Does your church do a great job recuiting and motivating volunteers? Well, the truth is, some churches to better than others, but all churches would love to do better than they currently are. In this section, you'll find some great topics about volunteer recruitment and motivation... hopefully you'll find some things that will help you take you to the next level.
Peter Hamm writes: "I think it's possible that the hardest thing we have to do in ministry is letting a volunteer go. Sometimes it's because they do something they shouldn't (this happens a lot in Youth Ministry... Go figure), sometimes it's because it's a bad fit for them and their giftedness, sometimes it's because they just can't do the job. For instance, what if your welcome team has someone on it who never smiles and insults people as they come in?...
How Do You Fire A Volunteer?
If you are a gifted singer or musician, a record contract could be awarded to you—at virtually any age. If you are an exceptional writer, artist or actor, you can make your way to the pinnacle of your vocation even as a young adult. If you are effective in business and management, you can rise through the corporate ranks quickly, holding positions of authority commensurate with your skill and ability. But if you are in your twenties or thirties and you want to find a challenging and meaningful role as a lay leader in your local church, well, good luck. Try again in a decade or two.
Bench Warmers: How Churches are Sidelining Their Young MVPs
I’ve seen the phrase “volunteers are gold” used around the church scene before (mainly from Brad Powell at Northridge Community Church) and I believe it is one of the truest statements I’ve ever heard. Volunteers are the most valuable commodities in ministry. Without them, nothing would get done in our churches. But I’m sure that most of us would agree that we could do a better job at making our volunteers feel valuable...
Why do pastors leave the ministry? Several common issues emerge from the research of Dean Hoge and Jacqueline Wenger: preference for another form of ministry, the need to care for children or family, conflict in the congregation, conflict with denominational leaders, burnout or discouragement, sexual misconduct, and divorce or marital problems. Of these factors, which form the basis for the central chapters of Pastors in Transition, two are especially important: conflict and a preference for specialized ministry. A close third is the experience of burnout, discouragement, stress and overwork. As the authors explore these factors, they provide significant insights into what can be done to help people stay in ministry. The bestselling author of "The Message" challenges believers to read the Scriptures on their own terms, as God's revelation, and to live them as they read them. Based on his extensive experience as coach and mentor to many thousands of Christian leaders across a broad spectrum of ministry settings, Reggie McNeal helps spiritual leaders understand that they will self-select into or out of greatness.
Pastors In Transition: Why Clergy Leave Local Church Ministry
Eat This Book: A Conversation in the Art of Spiritual Reading
Practicing Greatness: 7 Disciplines of Extraordinary Spiritual Leaders
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