Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    David Wilkerson:  Earth-Shattering Calamity is About to Happen.  Stock up on Food.

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    Are there really any other choices?

    I am not saying that Wilkerson is trying to dupe anybody (as in #3).  But I am not saying that #1 is correct either.

    Personally, I always have a bit of a problem with God speaking directly and specificially to one person, particularly in an audible voice; kinda like the way God does with Pat Robertson every December.  Particularly when it turns out the God is wrong more than half the time.  Call my cynical and skeptical, but I just have a hard time believing #1 with my whole heart.  Maybe I’ll feel different if/when God speaks that directly and audibly to me.

    It reminds me of the lady who comes up and says that God told her that she was supposed to sing a certain solo.  I told her that God definitely hadn’t told me that (and, by the way, she couldn’t sing.)

    It would be kind of like me telling you that God told me that I was supposed to come to your house for dinner today.

    OK… back to the matter at hand.  How do you take this word from Wilkerson?  What’s your choice:  #1, #2, or #3?  And is there really any other choice?

    Are you running to the grocery store to stock up on canned food items?  Are you laughing this off?  Or are you seriously thinking about what might happen?

    I’d love to hear your input…

    You can read Wilkerson’s full blog post on the topic here...


    Over the weekend, famed evangelist says he felt "compelled by the Holy Spirit" to send out an urgent message to all of his friends all over the world. Here is what he said (all caps included):


    Practically speaking, Wilkerson advises to "lay in store a thirty-day supply of non-perishable food, toiletries and other essentials."

    When I read things like this, I think that this message, and its messenger, in particular, has to be one of three things:

    1. Wilkerson is right: this is a legitimate message that Wilkerson heard from God that we need to take seriously and heed.

    2. Wilkerson is wrong; God didn't tell him this and it won't happen; but Wilkerson truly feels this is a legitimate message and that God told him to tell everyone (Wilkerson is duped)

    3. Wilkerson is wrong; God didn't tell him this and it won't happen; and Wilkerson is trying to dupe us all for some good publicity.


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    1. Ron Forseth on Mon, March 09, 2009

      God has worked unmistakeable miracles through David Wilkerson in the past.  It’s blessed me personally.  That certainly doesn’t validate everything he has done or might do. I want to be attenentive and humble, listening if God might be saying something to me or all of us about this calamity. 1 Corinthians 14:29 allows people to prophecy and then instructs others to confirm or disconfirm the prophecy.  My discernment is that this particular prophecy is not from God.  But if it is, this is the kind of prophecy I would expect from one of the two witnesses (Revelation 11:3).  Whether this prophecy is true or not, calamity of the greatest magniture is on its way.  The Spirit will make the truth of this prophecy known to his people collectively as we walk with him.  And we can check in 29 days from now. God bless David Wilkerson and may we not act as sharks in the water toward our brother.

    2. John Burton on Mon, March 09, 2009

      Friday night I was ministering in Detroit, and I received a vision of a ‘maddening spirit’ that’s coming.  I feel the church must be ready to minister to these people.

      You can read the article, along with Brother David’s at

    3. Roger Lewis on Mon, March 09, 2009

      I think you didn’t read this one close enough.  There is no indication he heard “an audible voice.”  David Wilkerson has been a prophetic voice for many year.although he adamantly refuses the title of prophetc.  It is simply a warning he felt compelled by the HolySpirit to share.  Different from an audible voice.

      I tend to be skeptical too, but what harm can a warning like this do?

    4. Craig on Mon, March 09, 2009


      I agree it is hard for us to discern when God is speaking to us, whether to us directly, or through another, whether the person call themselves prophet or not.

      Even though this is a hard word to receive, I lean more toward heeding it, than ignoring it.

      Quote from A.A. Tozer, “If you’ve never heard God say anything hard, I doubt you’ve ever heard Him say anything at all.”

    5. Chuck on Mon, March 09, 2009

      Does anyone remember Y2K? The Christians were the doom and gloom folks. Yes, let’s be prepared, but the reality is that we live by faith not fear. Remember Jesus comment to the disciples in the storm? “Why are you so afraid, do you still have no faith” (Mark 4:35 ff). I think these comments by respected Christians have the potential to flame the fire of fear. Everything that is happening now in the world, once again is an “opportunity” for the church to rise up and be the Body of Christ in the midst of the chaos.

    6. Alison Bridges on Mon, March 09, 2009

      This is a very interesting post.  I read Mr. Wilkerson’s post and I find nothing manipulative or out of line with it.  I personally find this somewhat of a comfort to me, as the Lord impressed upon me at the first of the year that I needed to stock my shelves as well.  There’s a difference between being prepared and hoarding.  We as believers are to always be ready in season and out.  Let us not be like the virgins who did not prepare for the Bridegroom.  If nothing happens, then we can praise God for withholding His wrath,  not discredit a very fine man who is simply being obedient to the instruction of the Lord.

    7. Peter Hamm on Mon, March 09, 2009

      If he’s wrong, can we stone him?

      “Do people ‘miss it’ regarding prophecy?  Of course.”  “We prophecy in part” does not mean that. Sorry…

    8. Jerry on Mon, March 09, 2009

      If you have doubt that God speaks to people I sugguest you read “The Cross and The Switchblade” David reltes how God told him to go to NY————results Teen Challange read on then express your doubt about Gods voice.

    9. PLP on Mon, March 09, 2009

      I’m not sure we have openness any longer to prophecy. 1) Because of the individuals who often do the prophesying. 2) The inaccuracy of their prophetic word or 3) because for some reason we think that God will somehow reveal it to more than 1 person. True, God at times in Scripture revealed his plans to more than one individual while other times it was only one person.

      On another note, the comment that we sometimes get it wrong is inaccurate. If someone speaks on behalf of the Lord as having a specific word from him, they should be right on. If not, then they are not representing God.

      Ultimately, my concern or fear is that we wouldn’t know if God is speaking to us or not as his people (what the Scripture reveals as rhema) because of the condition of our faith and hearts.

    10. John Burton on Mon, March 09, 2009

      This is why there is such a need for schools of prophecy.  It’s a learned skill/gift.  We have to learn to discern, understand how to interpret when the data is less than complete. 

      We are weak humans, and we can certainly make a mistake.  So many have shut down the prophetic because of a presumed failure of a prophetic person.

      Remember, we are ALL to prophesy.  Every one of us.  We cannot shut it down!  There is a crisis of ‘despised prophecy’ in our churches today.  Some churches don’t even allow prophetic words!

      Another issue is that of stewardship.  Much of prophecy is conditional.  The results are based on our response. 

      What if a possible conclusion to David’s prophecy was for it to be averted if God’s people pray.

      If we pray, and it doesn’t happen… is David a false prophet?

      My God… help us!

    11. Dave Z on Mon, March 09, 2009

      It’s even interesting that the link on the right of this very article on Wilkerson’s blog reads “God’s people will never be ashamed in the time of calamity.”  Maybe that’s conditional - as long as we stock up on 30 days of TP.

      For me, Wilkerson lost most of his credibility years ago with stuff like the first article here  He’s had tremendous impact in the past, praise God, but he troubles me now.

      Regarding signs of the times mentioned by Randy, I’m slow to jump on that bandwagon.  I remember when everyone was expecting Christ’s return in 1988.  After all, it was one generation after the rebirth of Israel, Hal Lindsey told us all about it.  I even remember a newpaper article in 1979 or ‘80 where reporters had been asked to predict the biggest headlines of the next decade.  #1 was “Jesus Returns.”  These were secular reporters, mind you.  I’ve heard all this before.  Jesus -will- return - today, tomorrow or in a hundred years.  Let’s just be ready for each possibility.

      BTW, when we make the signs of the times the focus of our ministry, and Jesus doesn’t “show up,”  we (and the gospel we preach) lose credibility, as Wilkerson and Lindsey have done with me.

    12. JOB on Mon, March 09, 2009

      “If he’s wrong, can we stone him?”

      Start with the 612 other capital sins in the OT first.

    13. Peter Hamm on Mon, March 09, 2009


      I know that (I was merely tongue-in-cheek) but I think people are not very careful of what they say God says (Pat Robertson comes to mind), and I think care must still be taken. Not sure Wilkerson takes such care.

      I would love to know what “school” of prophecy looks like, too. A skill? I thought it was a spiritual gift.

    14. Don Railey on Mon, March 09, 2009

      Consider the man - his character - and his history. David Wilkerson has heard from God on many occasions, and has been 100% accurate in his prophecies.  Any one remember his book, “The Vision”.  We are living those predictions today.  If David saw something coming—I would get ready. Never discount what God can do through his prophets today. Don’t be paralyzed by your anlysis.  Trust God - calmly prepare and know no matter what comes… God is still in charge!

    15. Art Good on Mon, March 09, 2009

      My thoughts:

      1) If this is true, why post it on a devotional blog that is not read by the masses?  Time for David Wilkerson and Times Square Church to buy some airtime on NBC, or get on CNN or FOX News. 

      2) If this is true, why didn’t God speak to my pastor?  Or to me?  Or to any other number of spiritual leaders in our country?  Where are the confirming voices?

      3) Why isn’t it on the Times Square Church website?  Why isn’t it plastered all over the front page?

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