Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    It’s About Time:  Rick Warren Makes the Cover

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    I can honestly say that I’ve never seen anyone work a room like Rick Warren.

    Supposedly he reads this blog (at least that’s what an email from his staff said).

    And when I met him for the first time in Orlando this year, he greated me with… “Todd Rhoades… long time, no see!” Which I found a little odd.  It could only have one of two meanings:

    1.  He read my name tag and was making small talk; or

    2.  The first time I didn’t meet him, I must’ve made a great impression!

    Regardless, Rick Warren has broken many barriers and introduced much change to the American (and worldwide) church; and has done so, for the most part, very graciously.  Whether you’re a Rick fan, or one of his self-proclaimed enemies, you’ll want to read this article.

    After you’ve read it… let me know what you think here…


    Have you seen this week's cover of Time Magazine? It's a big mug of Rick Warren, and a full cover story on him. (This will make the watchdoggies go wild as they parse every word for heresy and error)...

    Here's one opening paragraph from the article: "If Warren is not quite today's Graham, who presided as "America's pastor" back when the U.S. affected a kind of Protestant civil religion, he is unquestionably the U.S.'s most influential and highest-profile churchman. He is a natural leader, a pathological schmoozer, insatiably curious and often the smartest person in the room. Like Graham, he projects an authenticity that has helped him forge an exquisite set of political connections — in the White House, on both sides of the legislative aisle and abroad. And he is both leading and riding the newest wave of change in the Evangelical community: an expansion beyond social conservatism to causes such as battling poverty, opposing torture and combating global warming. The movement has loosened the hold of religious-right leaders on ordinary Evangelicals and created an opportunity for Warren, who has lent his prominent voice to many of the new concerns. "


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    1. Leonard on Wed, August 13, 2008

      I am personally excited for Rick, having met him once he seemed the real deal.  I appreciate his passion for the church to be influential in the arenas that seem to matter to God. 

      I heard Rick once talk about the PDL book’s success.  He said he did not imagine the success of that book but it made him very rich.  He talked about his responsibility to be a great steward of affluence, which is well documented that he has.  He also spoke about being a steward of influence too.  In my mind he has been growing in his stewardship of influence.  I appreciate this.

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