Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    What Do You Think Of This Pastor’s Prayer

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    What do you think of this pastor's prayer. Do you think God is not, Himself, keenly aware of his reputation?

    What do you think?


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    1. Tom B on Mon, October 20, 2008

      This is clear evidence that the Christian right has “jumped the shark” .  It’s over, but they don’t know it yet.  Time for a new program.

    2. TIm Lett on Mon, October 20, 2008

      Ok…a thought or two.

      God doesn’t necessarily place a President in office with respect to what will “protect” HIS reputation.  After all, we had 8 years of Pimp-Clinton and White House Shenanigans that would make some high-end call girls blush.  So, why did God allow him to defeat an American Hero (Dole) and serve another term.  Also, for those of us on the far-right, there are issues with Bush.  After all, if God were concerned about HIS reputation in a Bush Administration, would not victory in the War on Terror have come swiftly and decisively…much more so that what we see?

      I believe that God gets blamed with a lot that He doesn’t actually do.  I also believe that God gets credit for a lot that He doesn’t actually do.  When things happen in life, its for one of two reasons:  1. God did it, or 2.) God allowed it.  I am a firm believer that nothing gets past God.  Either He actively and purposefully DOES it, or He passively and purposefully allows it.  God did not bring calamity in Job, but He did allow it.  And, on the other hand, God did rain down judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah.

      So, to say that a McCain win will be a result of God actively working and causing it to come forth, it just a little…well, dare I say, presumptive.  Likewise, to say that an Obama victory will be the impending judgment hand of God, well…by principle, that would be presumptive also.

      Can you tell that this is a right-winger writing here???

      Anyway…do I believe that either of them are terribly godly men?  No, I suppose that I do not.

      But, I do know that one of them supports more Biblical values than the other.

      -Sanctity of Life

      -Sanctity of the Family

      -Giving a Hand-Up, not a Hand-Out

      But then again, who knows…God could bring blessing or judgment through either of them.  And, again…who knows…if blessing, it could be the harvest of righteous generations before whose blessings we experience.

      Its much to think about…

    3. Tom on Mon, October 20, 2008

      I’m showing my age by having to look up the phrase “jumped the shark” though at 47 I’d hardly consider myself aged

      Wikipedia defines “jumped the shark” as “that point in a TV show or movie series’ history where the plot veers off into absurd story lines or out-of-the-ordinary characterizations, undergoing too many changes to retain the original appeal of the series. Shows that have “jumped the shark” are typically deemed to have passed their peak.”

      How sad to think that standing up as a voice for the unborn should be considered passe. That seeking to define marriage the same way God the Father did in Genesis 2 would be deemed by fellow Christians as a message that has passed it’s peak (jumped the shark).

      Tom B. - let me remind you of part of the definition of your phrase “jumped the shark.” Again, wikipedia defines it as the place “where where the plot veers off into absurd story lines.” I suggest to you that Christianity that has said it is ok for man to be play God and be the one to determine if life begins and what is considered a “worthy” enough life to allow it to be born is a Christianity that has SERIOUSLY “veered off into absurd story lines!” That a Christianity that sees the Word of God as irrelevant to the times in which we live and thus seeks to allow the redefinition of the home is a Christianity that has SERIOUSLY “veered off into absurd story lines!”

      When it comes to determining when life begins one need to look no further than the Word of God. It’s interesting that John lept in Elizabeth’s womb when Mary carrying Jesus entered the room. It’s interesting that God says He knew Jeremiah while he was in his mother’s womb. Yet what is most interesting is that a “Christian” candidate for President when asked in a Christian forum held in a Christian church to answer the question of when does life begin, the only answer the “Christian” candidate could give was that the answer to that question was “above his pay grade.”  SAD.

    4. David on Mon, October 20, 2008

      Reverend Eric,

        You have a degree and you went to college. Did you not hear this simple, easy to understand prayer? He specifically answered your question in his prayer before you ever asked it.

    5. David on Mon, October 20, 2008

      One sideline thing to remember: terrorists and America haters all over the world are praying to their gods (little “g”) that Obama will win, complimenting him on the airwaves, and teaching his “wonderfulness” in their so-called colleges.

    6. Beki Z on Thu, October 23, 2008

      Because God is sovereign, He raises kings up and brings them down.  We live in a manmade unsustainable system.  Did putting an evangelical Christian in the presidency make our world a more peaceful place?  NO!  Only King Jesus will do that in His time.

    7. David on Thu, October 23, 2008

      Beki Z,

        It depends upon how a person defines “evangelical,” or “Christian.”

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