Monday Morning Insights

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    Don’t Hold Back Mark… What Makes You Angry?!

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    Any thoughts?

    Here's an interesting segment from Mark Driscoll. And, before you think this was put out by one of Mark's detractors, this is actually posted by It's great to see some passion, but you can tell he gets pretty perturbed!


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    1. Brian L. on Tue, June 03, 2008

      I thought it was a great clip.  My favorite line: “You’re seven years old - you should run the website!”

      FWIW, I like Christian radio…most of the time…

      Brian L.

    2. David on Tue, June 03, 2008

      Okay, I could not listen to much past when he said that if his daughter brought home a “wing nut whack job”  and then he described what he would do to him which sounded like what a “wing nut whack job” would do to someone.  I know it was for dramatic effect, but I certainly would think twice about marrying into that family!!  And I worry about his popping a main vein in his head.  I have heard him some but is he always this intense?  I guess John the Bap was pretty prophetic and seemed pretty crazy.

    3. jamie steele on Tue, June 03, 2008

      This is a great clip. I love Mark’s passion and his commitment to preach the Bible.

      Some preachers with his style of doing church never get to preaching thru books of the Bible or preaching doctrine.

      Way to go Driscoll

    4. Jan on Tue, June 03, 2008

      Awesome and speaking what our generation needs to hear.

    5. Derrick Logan on Tue, June 03, 2008

      Does anyone else think he sounds like that guy from the cleaning spray infomercial?

    6. jhpw on Tue, June 03, 2008

      Yep,  Billy Mays pitching Ka-Boom for only $19.95!

    7. Andy Wood on Wed, June 04, 2008

      Okay, I have to ask because Mark mentions it, along with several of you.  WHY don’t you like CCM or other stations?  Not that I don’t share some frustrations with you, just curious.  How could a CCM station or Internet presence draw you as a listener?

      I got up this morning singing (in my head) a dreadful old gospel quartet song I used to hear as a teenager because it was the ONLY Christian radio I could get.  I used to LONG for something that played contemporary music… and that was in the 70s!

    8. CS on Wed, June 04, 2008


      “WHY don’t you like CCM or other stations?  Not that I don’t share some frustrations with you, just curious.  How could a CCM station or Internet presence draw you as a listener?”

      I’ll bite.  I dislike most CCM stations for the following reasons:

      -Non-Christian Songs.  Many of the songs on these stations may be by Christian artists or say the word “God” or “Jesus” in the lyrics, but the content lacks content that could be called Christian.  I cited, “How You Live” by Point of Grace, for example, which mentions God only once in its song, and says things like, “‘Cause it’s not who you knew / And it’s not what you did / It’s how you live.”  No, I’m sorry, if it’s about how you live, we all fall woefully short.

      -“God Is My Girlfriend” Songs.  Many of the current playlists have amatory songs, where the singer sounds more like he or she is singing to a lover than the God of the universe.  With these songs, if you substitute the word “Baby” instead of “Jesus,” they could be played on modern pop stations just fine.

      -“7-11” Songs.  There are some songs where it is just seven words repeated about eleven times in varying combinations throughout the lyrics.  Can’t they come up with something more than droning the same words over and over?  Put the song through a Fleisch-Kincaid evaluation and they’d probably come up at a second-grade level.

      -Low View Of God Songs.  When we sing about God, although we have a degree of intimacy with Him through Christ, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t retain the high view of God that He rightfully deserves. 

      -Bad Hosting/Commentary.  Many times the stories and comments by the hosts and DJs are also lacking in Christian content.  I remember hearing one news short read recently where a security guard turned in an obscene amount of money he found laying around.  The security guard said he did it because he was a good person.  No mention of God, Christ, or anything else.  Instead, it was a praising of the goodness of man.  But, hey, it’s, “Positive and Encouraging!”

      I would turn into a station that considered these things and played music that elevates God, if there were such a station available.  I’d even like hearing a station that occasionally plays hymns, too.


    9. Andy Wood on Wed, June 04, 2008

      Thanks for the reply.  So what do you listen to instead?  Talk radio?  Secular radio?  Sports talk?  CDs/tapes/iPod?

    10. DanielR on Thu, June 05, 2008

      I usually listen to CCM, there are 3 stations in my area so there’s usually something I can listen to.

      I DON’T listen to CCM for theology, so the perceived theological incorrectness of some songs doesn’t make me crazy.

      I listen to CCM because I often have my kids in the car and prefer it over the options?  Maybe some hip-hop booty shakin’ music?  Or head-banging with Metallica?  Maybe Boy George and Culture Club?

      I listen to CCM, I support the local listener-supported CCM station, and I encourage young people to listen to CCM station and music rather than the alternatives.

      So, if you refuse to listen to contemporary Christian music, what do you listen to?  And what do you want your children and the young people in your church listening to?

    11. DanielR on Thu, June 05, 2008

      Oh, and for the record, I love the rant. Some of what Mark Driscoll says mays me crazy but you gotta love his passion for Christ.

    12. CS on Thu, June 05, 2008

      Andy and DanielR:

      (Since you both asked about the same question.)

      “So, if you refuse to listen to contemporary Christian music, what do you listen to?”

      I typically listen to the Christian station that has preaching, talk, and news on it.  I find that their discussions are pretty good overall and beneficial for my faith.  I will tune into a secular station or two on occasion, but will keep things quickly in check if they start playing something inappropriate. 

      “I DON’T listen to CCM for theology, so the perceived theological incorrectness of some songs doesn’t make me crazy.”

      I believe that if we are singing Christian songs, they should be at least in line with Scripture.  If there was a song that said, “Jesus is like my microwave oven,” I’d have to object to that because our Messiah is not like an appliance.


    13. Peter Hamm on Thu, June 05, 2008

      But let’s not forget, CS, that music is not supposed to be a theological lesson, and music that does try and teach and preach is pretty boring and not very inspiring.

      Am I saying that “incorrect theology” is okay in music? No. But I’m also saying that if you’re setting out to write a song that describes and explains a technical theological point (like substitutionary atonement for instance), don’t bother writing the song.

      If you’re going to write a song that will move my heart and soul, and inspire me in some way (much like the psalms do), then that’s another story.

      I’ve heard people come to me with a song they wrote, and in the song they have put every single thing they ever knew about God. They are always awful when this is done. But a song that just focuses on one attribute of God’s character (which is by necessity an incomplete picture of Him) or one idea to make me think, feel, and perhaps even do… NOW we’ve got something.

      many of my favorite songs are REALLY incomplete theological statements. That’s okay.

    14. Camey on Thu, June 05, 2008

      Biting on the CCM… We listen to it some with our three sons and whomever may be riding with us to wherever we may be going. We use it to talk about the songs and whether or not we agree with the words and thoughts to them. We sing along at times and make complete and utter fools of ourselves as we’re going down the highway. At times - there is complete silence as we’re taking in the voices and allowing God to use them to speak to us.

      For clarification here: we do the same exact thing with some of the other music we listen to. If you want to have well balanced kids - you’ve got to help give them the tools to be so.

    15. Leonard Lee on Thu, June 05, 2008

      I do not listen to much CCM or the radio for that matter.  I mostly podcast or music from itunes or CD’s.  I only have so much time and want to control what I listen to and what I hear.  Today with Technology I can.

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