
7 Ways To Encourage Your Pastor (& Staff) for Pastor Appreciation Day

Orginally published on Wednesday, October 04, 2006 at 6:40 AM
by Todd Rhoades

Seven Bibliical Ways God Wants You to Encourage Your Pastor is a twenty-eight page interactive workbook that is designed to help you (and others in your church) encourage your pastor. Great for small groups, leadership retreats, Sunday school, or personal study. Your pastor needs your encouragement, and God wants YOU to make a difference in your pastor's life. Here's how...

For a FREE eight-page PDF sample excerpt of Seven Bibllical Ways God Wants You to Encourage Your Pastor AND a FREE copy of My Covenant with God, One Another, and Our Pastor, GO HERE.

For more information about the complete booklet or to order Seven Biblical Ways God Wants You to Encourage Your Pastor GO HERE.

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  • Posted by

    This is really timely with Pastor Appreciation month and everything… I like the focus on regular encouragement and creating a culture of appreciation as opposed to a BIG SHOWY gift just once a year (Big SHOWY GIFTS every month are acceptable!)…

  • Posted by scott hodge

    What a great resource!  We are privileged to have Dave Garda and his wife Rennie on our team at The Orchard.  They are some of the greatest encouragers I’ve ever known.

  • Posted by

    rule number one: Don’t wait for october to tell your pastor you appreciate him… Please…

    I not too long ago had a situation where I realy busted my butt to help (just by listening actually) someone who came into our offices when I was the only pastor around. It was a Friday, I’m responsible for a LOT in the weekend service, and I had a LOT to do late on Friday (which I normally don’t… but this was a ough week...). I stopped what I was doing for a couple hours to listen to a family in pain… and somebody noticed. Someone who knew how busy I was and how much I had to do. They told me over that weekend how much they appreciated me for that. (They are also the kind of family that would drop everything to pitch in and help me with ANYTHING… btw...) My fellow pastors and staffers can do that all day, but when it comes from a congregant… especially someone who is active in ministry and giving of themselves…

    I just about cried with joy over that. It meant so much to me. And… it wasn’t even in october. wink

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    Now, in a sense, Todd is kinda our pastor for a few minutes each day here… digitally speaking of course… So… everybody all together now…

    TODD! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING! You make our lives better, you make our ministries better, you make our hearts better! You are Jesus to us!


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    Bill Allison and Cadre Ministries have helped me both professionaly and on a personal level.  The communication skills I’ve learned,ROCK!

    matt sommer
    south side mission

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    I have personally been encouraged and challenged forward by the Ministry of CADRE. My volunteer leadership team have grown in leaps and bounds in their ownership of the ministry as well as their abilities to lead. My team have been stretched as they have implemented the tools that CADRE have given to us - and as a Youth Pastor nothing excites me more then to see those U know have the gifting take off as EQUIPPED leaders to do the work of the ministry! Thanks CADRE team for the faithful service to the Lord and His church

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    Cadre’s training workshops and resources are extremely practical, valuable and effective. If you’re not impacted by them you may want to ask someone to check your pulse. Seriously, they are that good!

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    I have known Bill Allison for a dozen or more years and have seen Cadre grow from a dream in his heart to the wide ranging influence it is today.  Cadre’s workshops and literature on teaching excellence, time management, relationships, etc. have been a help to me personally and to our church leadership.  This new book on encouraging our pastors will be another great aid to those desiring to have a growing and vibrant church.

  • Posted by Lon Alderman

    Another HIT in a long line of publications, workshops, coaching, and just plain old lovin’-on-em’ efforts from the sold-out-for-God crew at Cadre Ministries.  Thank you for sharing this particular resource and for giving Cadre Ministries this platform!

  • Posted by Mike Ford

    Good stuff from a great ministry - thanks for featuring it.  Those folks at Cadre continually bless and encourage me in my role as a director at a Christian camp, as well as in my personal growth in the Lord.  We have also used their time management teaching in a men’s Bible study, and the material was practical, useful, and down to earth.

  • Posted by

    My husband and I grew up under the leadership of Bill and Stacy Allison.  We learned so much from them and they helped mold us into the people we are today.  We thank God for Cadre and all they do for so many people.  We have used the tools for Pastor Appreciation month in the past and plan to do so again.  God Bless Cadre!

  • Posted by

    I have grown up under the leadership, encouragement, love and training of the Allison family and more recently, the entire Cadre Ministries team.  God has blessed me more than I could have ever imagined through this incredible ministry.  I look forward to being able to use these tools again and again… including the “Biblical Ways God Wants You To Encourage Your Pastor.” Thank you, Cadre, for glorify God in all that you do!

  • Posted by

    cadre training has helped me equip the people in my ministy to DO THE WORK OF THE MINISTRY.  check out their website http://www.cadreinternational.com

  • Posted by Sheila Kuriscak

    It has been my experience that everything that Cadre Ministries does is extremely relevant, well done, and right where people live.  Any of their tools will greatly enhance your ministry and your life!

  • Posted by

    Cadre Ministries has given me a new perspective on life.  I am in full time ministry disguised as a mother, a wife, a neighbor, a friend, etc.  I have been challenged to set personal goals and rewarded for doing so.  What a blessing this unique ministry has been to me!

  • Posted by

    Thank you Insight for featuring this booklet by the Cadre team. Your work encouraging leaders is fantastic. The leadership training and support offered by Cadre is also amazing. We have had Cadre training in our area that has had real and true impact on our thinking, teaching and living. Continuing to encouage each other is so vital. Thanks Bill and Stacy for hearing God’s call and answering it with all you have!!

  • Posted by

    God has worked through Cadre many times in my life: through workshops, resources, and personal interaction with the folks at Cadre. These resources are no joke because the teaching and training come straight from the Word of God.

  • Posted by DeWayne

    Check it out, these resources will change your life.
    My fav:  Ministry is Relationships
    Thanks Bill & Stacy for you Servant Hearts!

  • Posted by Lisa

    Cadre Ministries is WONDERFUL!!  By continuously delighting themselves in the Lord they have been given the desires of their hearts! Not only do they reach those for salvation, they encourage others in their walk of faith, build up leaders to glorify God and give people constant reminders of the true reason for being involved in ministry!!!  I am so thankful for Cadre Ministries!!  God has truly blessed them - and everyone who is touched by each person in their team!!!  May you all continue to use God to guide you and keep Him as your focus!!!

  • I wonder if “Pastor Appreciation Day” runs counter to biblical teaching.

    For example, consider if there was a “donor appreciation day.” Jesus told us that when we give, we should not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing.  How could such a follower of Christ receive praise, then, for his donation?

    In the same vein, in Luke 9:23, Jesus tells us to deny ourselves (as well as Gal. 2:20 and other places).  If we forsake everything for God, what does it mean if we are seeking appreciation from man? For what purpose, to stroke our ego?

    I would think in the day-to-day life of a minister, by being salt and light, there would be numerous sporadic “thank you’s” because of a minister’s “ministry,” since they are helping people and people generally spontaneously show thanks when they are helped.

    I don’t mean to be a wet-blanket on this parade, but it is something I contemplate.

    Here’s another aspect.  Why appreciate a Pastor on a special day? Because they are special and have given themselves fully to the Lord in His service? But aren’t we all supposed to do that, even if we have secular jobs?  I think most mature Evangelical Christians know that the artifical classification of “lay” and “clergy” is not Biblical-- we are all “in the Priesthood.” So what about the plumber or lawyer who lives a fully devoted life and does much for the kingdom-- do they also get an appreciation day (as if they would want one)?  How are they less important?


  • Posted by Jennifer

    Cadre once again puts out an excellent, practical, biblical resource that is so needed for churches. Having worked alongside pastors and church leaders closely, I know that the suggestions in this booklet would go a long way in encouraging those who lead and serve us. Ministry is a crucial, God-ordained task--and an extremely rewarding one--but it’s not easy, and pastors deal with a lot of problems from (guess what) people. It is so important that we take the time to appreciate them for the work they do.

    “Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

  • Posted by


    “For example, consider if there was a “donor appreciation day.” Every day I work is “donor appreciation day. I hope every “full-time pastor” thinks this way.

    Also you write “I would think in the day-to-day life of a minister, by being salt and light, there would be numerous sporadic “thank you’s” because of a minister’s “ministry,” I’ve had a handful of days when the appreciation of a few has made all the difference in the world.

    Full time local church pastoral ministry has really high highs and really low lows. It just does. So… you’re so right later in your post. Folks shouldn’t just appreciate their “pastors” on special days. We do the job well, I think, and it’s the hardest job I’ve ever done.

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    Where the rubber hits the road!  That is how I summarize a Cadre training.  Bill and his “Cadre” take God’s Word and live it.  Most importantly, each training session or book is not about them, but God. God is using Cadre Ministries to change lives.  Way to go!!!

  • Posted by


    Rather than wondering if appreciating your pastor(s) in special ways or on special days is biblical, why not just see it as another way to accept the challenge given by the writer of Hebrews . . . to “spur one another on to love and good deeds.”

    Of course we’re all priests, and I’m the one here usually touting that we need to lose the clergy / lay distinctions.  But . . . pastors have “appreciating people” written into their job description, which can sometimes make it seem like appreciation flows one direction much more then the other.  Being reminded to show appreciation to the people who care for us, no matter who they are (mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, the mailman), seems like a good thing to me.  It helps us develop a good habit of showing our thankfulness.

    One caution though, if appreciating multiple “pastors” is in order, then it would be good to look over the staff list to be sure that you are thanking all who are in parallel positions, regardless of job title. One year someone organized a daily thank you gift brought into the office for all the “pastors” during pastor appreciation week.  Every day there were two of us who got over looked, who are officially on the pastoral staff, but had the job title of “director” because . . . well . . . you know.  It got a little embarrassing for the receptionist who had to bypass our offices every day, bearing gifts for all our male colleagues.


  • Peter Hamm said:
    “We do the job well, I think, and it’s the hardest job I’ve ever done. “

    It’s a good thing we have the Holy Spirit to empower us, huh?  Otherwise, we’d think it is something that we do, when it is really God working through us, if we are doing His will.

    Some Pastors may look around and see wealthy church members, thinking they aren’t being appreciated and that they have given up so much.  Another perspective is to think of the multitude of missionaries who gave their lives (like “End of the Spear).  Some were immediately killed by natives on a foreign land, or by diseases.  Many of these are “unknown soldiers"-- we don’t even know about them (time has a way of erasing all this, but God knows).  I recently read of Hudson Taylor, the famous missionary to China.  Not so famous are the hundreds of foreign missionaries who were executed about the same time, during China’s Boxer revolution: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxer_Rebellion .

    It’s all perspective.

    Memorizing and understanding Luke 9:23 has been an awesome influence in my life.  I’m afraid most church members don’t even understand the concept; and I’ve heard it preached incorrectly from the pulpit.  Then there’s the whole “prosperity gospel” camp that is actively undermining the principle.


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