Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Mark Driscoll on the Trends in Worship Styles

    “I’ll be happy when we have more than just prom songs to Jesus sung by some effeminate guy on an acoustic guitar offered as mainstream worship music. Right now most worship music is still coming from the top down through such things as Christian radio and record labels. But the trend today in a lot of churches is writing your own music to reflect your culture and community, and I pray this trend of music from the bottom up continues.”

    SOURCE:… read more here.

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    FOR DISCUSSION: What do you think of Mark’s comments?  Agree or disagree?  What do you think worship music will look like in most churches (or in your church) in five years?

    In a recent magazine interview Mark Driscoll was recently asked: "What trends in church and worship styles do you see? Are they positive or negative?" You might (or might not) be suprised by his response... (Mark ALWAYS has a way with words)...

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    1. how to detox on Wed, October 15, 2008

      Hi everyone

      I am a new member and really would appreciate some advice. for past two years I have been befriending an alcoholic. It really has been the most tragic story - this lady was only 52 and a doctor also. Anyway I have been to see her practically every day for past two years. She died suddenly last week.

      The post mortem showed she died of liver failure. What I would like to know is ..................and this is what is torturing me. When I found her she was sitting in exact same position I had left her in. Also going on what she had drunk since I had last saw her day before - tells me she has died probably an hour or so after I left…... What actually happens when someone dies of liver failure? I have been torturing myself that she would have been in agony or having some sort of seizure/attack?

      I am so sorry to be so morbid but this is tearing me apart. She only had me. She had more money than all my family and friends put together but she had nothing. She was terrified of life.

      Regards, Richardson

      how long does alcohol stay in your system

    2. how to play guitar on Sun, October 19, 2008

      That was really nice of you, praise songs was really nice.. it soothes me into my soul, and makes me realize how beautiful life is, despite of many problems that came into my life. I still survive!

    3. style advice on Sat, November 29, 2008

      I have many favortie songs and chorus in the touchy feely category, I’m just looking for a little balance so that the gospel will be more appealing to men.

    4. Elijah on Tue, May 19, 2009

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    5. Inspirational Christian on Sat, November 28, 2009

      I think it’s just anything which truly comes from the heart and expresses your emotions. If it is a certain song then why not? smile And the same song can bring out a lot of emotions in one person while being totally irrelevant to the feelings of someone else, so I would say it completely depends on an individual and his/her state of mind..

    6. Fleece Vest on Mon, January 04, 2010

      I agree that contemporary worship music could use songs with a lot more theological diversity and depth to them than much of what is being currently produced.Thanks

    7. Gary on Mon, May 23, 2011

      i’m not making a choice, but will simply offer my experience, when I hear songs sung by Chris Tomlin I do not connect with it, makes my “skin crawl a bit” like a handshake that is not firm…just saying, right, wrong or indifferent, that’s my experience. If Chris connects with and blesses others more power to him. I do have concerns about the feminization of our church culture that may just further drive men away and further compound issues

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