Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    It’s About Time:  Rick Warren Makes the Cover

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    I can honestly say that I’ve never seen anyone work a room like Rick Warren.

    Supposedly he reads this blog (at least that’s what an email from his staff said).

    And when I met him for the first time in Orlando this year, he greated me with… “Todd Rhoades… long time, no see!” Which I found a little odd.  It could only have one of two meanings:

    1.  He read my name tag and was making small talk; or

    2.  The first time I didn’t meet him, I must’ve made a great impression!

    Regardless, Rick Warren has broken many barriers and introduced much change to the American (and worldwide) church; and has done so, for the most part, very graciously.  Whether you’re a Rick fan, or one of his self-proclaimed enemies, you’ll want to read this article.

    After you’ve read it… let me know what you think here…


    Have you seen this week's cover of Time Magazine? It's a big mug of Rick Warren, and a full cover story on him. (This will make the watchdoggies go wild as they parse every word for heresy and error)...

    Here's one opening paragraph from the article: "If Warren is not quite today's Graham, who presided as "America's pastor" back when the U.S. affected a kind of Protestant civil religion, he is unquestionably the U.S.'s most influential and highest-profile churchman. He is a natural leader, a pathological schmoozer, insatiably curious and often the smartest person in the room. Like Graham, he projects an authenticity that has helped him forge an exquisite set of political connections — in the White House, on both sides of the legislative aisle and abroad. And he is both leading and riding the newest wave of change in the Evangelical community: an expansion beyond social conservatism to causes such as battling poverty, opposing torture and combating global warming. The movement has loosened the hold of religious-right leaders on ordinary Evangelicals and created an opportunity for Warren, who has lent his prominent voice to many of the new concerns. "


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    1. Dave on Mon, August 11, 2008

      I often wonder if those who take shots at Christian leaders have ever actually met the person they are attacking.  In the case of Rick Warren, I have been in meetings with him, spoken to him personally, asked him questions about current events, etc, and I have found him to be a very humble, wise, insightful, and Godly man.  Contrary to the opinion of some, he does know the Bible and he uses it often and accurately. 

      He is a person of wide interests, but is focused on reaching the lost like very few people I know. 

      The difference in his approach is that he actually believes we are to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit and care for the sick and the imprisoned or who are being treated unjustly. (I think he got that out of the Bible as well.)

      Pastor Rick Warren does not seek the attention of the masses.  I don’t think he cares what the masses think about him or if they think about him. When he does something, it is because he believes it is the best thing to do to please God. He is interested in pleasing one person, honoring one person, living for one person.  He would gladly give his life to help the pastors in the trenches, especially those who have never been given specific training for ministry.  The ones who are out there in the bush getting the job done because God has called them in spite of their lack of educational qualification for the job! 

      If I sound like I am biased about this man, I am.  I have watched him closely for a long time and I am going to “follow him as he follows Christ.”  He is not perfect.  In fact, he is very human.  Maybe that is what I like most about him.  He is a real guy who does not put on a facade to make himself look better.

      If you want to talk about Rick Warren, I encourage you to talk about him with God.  That is what he needs most this week as he prepares to interview the two men who will battle it out to be our next president.  Pray that he asks the right questions.  Pray that his health is good and strong.  Pray that he honors Christ as he takes on this unprecedented pastoral role of interviewing presidential candidates before a world audience.  I know he would appreciate your prayers on his behalf.



    2. David Andrus on Mon, August 11, 2008

      Hi Everyone:

      Years ago (1999) God used the venue of the Saddleback Pastors’ conference to change my life forever.  I was so discouraged that I thought I would never go back to Pastoral ministry.  On the last day of the conference, Rick Warren invited anyone to come up front and kneel down and pray.  No one grabbed me and talked to me.  I went forward and I discovered the Holy Spirit wasn’t done with me yet.  I have never been the same since.  I appreciated Rick for providing a setting where God’s touch could revitalize a wounded laborer!!!  I am forever grateful.

      Too bad so many have so much time on their hands to ridicule and tear down.

    3. Scott Burnett on Mon, August 11, 2008

      Add me to those who have had their life changed not by Rick Warren, but by the method in which he teaches Biblical Truths. Like him or not, he is extremely smart, very humble (despite his enormous success) and a very down to earth guy, who not only remembers your name, but your children’s names too.

      I can see how some would be against him, as there are those in this world who have a very approach to teaching the bible to a congregation (or to the world)..... but you can not argue with the likes of people like me who can say with honestly… “here is where I was before….. here is where I am now”.... I like where I am now better.

      Congrats Rick on the cover story. May God continue to bless your ministry and your influence.

      I like your blog Todd. My guess is that RW reads your blog, and therefor considers your a known acquaintance, despite you ever having “met’ him in person. On the other hand…if he did read your name-tag and then said “long time, no see”… that sounds like Rick.

    4. Bill Burke on Mon, August 11, 2008

      Todd you said: “Just check the recent post here about the discernment websites.  Almost 300 comments.” in a comment to Fred, you might also tell Fred that about half of those nearly 300 posts (262 at last check) were from Richard Abanes which is par for the course where Richard is involved.Leonard where is the name-calling in Tony’s post?Lesson in what humility is for those who protest that Pastor Rick is very humble: This from a post titled Marks of a Christian: Humility Luke 14:7-11 at The Meaning of Humility.

          A. Definition:

              1. Not proud or haughty; not arrogant or assertive; a spirit of deference or submission.

              2. It is recognizing that God and others are responsible for the achievements in my life.

              3. Note: 1Co. 4:7

          B. Humility is a modest estimation of one’s self.

              1. Note: Ro. 12:3, “For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think…” II. Examples of Humility.

          A. The Apostle Paul.

              1. He boasted about one thing and one thing only: the Cross of Christ.

              2. He certainly could have boasted in his heritage, and in his service for Christ.

              3. He said little about what he had done for Christ, but much about what Christ had done for him.

          B. The Lord Jesus Christ.

              1. He was the central figure in heaven, but He humbled Himself and took upon Himself the form of a servant.

              2. On the night before He died He taught His disciples a tremendous lesson of humility as He began to wash their dirty feet as a servant.

              3. His ultimate expression of humility is seen as “...He humbled Himself and became obedient to death, even the death of the cross.” cf Ph. 2:8

      If you have ever heard an interview of Rick Warren you would more than likely hear of how influential he has been or is, how widely used PD materials are and what he plans on accomplishing through the use of churches to resolve the worlds woes, woes which have taken precedence over the preaching of the gospel as a direct result of trying to harmonize or ecumenize religions that are anti-biblical, anti-Christ or anti-God. To not pay attention to this aspect of his PEACE plan is to ignore the things Christ and Paul called us to pay much attention to. How tragic that is.

    5. HEATHER on Mon, August 11, 2008

      I’m so excited about this Saturday’s “Saddleback Civil Forum.”  What a platform for the candidates AND more importantly…Christianity.  I’ll be praying for Pastor Rick as he facilitates this.

    6. Katrina on Mon, August 11, 2008

      We are all instructed to be discerning. Jesus warned us about wolves in sheep’s clothing because He knew they would come in to devour the flock.  Satan is a deceiver.  He doesn’t come in with a sandwichboard that states “I am the devil!!” He is subtle and good at it.  For anyone to search Scripture and see that someone teaches a gospel other than the one given to us by our Father is wise and should not be criticized.  Fidelity to Scripture should be our priority and something to be desired by the lost who look in.  When we change the message to suit the lost we make ourselves higher than the Almighty because it is the foolishness of HIS message that He uses to save those who would believe. When we cease to hold our church leaders to the high standards of Scripture then we become religious and, much like the catholics, mormons, JW’s, 7th day adventists, and muslims, blind followers of the teachings of men.

    7. Wyeth on Mon, August 11, 2008

      Todd & Peter,

      I think Fred is partially right: you two should “rise above it”.  There was no need to make comments about Ken Silva and “watchdoggies” in the context of this particular post.  I’m not saying they don’t say far more and far worse.  I think you’re right about them “dogging” other Christians.  But, that doesn’t make it right for you gentlemen to make ascerbic and sarcastic comments about them, here.  Just don’t mention them at all.  After all, the post wasn’t about them; it’s about Rick Warren.

    8. John on Tue, August 12, 2008

      I don’t hate Warren but the fact is he doesn’t have a clear understanding of Christian doctrine, including the gospel. I remember, in particular, the comment that “God isn’t mad at you; He’s mad about you!” There goes Romans 1, then the doctrine of propitiation, and if we logically unpack that statement, then the doctrine of hell. If God is not mad at us, then why would Christ have to suffer on the cross? Does he mean subsequent to the cross God is not mad at us? But he doesn’t appear to me to get to that siimple level of sophistication.

    9. DanielR on Tue, August 12, 2008

      John, I don’t think it’s wise to try and ascertain Rick Warren’s, or anyone else’s, theology based on one statement.  Especially a statement that sounds more like it was meant to be a sound bite than a doctrinal statement.  I bet you’ve uttered at least one statement that, taken out of context, would seem unbiblical. 

      Study the whole of someone’s theology to be able to make a good discerning opinion.

    10. Peter Hamm on Tue, August 12, 2008


      Wyeth, you’re right, I had not business “stirring the pot”. Me culpa.

      I really appreciate that Rick is one of the few prominent Christian leaders these days who really takes loving the least to heart and is willing to do MUCH to try and DO it. Katrina writes [Fidelity to Scripture should be our priority and something to be desired by the lost who look in.] I agree, but fidelity to the WHOLE of Scripture, including Matthew 25. Loving the least is something we need more people to stand up and do. Thanks Rick!

    11. Leonard on Tue, August 12, 2008

      Tony, sorry I said you called names, I miss read your representation of Barak Obama.  I see you abbreviated his first name with an initial and used his middle name.

    12. John on Tue, August 12, 2008

      Hi Daniel R, et al,

      The statement (“God’s not mad at you; He’s mad about you”) was made in a sermon broadcast in large part on Fox NC. I believe he repeated the phrase. Other statements of his are equally troubling, such as in his “PD Church” book that there is a key to any one’s heart to get them converted, if only we can find it. The Lord Jesus said that no one comes to the Father unless He draw him, not that there is a “key” that we can find to get any and everybody in. From what I’ve seen of his church and his theology, I would not attend it if it were directly across the street from me.

    13. Katrina on Wed, August 13, 2008

      It is a little unnerving how enamoured some are on this website with Rick Warren.  Isn’t it odd that Scripture says not to seek the praises of man yet this Todd’s title has the phrase “It’s about time” in it?  If Rick is truly doing the work of God then why should we even care if Time Magazine or any other prominent media source recognizes it? Our only desire for accolades should be those given to us by our Father because these are the only ones that are eternal.  Let’s keep our eyes on the ball, Christians.

    14. Todd Rhoades on Wed, August 13, 2008


      Take it easy.  The title was a play on words.  It’s about time.  Time magazine.

      No need to be hyper-sensitive.


    15. Peter Hamm on Wed, August 13, 2008


      I’m enamored with ANYONE who loves God and especially anyone who loves God AND holds up the cause of the poor, Matthew 25 style. I will continue to celebrate the amazing work of these people and glorify my Father by doing it. I care deeply when even the secular media recognizes the God-work that a brother of mine does, and I celebrate it. Kinda like Paul in Colossians 4 celebrating Epaphras’s living faith, in 1 Thessalonians 1 celebrating the faithful work and loving deeds of the recipients, boasting in 2 Thessalonians 1 about the same people’s “endurance and faithfulness”, in Philemon bragging on the recipients’s faith and kindness.

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