Todd Bentley is the new David; His Wife, the new Bathsheba

- Posted by: Todd
- Posted on: Wed, October 14, 2009
- Viewed 364
- (79) comments so far

Remember Todd Bentley? According to his 'Restoration' pastor, Todd is the new David. An incredible story of God's mercy and grace. Oh, and Todd's new wife, Jessa, is the new Bathsheba.
"David repented and God restored him... didn't make him stop being king or anything!"
"Jessa is the most perfect woman in the world for Todd." And when she meets old friends of Todd and Shauna (Todd's first wife), it's uncomfortable.
Here's a synopsis of Jessa's introduction to the world.
She started at the booktable. Then became an intern. Then she became a nanny for Todd and Shauna. She became friends with Todd. She knew that Todd and Shauna were working through marriage difficulties. And when Todd's marriage broke, she'd hang out with Todd in a group. He was a leader she respected, and watching his marraige crumble was hard for her. Todd was crying a lot. "I comforted him." "I held him when he cried". Through that, something did spark. But only after the separation and papers were filed. Then it hit the public. It was wrong. It was a sin. It was a mistake. I don't regret marrying him, but want to repent for the sins along the way. We made a huge mess. I want to repent. We should have waited 6 months to a year after the divorce. I was deceived, and tried to justify it; but in hindsight, it was wrong. We were wrong and are trying to make things right. There are consequences that we will pay for the rest of our lives.
Todd Bentley: "We blew it... here it is". Jessa's been an incredible support to me... an anchor.
Shauna has forgiven Todd and Jessa, and was the first to congratulate them on their marriage. Todd and Shauna get along better now than when they were married.
Now, because of what he has with Jessa, Todd is ready to continue on with what God has for him. That's ministry, I assume.
Watch the video here... I'd love to hear your thoughts...
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zad on Mon, October 19, 2009
I read through 5 pages of comments before making this one.
I think those who are referencing 1 Tim 3 are DEAD ON.
I also think they are DEAD WRONG.
First off guys. 1 Tim 3 IS our standard clearly for leadership.
But you guys are WAY over shooting “above reproach.” First off, if they are to be completely above reproach to the world, then NOBODY will qualify except for FALSE teachers. Why? Because to the world (those who are perishing) we are the smell of death. You guys DO know Jesus wasn’t above reproach at his trial from some I mean right? So we have to consider context of that passage. For the legalistic literalists among us. You might want to make sure you ARE married to be in ministry… cause it says you have to be the husband of one wife! So single guys are out!
Seriously though.
Peter clearly LIED, and denied he ever knew Christ. To a servant girl he should have been trying to reach. He lied, Jesus even predicted it WOULD take place and he called him ANYHOW! (Don’t think ole pete is light on sin though, take a look at his warnings to false shepherds! Blackest darkness!)
So the point is JESUS restored Peter… who plainly lied. In fact, if you know what the Biblical meaning of “calling down curses on himself” means… it doesn’t mean he cussed. It means basically he called down spiritual curses on himself… basically said something like may I be damed to hell forever if I ever even knew the man! (WOW).
But Jesus restored him. Read the last chapter of John sometime.
Gal. 6:1 clearly says WE are to restore a brother who has fallen. I’m curious, if that is not to a right standing with the community and potentially to a position as pastor… then what else could it mean? Just my relationship with Christ? If so, you all have said that happens when I’m forgiven.
Lastly Romans 11:29 says the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. I wonder how that applies to this discussion?
Am I saying Bentley is ready for restoration? No. I too am troubled by what I saw BEFORE he fell. The fact he married like this and supposedly refused to work it out with his then wife makes me even more likely to say forget it for now. Focus on learning to practice an obediant relationship with Christ.
HOWEVER, I DO feel the need to warn some of the commentors on here. Some of your blanket statements are WAY over the line. The idea that someone should never be restored is ridiculous. And I warn you that those who hold such a prideful standard may one day have to be judged by the standard they held up to measure others.
I think that some here are a little too put off by Todd to look at all the scriptures on this matter clearly, or mercifully. Worse I shudder to think how you would handle the encouragement of a brother in Christ who needed restoration.
Chelle on Mon, November 02, 2009
At what point would you think he is restored enough to lead others? When enough time has passed to cover what he did to his wife and family? Do you believe our sins, (if we remain in them) die of old age if we do them long enough? The Lord said that if you divorce your wife except for fornication and MARRY another, you commit adultery. Well, Todd is the fornicator, not his wife Shonna. This remarriage is adultery, plain and simple according to scripture. As long as he remains in it, he is not fit to lead. Also, don’t be deceived into thinking we are all going to heaven in a little row boat. Jesus said it’s a narrow road, and FEW there be that find it. Doesnt’ sound that easy to me. I don’t think His blood come cheap.
Chelle on Mon, November 02, 2009
Oh, and as far as the comparison to David and Bathsheba, let’s not forget that David didn’t marry Bathsheba until after her husband was DEAD…..which left her a widow. Yes, David was responsible for her husband’s death also and paid a high price in consequences for this. But the fact remains that Bathsheba had NO LIVING HUSBAND. Therefore the marriage was valid.
Last time I checked, Shonna was still alive…......soooo Todd’s so-called marriage is not valid. Jessa is married to someone elses’ husband. It’s called adutery. Again, not fit to lead others down the right path to Jesus.
carol manglos on Thu, January 14, 2010
well, shoot. Now what happens if Todd and Jessa don’t get along? And what about the kicking and punching people in the “name of the Lord.??” IMO, there may be a spirit falling when Todd preaches, but I would seriously question where that spirit is coming from.
“the wisdom from above is peaceable and pure, easily entreated, willing to yield…”
The things I have learned through the suffering cannot be measured, and I believe authority in the kingdom is commensurate with suffering (if we suffer with Him, we will reign with Him) The cushy, comfy Gospel that we love to hear may not be the Gospel that will make us like Jesus…I’d lay money on it. So Todd, get a real job. Learn how to stick things out when you aren’t being flattered, and grow up, before I kick YOU with my biker boot! (in love, of course)
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