”  I turned to writing in 2003 and found that it, too isn’t for me, yet I stlll persist in trying to work in Hollywood. I made a series of unethical decisions that caused internal turmoil and I didn’t know how to live with myself. Rather than manning up, taking control of my own actions and making a life changing choice to be a person who stands behind his personal moral code, I searched for a new moral code surrounded by dogma to guide me and I found the church. Now, I’d like to ram it down your throat.

    6. deaubry on Mon, March 31, 2008

      lenoard, i beleave you are right , kirks style might not be for every one , i have always said god knew what he was doing when he saved us and called us , i believe god uses different people for different peoples needs, what i am trying to say is , god might call you to minister to someone that would not listen to another person, but i have been to a baptist church a few times and i have never heard anyone preach on repentance more than baptist, i am not a baptist i go to a pentacostal church, but the baptist really beleave in repentance, i have not been to a baptist church for about five years now but i cant believe they have changed their message, and the baptist preachers i have heard is not for the faint in heart , but i believe kirk can minister to people that no one else can. i could be wrong, i was wrong once [smile]

    7. Galena on Tue, May 19, 2009

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    8. Shawn Wilson on Fri, January 29, 2010

      Does anyone find it funny like I do that the Way of the Master people base their WHOLE approach to witnessing on one way Jesus responded to a person? 
      That’s like someone only praying for healing by spitting on the ground, making mud, and putting it where ever the place to be healed on the body is.
      I like Kirk in things like Fire Proof. But when it comes to the way the WOTM peeps go about it, it seems more about making converts then disciples.  I mean Jesus just told the disciples to follow Him, as far as I can tell He never told them they were going to hell if they didn’t follow Him.  (I mean of course they would but He didn’t out right say that to them.)  What about the woman caught in adultery?  He just told her to quit!! Straight up!

      Jesus- “Hey woman where are the people that condemn you? 
      Woman- “Humm, good question.  I don’t know.”
      Jesus- “Well, neither do I condemn you, quit living in sin.”

      Jesus didn’t bust out the Roman Road, or the Official Way of the Master DVD series on how to deal with a woman caught in adultery.  He just told her to stop.  And the amazing this is, SHE DID!!  Maybe it was the fact that Jesus took an interest in her that cause her to stop living a life she knew deep down was killing her.

      Are there times to yell and scream?  Sure.  But not everytime.  It’s about being lead by the Holy Spirit.

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