
Are You Dangerously Tired?

Orginally published on Wednesday, August 03, 2005 at 4:00 PM
by Todd Rhoades

Interesting article from TodaysChildrensMinistry.com.  Ruth Haley Barton writes:  There are at least two kinds of tired in this world…

One is what I call "good tired." This is the tiredness we experience after a job well done, a task accomplished out of the best of who we are. This is a temporary condition, and when it comes, we know that after an appropriate period of rest and recuperation we will soon be back in the swing of things.

But there is another kind of tired that is more ominous; it is what I call "dangerous tired." This condition is deeper and more serious than the temporary exhaustion that follows times of periodic intensity in our schedules and workloads. The difference between "good tired" and "dangerous tired" is like the difference between the atmospheric conditions that produce harmless spring rain clouds and those that result in the eerie green tint of the sky that portends the possibility of a tornado. When the sky is an angry green, something doesn't feel right and you know you had better pay attention. One atmospheric condition is normal and predictable; the other is risky and volatile.

I think there are times when we all suffer from this worse kind of tiredness.  If it persists though, there could be a real problem.

Do you ever suffer from being 'dangerously tired'?  How do you deal with it?

You can read the rest of Ruth's article here for her advice.

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 TRACKBACKS: (0) There are 3 Comments:

  • Posted by

    I’m so tired I can hardly respond to this blog. Apparently every one else is too!

  • Posted by Franklin Reeves

    Let’s not forget the really dangerous tired.

    Sleep apnea - beacuse of obstruction breatheing becomes labored or stops many time during the night. I have thise. I have up to 120 occurences at night. This requires my body to start waking up in order for me to start breathing again. I get about 1 hour of rest for 8 hours of sleep.

    It cause excessive daytime sleepines and can lead to sleeping at the wheel, halluciantions etc.

    Then we have narcolepsy, which a major sypmtom is excessive day time sleepiness.

    I have been diagnosed with both.

  • Posted by

    I would love to read the rest of this article on tiredness.  Please tell me how I can read the rest of the article.  I have tried to pull it up in different way.  Help.

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