
Are the Recent Floods, “Creation Groaning”?

Orginally published on Wednesday, June 18, 2008 at 8:10 AM
by Todd Rhoades

From Baptist Press: "The floodwaters overtaking the Midwest -- as well as tornadoes, earthquakes, fires and other natural disasters -- are a symptom of the curse initiated by the fall of man in Genesis 3, a pastor in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, said.

Eric Schumacher of Northbrook Baptist Church preached June 15 on "The 500-Year Flood and the Kingdom of Christ."

"I preached out of Genesis that man was created to subdue the earth and have dominion over it, representing God in our rule," Schumacher told Baptist Press. "Through Adam's rebellion, the earth was put under a curse so that basically the earth wouldn't cooperate with our rule. Thorns and thistles would grow, and it would be painful work subduing the earth and having dominion."

As the Apostle Paul indicated in Romans 8, the earth is groaning under a curse with a desire to be set free from bondage, Schumacher said.

"That's what these disasters are, creation groaning to be reborn," he said.

What do you think?  Is the earth and creation groaning?

Here’s the whole article...

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  There are 18 Comments:

  • Posted by bishopdave

    Theology/Biblical discussions never turn out well. I say by 5 posts someone will have called someone else a heretic.

    However, I say the earth has always cried out for redemption according to Rom 8. Now more than ever? Maybe, closer to the end times.

    But, since George B is leaving the White House, won’t all these crazy weather patterns change since it was his fault anyway?

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    Dave you are such a heretic!  (smile here)

    Of course the earth is groaning, we do not live in a world as God created it to be.  Kind of makes heaven a cool thought for me.

  • Posted by bishopdave

    ((bishopdave reaches out and hugs Leonard in an affectionate, yet manly way.))

  • Posted by Jeff M. Miller

    “What do you think?  Is the earth and creation groaning? “

    Sure, but this is nothing new. Creation has been groaning under the weight of man’s sin since Adam and Eve ate the fruit.

  • Posted by

    When you take into account the political tensions and uncertainties, not just here in the U.S., but especially in the Mid-East and couple those with the occurrences of tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, etc. it sure can look as though the end is near. Whether it is or not, is not our call, but being ready for the end and being active in making sure as many as possible are ready to see Jesus face to face IS our call and our duty.

  • Posted by

    We should be careful with the end times talk.  Floods have always happened, wars have always happened, and we have to be careful not to read our situation into Revelation, but instead to read Revelation in its own context.  Christians have always believed the end is near.  I guess the only thing we know is that every day it’s one day closer, right?

    All that aside, I do believe creation groans for redemption.  I would take Leonard’s comment one step further and say that I am looking forward to the resurrection, when the earth is renewed and we live in Christ’s kingdom.  That’s our final destination, and then the earth, nor ourselves, will groan for redemption anymore.



  • Posted by

    True, there have always been floods, earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars but 100 years ago we didn’t know the entire scope of what was happening.  Now, with the monumental advances in information-technology, we not only know about so many more potential “groans” but we hear about it in sustained 24/7 detail.  We’ve even invented new ones.  Remember “Y2K?” Everything was going to fold.  I know of one congregation who turned their entire church building into a giant wedding chapel to welcome Jesus back once the world economy collapsed. 
    What I’m wondering is, is this all part of God’s plan or design?  There may have been twice many disasters and conflicts 100 years ago but now we hear 10 versions of each story from 10 different information sources which makes it all sound 10x’s as bad as it’s ever been.
    There have always been overly zealous people shouting “the end is near” along with overly complacent who say “it’s always been this way.”
    While it may make for some interesting theological discussion & debate (and wacky tv shows) in the end, no one knows when, nd it’s going to be a BIG surprise, right?
    What does catch in my throat is the thought Jerry touched on.  When that glorious day come, for how many will it be too late?  What are we (what am I) doing about it?  I think that’s an issue that should burn in all of our hearts.

  • Posted by Bruce Gerencser

    Creation is groaning because of a lack of care.

    Climate change is/will bring weather extremes. Time will tell if the recent flooding fits that pattern.

  • Posted by Peter Hamm

    Evangelicals have been coming up with reasons why the end is near for as long as there have been evangelicals.

    1988 and 88 reasons why. Anybody remember that?

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    did,nt god take the curse off the ground when noah got off the ark?

  • Posted by Eric Schumacher

    It seems like some are implying that my sermon and remarks were an end-times alarmist, “the end is near” call.

    I’d encourage you to go listen to the sermon (http://northbrookbc.org/sermons/080615am.html). I think you’ll see that this was not a “the end is near” sort of deal, but a biblical-theological explanation of why disasters of any sort have been happening (not just now, but ever since the fall). And, one of my applications was to long for the day of resurrection.

  • Posted by

    Confession: I have NO IDEA how human sin is supposed to be a sufficient cause for environmental disasters. I understand that building in a flood zone is a bad idea, that CFCs were bad for the ozone layer, etc, but I do. not. get. how my sin (and the collective sin of humanity) has some sort of supernatural effect on the state of the environment. Explanation? Anyone? Seems bogus to me.

  • Posted by Bruce Gerencser

    If we are to be stewards (caretakers) of the earth and we do not do so we are sinning.  Especially if we willingly do so.

    There is nothing bogus about it. If we know to do good and don’t do it, it is sin.


  • Posted by


    I get your explanation. That makes sense. If I’m supposed to be a caretaker of, say, a garden, and I don’t do a good job, then I have no one to blame but myself when it’s overgrown with weeds.

    But I don’t understand what I take to be the more common explanation that my throwing down $20 on Red 32 at the roulette table somehow impacts the growth of weeds in my neighbor’s garden.

    Or another example: My sin here in Middle America somehow causes (at least in part) typhoons in the South Pacific.

    There’s no apparent causal mechanism in either example.

    But maybe that position doesn’t have the traction I give it credit for.

  • Posted by Bruce Gerencser

    Here is how I work through these issues (and I by no means am a purist)

    Every action has a consequence. I must always be aware of unintended consequences.

    Everything has a history. The food that I ate today did not mysteriously appear on my plate. It came from somewhere, was harvested by someone. For me personally, I have an obligation to know the history. The money I spend affects others, so when I buy something I want to know what effect my money has on others. (and I realize it is not always possible)

    So, I try and buy local goods. I can readily “see” how my money works. I buy organic because I know it is better for the environment and what i better for the environment is better for my neighbor (and I view the world as my neighbor)

    I used to live a few miles away from Harrison Lake.  (Alvordton,Ohio) We lived on the creek that fed into the Lake. I walked parts of that creek and saw many septic systems that emptied their gray and not so gray water right into the creek. That water went right to the lake. At the lake, people were swimming in toilet water.

    Here is my point........what is done upstream affects everyone downstream.

    China has a HUGE air pollution problem. Due to the wind currents California has an increasing Air problem. China’s problems become California’s problems.

    Some of the environmental cause and effect is BS. The best way to determine the validity of the claim is to study the issue, do the math, and most of all, use a bit of common sense.

    Am I my brother’s keeper? Our answer to that question will determine how seriously we take our place in the environment.


  • Posted by Eric Schumacher

    Jay -

    It might help to keep in mind that what I am saying the Bible teaches is that human sin in general, in Adam resulted in a curse, subjecting the earth to futility.

    I am not saying that specific human sins necessarily create every disaster.

  • Posted by Bruce Gerencser

    Hey Eric,

    Quick question or 2, so I can understand where you are coming from.

    I agree with you on the “curse” aspect.

    Do see the earth “still” cursed or has it been redeemed through the work of Jesus? Or do you put off that redemption until a later day?

    In salvation we are saved, we are being saved ,and we will yet be saved. DO you see any application to the earth itself? (meaning - does God’s redemption plan extend beyond man to ALL of his creation?)


  • Posted by Eric Schumacher

    Bruce --

    I agree with your have been saved, are being saved, and will be saved language for us.

    One might see a difference between something being “redeemed” and “restored.” In some sense then, through Christ’s work, the regeneration of the cosmos is certain.

    Nevertheless, Romans 8 uses language that communicates the earth is still subjected to futility. So, in that sense, it is still under the curse.

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