Monday Morning Insights

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    Don’t Hold Back Mark… What Makes You Angry?!

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    Any thoughts?

    Here's an interesting segment from Mark Driscoll. And, before you think this was put out by one of Mark's detractors, this is actually posted by It's great to see some passion, but you can tell he gets pretty perturbed!


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    1. Camey on Thu, June 05, 2008

      Leonard: That comment ALMOST makes me want to hijack this thread. Hmmm maybe this is one of those times when an email is best. lol

    2. Steve Cuss on Mon, June 09, 2008

      Yes, it was a very Mark Driscoll-ish clip.  Very Mark centric as well.  For a guy who says “it is all about Jesus” he very often makes it Mark centric.  How many in that congregation can relate to writing a book, getting criticized and being featured on Christianity Today?  Also, is he assuming that the Rabbis he mentions are NOT Messianic?  Maybe I missed him mentioning his research to confirm that they are not. 

      Driscoll is brilliant, witty and engaging.  But he’s turning into John McArthur - spending WAY too much time condemning Christians and not nearly enough time teaching Scripture and Jesus.  Fortunately, he is still young enough to change and fortunately he has great mentors in Tim Keller and John Piper.

    3. Mike on Mon, June 09, 2008

      I was waiting for Mark to challenge the rabbi to a cage match - oooooo yeeeeeeah!

    4. kc on Mon, June 09, 2008

      Thank God, Mark Driscoll is on our side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. Mark on Tue, June 10, 2008

      I enjoyed watching the clip.  It was very funny and entertaining but of little spiritual value.  Rabbis wrote the old testament.  Rabbis walked this Earth before anyone had ever heard of Jesus.  Later God came to Earth himself in the form of a man and said that he came not to abolish the rabbinical teachings but to fulfill them. 

      Mark Driscoll is funny and I’m sure he is a good guy but he is not a Christian and he clearly either hasn’t really read the whole Bible or he is just ignoring the things Jesus said that he doesn’t like.  Driscol’s ideas are just another example of “reader response hermeneutics”.  He has invented his own religion and is calling it Christianity but he has abandoned Jesus’ teachings long ago.

    6. Brent on Tue, June 10, 2008

      Did I really just read this?

      “Mark Driscoll is funny and I’m sure he is a good guy but he is not a Christian…”


    7. Mark on Thu, June 12, 2008

      Brent wrote:

      >“Did I really just read this? ...Wow.”

      When someone like Driscoll starts claiming the Jews aren’t qualified to teach their own scriptures then its pretty clear that he is building a personality cult around himself instead of worshipping God. 

      Another way to spot a fake Christian is that they eventually start calling other people heretics. Has Driscoll been doing this lately?  Calling other people heretics is just a clever way to build up your own political power on earth at the expense of your own soul.  A true Christian spends his days telling you about the good that the Gospel has done for their own lives.  A true Christian spends his time telling you how the power of Jesus has helped them overcome their own sins. Only a false prophet such as Driscoll wastes time complaining about what others are doing that he doesn’t like.  The path to hell is clear for false prophets.  Just read Matthew 7:21

      Here is another great explanation of how one can slide down the slippery slope into cult worship and bigotry.

      Its clear the Driscoll is no more qualified to teach the old testament than the Jews he claims are unqualified.

      Like I said…  I’m sure Driscoll is a good guy but don’t go to him for spiritual guidance. Go to Jesus.  Everything you need to know is in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  When Driscoll starts contradicting Jesus’ own words he is just wasting your time and condemning himself to hell.

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