Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    “I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It, Then I Went to Hell”

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    You can watch the local news report here with an interview of the sign pastor.  And you can read a story on Ray Boltz here

    OK… how should the church tackle homosexuality?  It seems to me that both of these approaches are dead wrong.


    That's the text of a sign posted outside a Columbus, OH church last week. Obviously, this sign was a take off of (former CCM singer) Katie Perry's song titled "I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It".

    I've been saying for a long time that I really think that homosexuality is THE big battleground in the evangelical church these days. And the past week was a good example.

    For those who haven't yet heard, Christian singer Ray Boltz came 'out of the closet' last week. He decided to take his homosexuality public as he began a series of concerts in affirming churches. Boltz's quote: “If this is the way God made me, then this is the way I’m going to live. It’s not like God made me this way and he’ll send me to hell if I am who he created me to be … I really feel closer to God because I no longer hate myself.”

    Those are the two extremes: First, lash out publically, openly and publically condemning all homosexuals to hell on the church sign; to openly being homosexual and rejoicing because that is the way God made you.


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    1. Kim on Mon, September 22, 2008


      I know you didn’t mean to paint us with a broad brush, but please refer to Fred Phelps by name, rather than as “the Kansas bunch.”  There are many wonderful loving Christian people and churches in Kansas and we are just as appalled and saddened by Fred Phelps as anyone else. 

      I have heard of men and women who struggle with homosexuality who say they wouldn’t tell their pastor because they have heard too many gay jokes at church.  I have known black men and women who felt prejudice where I felt there was none, but it was in the off hand remark and prevailing attitude that I didn’t notice because it didn’t refer to me.  In the same way, it was easy for you to just talk about Kansas as if the ugliness and hatred has something to do with where Fred Phelps lives instead of an attitude of the heart.

      My point is, we all have a lot to learn about speaking with love—even when telling the truth because we still inadvertantly throw rocks even when we don’t mean to.

    2. Pat on Tue, September 23, 2008

      What an interesting time in the life of the Church.  It shall be very interesting how we respond because culture is not going away.  How will we respond?.....

    3. Leonard on Tue, September 23, 2008

      Jesus did what we struggle to do… be filled with both grace and truth.  I cannot be fully loving and let someone stay uncared for in their sin, yet I needn’t rush to condemn people.  This is a sad issue, especially among our teens.  Without a clear biblical (see both loving and truthful) response we will not bring honor to our Father whose heart breaks over this more than all of ours. 

      I would never put the sign up at my church.  It goes counter to building bridges in which truth can be spoken.  It confirms what people already believe about Christians (see the book Unchristian) and spend an hour with students on any high school or college campus if you doubt how we are perceived.

      My 2 Cents

    4. Casey Sabella on Wed, September 24, 2008


      The church sign is provocative, but do we really know what the church is communicating? Could this just be a lure to get people to come to a service where the pastor gives a balanced exposition of scripture on the topic. Though it appears as a typical “redneck, us four no more, get your gun and shoot ‘em” sign, it also might be the type of sign a smart preacher uses to entice people to enjoin a discussion. Just a thought…

    5. Rev.K on Wed, September 24, 2008

      Many in the church has become so hypocritical in addressing sin…many magnify a particular sin and ignore the other sins…yes, the Bible speaks against homosexuality…but the Bible also speaks against lying, stealing, backbiting, gossiping, hatred, murderers, just to name a few…I’m not condoning sin…but I believe we must address sin in a non-judgmental way…and if we’re going to address this sin issue, we must address it by the root which is “lust”.

      There are various ways to minister to the people…and we must use our creativity that God has given us…there are different avenues of learning and different ways in which we grasp understanding…some learn by visuals, some learn by audible, some learn by hands on…

      If the Holy Spirit doesn’t condemn a person neither should we… who are we to condemn a person because what they do may not be orthodox? Jesus taught in an unorthodox way…

    6. Dave Z on Wed, September 24, 2008

      Interesting article and discussion going on over at Parchment and Pen…

    7. Brian L. on Wed, September 24, 2008


      I think I can guarantee that no one outside of that church will enter it hoping to enjoin any type of “discussion.”

      I feel homosexual behavior is a sin, but even I don’t think this pastor is willing to actually sit down with a homosexual person to actually have a back-and-forth civil discussion.

      He is bashing - I just don’t see any other way to look at it.

      People have mentioned the book, “UnChristian,” and while I’ve started it, I haven’t finished it.  I would highly recommend Dan Kimball’s book, “They Like Jesus but Not the Church.”  Excellent book in which he gives his own conclusions about homosexual behavior (believes it is sin), but talks about ways the church can actually deal with the issue in ways that invite hearing instead of just throwing rocks.

    8. Ryan on Thu, September 25, 2008

      Why is it wrong to publicly point out what sin is truly sin?  So Katie Perry can be public and spread her doctrine of perversion by the airwaves, and this Pastor is somehow wrong for pointing out that homosexuality/lesbianism will only lead you to one destination?  Jesus did not beat around the bush when it came to sin.  I never saw Paul try to be “politically correct.”  The Church must be clear with its voice.  I think we are so enthralled with the “large crowds” that we forget that even Jesus had to at times look at the crowds and say “unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood…”  Hard words… many of the crowd left, but the true disciples remained.  We must sound a clear warning… there is a heaven to be gained and a hell to be shunned.  Let us never make an apology for that!

    9. James Warren Moody on Thu, September 25, 2008

      You can’t bash a person to success. How does telling someone that their sin, which is no great than yours or mine in the eyes of God, instill a feeling of grace-filled welcome? It doesn’t. It produces guilt and shame. God does not work through guilt or shame. We can express God’s expectations without doing so. What is the first step to making more and better disciples of Christ? The answer is bringing them to a community where others are growing in Jesus. In no way does this welcome every image-bearer of God.

    10. James Warren Moody on Thu, September 25, 2008

      You can’t bash a person to success. How does telling someone that their sin, which is no great than yours or mine in the eyes of God, instill a feeling of grace-filled welcome? It doesn’t. It produces guilt and shame. God does not work through guilt or shame. We can express God’s expectations without doing so. What is the first step to making more and better disciples of Christ? The answer is bringing them to a community where others are growing in Jesus. In no way does this welcome every image-bearer of God.

    11. El Chiflon on Mon, October 06, 2008

      how would the church tackle homosexuality? I think it couldn’t be addressed like any other sin. Because some of the homosexuals are born like they are.

      -M from Mexico

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