Have you checked the headlines? Much of what happens today effects the church and Christians in some way. In this section at MMI, we'll look at some of the current headlines from a church perspective. You'll hopefully get a 'take' on the news here that you'll receive nowhere else!
Zigging, Not Zagging. Today on THE SHOW with Stacy Spencer
TODAY (TUESDAY) on THE SHOW: Memphis, TN has over 2,000 churches... that's more churches than liquor stores and gas stations combined!. Stacy Spencer knew that God didn't need another church in Memphis... He wanted something radically different than Memphis was familiar with.
In his book Zag, Marty Neumeier talks about how secular companies drowned in market place clutter, in order to stand out that need “Radical Differentiation.” The new rule is: when everybody zigs, zag. Radical differentiation is about finding a whole new market space you can own and defend.
Are you zagging in your community? Standing out from all of the traditional attempts to run people away from God. Or are you zigging doing what everybody else is doing and complaining about that you are getting the same results?
SHOW TIME: Today, June 16 @ 4pm EDT
Kentucky Church Hosts “Bring Your Gun to Church” Sunday
A Kentucky pastor is inviting his flock to bring guns to church to celebrate the Fourth of July and the Second Amendment. New Bethel Church is welcoming "responsible handgun owners" to wear their firearms inside the church June 27, a Saturday. An ad says there will be a handgun raffle, patriotic music and information on gun safety.
"We're just going to celebrate the upcoming theme of the birth of our nation," said pastor Ken Pagano. "And we're not ashamed to say that there was a strong belief in God and firearms — without that this country wouldn't be here."
The guns must be unloaded and private security will check visitors at the door, Pagano said...
Interesting article about "Christian" Yoga. I'm wondering what you think about it. Truthfully, I don't know much about Yoga... frankly because it's never interested me. It it a form of Eastern religion, or something that Christians can use to glorify God. Read this, then tell me your thoughts: As Susan Bordenkircher sees it, Christians for too long have kept yoga on the mat. In her new book, “Yoga for Christians,” the certified group fitness instructor and a devout Methodist argues Christians should change their posture and stretch their concept of worship to embrace yoga...
Pastors In Transition: Why Clergy Leave Local Church Ministry
Why do pastors leave the ministry? Several common issues emerge from the research of Dean Hoge and Jacqueline Wenger: preference for another form of ministry, the need to care for children or family, conflict in the congregation, conflict with denominational leaders, burnout or discouragement, sexual misconduct, and divorce or marital problems. Of these factors, which form the basis for the central chapters of Pastors in Transition, two are especially important: conflict and a preference for specialized ministry. A close third is the experience of burnout, discouragement, stress and overwork. As the authors explore these factors, they provide significant insights into what can be done to help people stay in ministry.
Eat This Book: A Conversation in the Art of Spiritual Reading
The bestselling author of "The Message" challenges believers to read the Scriptures on their own terms, as God's revelation, and to live them as they read them.
Practicing Greatness: 7 Disciplines of Extraordinary Spiritual Leaders
Based on his extensive experience as coach and mentor to many thousands of Christian leaders across a broad spectrum of ministry settings, Reggie McNeal helps spiritual leaders understand that they will self-select into or out of greatness.
Greg Atkinson
DJ Chuang
Dave Ferguson
Craig Groeschel
Bobby Gruenewald
Scott Hodge
Brad Lomenick
Mayberry Driven Church
Tony Morgan
Perry Noble
Dan Ohlerking
Geoff Surratt
Dino Rizzo
Tim Stevens
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