Todd Bentley is the new David; His Wife, the new Bathsheba

- Posted by: Todd
- Posted on: Wed, October 14, 2009
- Viewed 363
- (79) comments so far

Remember Todd Bentley? According to his 'Restoration' pastor, Todd is the new David. An incredible story of God's mercy and grace. Oh, and Todd's new wife, Jessa, is the new Bathsheba.
"David repented and God restored him... didn't make him stop being king or anything!"
"Jessa is the most perfect woman in the world for Todd." And when she meets old friends of Todd and Shauna (Todd's first wife), it's uncomfortable.
Here's a synopsis of Jessa's introduction to the world.
She started at the booktable. Then became an intern. Then she became a nanny for Todd and Shauna. She became friends with Todd. She knew that Todd and Shauna were working through marriage difficulties. And when Todd's marriage broke, she'd hang out with Todd in a group. He was a leader she respected, and watching his marraige crumble was hard for her. Todd was crying a lot. "I comforted him." "I held him when he cried". Through that, something did spark. But only after the separation and papers were filed. Then it hit the public. It was wrong. It was a sin. It was a mistake. I don't regret marrying him, but want to repent for the sins along the way. We made a huge mess. I want to repent. We should have waited 6 months to a year after the divorce. I was deceived, and tried to justify it; but in hindsight, it was wrong. We were wrong and are trying to make things right. There are consequences that we will pay for the rest of our lives.
Todd Bentley: "We blew it... here it is". Jessa's been an incredible support to me... an anchor.
Shauna has forgiven Todd and Jessa, and was the first to congratulate them on their marriage. Todd and Shauna get along better now than when they were married.
Now, because of what he has with Jessa, Todd is ready to continue on with what God has for him. That's ministry, I assume.
Watch the video here... I'd love to hear your thoughts...
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Ronnie on Wed, October 14, 2009
Often Christians have viewed ministry as a way to score points with God and to satisfy self. At the end, they’ll look back and pat themselves on the shoulder say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant!” No more about total surrendering to God or about sacrifice or asking this question, “Am I effectively glorifying God in what I do right now?” even when a servant of the Lord is in charge of cleaning the church!
Does God only bless pastors and evangelists? Can a janitor get more rewards in heaven than a tele evangelist? I think so!
Jeff R on Wed, October 14, 2009
Jessa, even if you waited another year to marry Todd, you would still be just as much of an adultress as you are today. And if you don’t regret what you’ve done, then you’ve never repented.
Todd, you are a wolf who has come to deceive and fleece the sheep. May God have mercy on your soul.
David Lee Waters Sr on Thu, October 15, 2009
Most will never comprehend the freedom in Christ that some of us accept.
Rev. K on Thu, October 15, 2009
CS� you hit the nail in the coffin� The Bible does have a lot to say about leadership in the Church� but it�s a matter of if the Church is following His standards�
This is becoming too often the norm in today�s Christianity� Instead of pastors being filled with the Holy Spirit� many are full of *&*! (Sorry for the anger) I�m just tired of the church being made a mockery� Many are divorcing their wives/husbands in hopes for a better marriage� or in some cases, to follow ministry� what a bunch of vipers� How can they truly preach what they aren�t living? What ever happened to the Hosea�s? Who stuck in there no matter how bleak things were� Who didn�t give up on their marriages because it represents God�s union with us believers?
We must stop allowing grace to be used as a license to sin� We must stop tempting God� and for those that say we�re being judgmental� that�s not the case� we can�t judge the world� but we are called to keep the church clean� May we study the Pastoral Epistles (1 & 2 Timothy & Titus) and follow the directions God has given us for leadership in the church. God has standards for leaders�
Brian Hutchinson on Thu, October 15, 2009
Psalms 103.11-12 For His unfailing love toward those who fear Him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our rebellious acts as far away from us as the east is from the west.
When anyone asks for forgiveness, this is what God does for them. I am not saying what happened was ok.
God is in the restoring business, He restored those in this thread that are bashing one of God’s children. Sin is the same in Gods eyes.
rbud on Thu, October 15, 2009
People sometimes make mistakes and marry the wrong person. It happens. In the long run, it’s better to admit the errors and either find a way to make the marriage work, or make it right. But why has this become newsworthy. This kind of thing happens to all kinds of people in all walks of life. It’s rather unnews to me.
As far as being David and Bathsheba, I suppose now they will be moving to the palace in Jerusalem.
Leonard on Thu, October 15, 2009
Brian, you are correct in this thought. God does forgive. Completely and totally forgive, removes the sin and guilt in our lives.
Forgiveness does mean restoration of relationship.
Forgiveness does mean removal of guilt.
God’s forgiveness and restoration do not always mean restoration of position, title and ministry. Never in situations like this does God’s forgiveness mean removal of consequences.
Moses - did not go into the promised land
David - sword never left his hand, did not get to build the temple, screwed up family for generations…
The people of Israel - lost the blessing of God in countless ways
Ananias and Saphira - Died on the spot
There are others. Here is why I think Todd should not be restored to ministry.
#1 He is a heretic. He promotes communing with angels, says he went to heaven and spoke to Paul and Abraham, abuses others in the name of the Holy Spirit… has unbiblical revelations from God…
#2 Even if he were not a heretic, Todd traded a life of service to Christ for an orgasm and alcohol, covered it up, spun it and now seeks to take his adulterous relationship and normalize it. He has caused this woman to be an adulterer too.
#3 He does not want to be biblical. He wants the bible to make him special, help him return, get his power back, show others he is a good person who misstepped, but make no mistake, he does not want to be biblical.
So yes, Todd is forgiven, if Todd is a Christian. Yes, if Todd is a Christian, he is restored to his relationship with his father. No Todd is not fit for ministry.
Brian Hutchinson on Thu, October 15, 2009
rbud—If it were possible to marry the wrong person then there would be instructions in the Bible on what to do. Now certian people get along with better with some than others.
CS—I have not done any research on him except that he has a ton of tattoos & God healed folks in his meetings. As far as being behind the pulpit again, I won’t come to any conclusions. If God has called him back to pulpit ministry then it will prosper, if He hasn’t then it probably will not.
Brian Hutchinson on Thu, October 15, 2009
In the previous post I meant Leonard not CS sorry forgive me—-please
Leonard on Thu, October 15, 2009
Brian, do some research. It is there to be found about his claims. Guess what, even if God does not call him, he will be back behind the pulpit.
Peter Hamm on Thu, October 15, 2009
I’m sorry, but for those of you who think there is any way this man should be back in the pulpit… because of the David comparison…
Healings? None verified last I heard.
If I say I heal people but can’t prove it, can I get a high-profile job as an evangelist, leave my wife and run off with somebody else? As long as I say I heal people?
Todd Bentley is worse than a farce.
Brian Hutchinson on Thu, October 15, 2009
When I have time I guess I will do some research, but it seems like a waste…sorry. What I said is the only thing I know of him. The only thing I was trying to say is we have all be forgiven of something, alot actually. Our slates have been wipped clean of something we couldn’t repay. Why is his different? Just because he wants to get back in the pulpit?
Leonard & Peter are you saved? go to church? Pastors? (I ask this because I know nothing of you, not in any demeaning manner) I know by reading your posts that you wouldn’t attend Todd’s meetings.
Matthew 5.28 But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust in his eye has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
All or the vast majority of guys have delt with lust at one time in their lives. So would you quit going to your church, meetings, or quit yourself because your pastor, guest speaker or yourself had unpure thoughts when a lady walked by.
I know that thinking & do are different things, but you always think before the doing is done. It is in our nature to sin but it is not of this world to forgive & forget like God has done for you.
Rev. K on Thu, October 15, 2009
The matter here isn�t forgiveness� but the matter at hand is leadership� Contrary to popular beliefs, God does have a standard for leaders of His Church� This is an issue we must pray about and deal with in the church. Our solutions must be rooted in and from the Holy Scriptures of the Bible� We can�t get past Paul�s Pastoral Epistles� where it says, �A bishop must be the husband of one wife� this doesn�t mean one wife at a time� but one wife period� as preachers/pastors we�re held responsible to be examples of God�s love to and for the church�
I believe many preachers/pastors haven�t grown in the area of loving their wives as Christ loves the church� (Ephesians gives husbands great instructions of the love we�re to have for our wife)
Leonard on Thu, October 15, 2009
It seems like a waste of time… but you still post on him. Actually seems a little silly to defend a person you do not know about.
Again, this is not about him being forgiven. This is about him being restored to public ministry.
I am not denying him forgiveness or denying that he is forgiven. If Todd is a Christian, Todd is forgiven. It is that simple.
My objection to Todd in the pulpit is that he is a HERETIC… Something you seem to think a waste of time to investigate.
My objection to Todd is that he is a PREDATOR. He used his position and power to justify and hide his sin. It is not that he sinned, we all sin. It is that he used his ministry in seducing a girl, he was on stage intoxicated, he was abusive in his ministry. He traded his pulpit for an orgasm and alcohol… now that he has divorced his wife, harmed his children, married the other woman… he wants it back… Sorry, that makes him a predator and those who follow him blind.
My objection to Todd in the pulpit is his unwillingness to be biblical.
My question to you Brian, who are you following? Do you seek to be biblical or to follow after people with the fluff of fruit? You say, it is a waste to research him. Why? You have an opinion based upon what? If the man is a HERETIC, should he be in the pulpit?
You are right, I would not attend a Bentley meeting. He is a heretic. I would not sit under his leadership. His leadership has led to the seduction of his nanny, abuse of substances, divorce of his wife and harm to his children.
I am a Christian. I am forgiven and if Todd is a Christian, he is also forgiven. I am a pastor and if I did what he did, I should go get another job.
Peter Hamm on Thu, October 15, 2009
I’m saved. I’m a horrible sinner, but I’ve been forgiven by Jesus and I’ve followed him for close to three decades (egad I’m OLD).
Please see the excellent compendium of scriptural references that CS has provided earlier. I rest my case.
I don’t even need to appeal to the heretical nature of Todd Bentley’s theology, just how he’s handled this situation to know he’s unfit for the pastorate in any manner at this point…
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