Orginally published on Friday, November 18, 2005 at 9:07 AM
by Todd Rhoades
We’ve (well, I’ve) been talking this week about the need for balance. We need balance in our lives. We need balance in our churches. When we lose our balance, we start looking goofy. And we start being wrong…
A couple of things in the news this week remind me of what happens when we lose our balance and perspective in life.
The first is really about the issue of abortion. I believe that life begins at conception; and that abortion is wrong. But Phoenix resident Candance Dickinson seems to me to have lost her balance. When stopped by police for driving alone in the carpool lane, she told the officers she could legally be there because she was pregnant. And... logically, since life begins at conception, there are really 'two' people in the carpool lane, not just one, making her action correct and legal (and saving her from a $400 fine). She says she's done this everyday for the past nine months. I saw her on FOX news yesterday, and it was embarrassing. (I'd like to know how she claims her dependants on her taxes; or if she pays for the extra person when going to the movie theatre!) She lost her balance. She looks goofy.
The second issue comes from Las Cruces (spanish for 'the crosses), NM. You guessed it... residents Paul Weinbaum and Martin Boyd claim that the three crosses in the Las Cruces (the crosses) logo amounts to religious persecution of non-christians. Perhaps Paul and Martin should investigate a number of countries around the world that actually do have religous persecution. I think if they did, they might discover that they've lost their balance. They look goofy.
Why all this talk of balance? Because I'm afraid that some in the church have lost their balance. And quite frankly... look goofy. I've discussed my feelings on this in the post this week entitled, "Jesus Cares More About Your Sin And Burning In Hell than Gas Prices". I'm accused many times of posting provacative things here and then getting upset when people discuss them... but I really didn't see this as being at all controversial. In my opinion, the 'turn or burn', 'repent sinners' philosphy has lost it's balance. And it appears 'beyond goofy' to the people (unsaved) this group of people is talking to. While sinners do need to repent; a balanced approach also sharing how much God loves sinners is much better in my opinion. Sorry, but to me, it's a no-brainer (and I'm not for watering-down the gospel; so don't even go there!) The gospel is balanced between the acknowledgement of sin and the love of a Savior (who loved us so much He died for that sin). But some have turned the love of our Savior for us into a "repent sinners" ONLY message. It's unbalanced. And ridiculed by those we're commissioned to reach.
It just seems to me, even more obviously this week than ever, that we need balance in our lives and in our message. Seems to me it's vital. There is so much riding on it.
Have a great weekend...
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There are 49 Comments:
Not only do I not think it’s not controversial, but I think it’s OBVIOUSLY Biblical, Todd. Christ’s message of grace is very “balanced”.
You can’t have James 1 without Romans 8, you can’t have the woman at the well having her sin stuck in her face without Christ offering living water in the same conversation. You can’t have sin without salvation (theologically speaking, of course).
You can’t have the expulsion from the Garden without the promise of the Savior. You can’t preach to 5000 without hiding away for a few days by yourself. (THAT is one we miss too often...)
You can’t have BeHim without Wendi. (Come on, guys… laugh, you know that’s funny...)
But seriously, it’s why your blog is my favorite and just about the only one I post to. Because in having extremes… it manages to have a semblance of balance. Not always, which is what get’s your goat sometimes, but often enough for me! Even when people answer questions only through what appears to be the lens of their peculiar agenda and perspective, I learn something valuable every day.
Thanks again! (Did you like my church signs? You should figure out a way to post everybody’s.)
Yay Todd. Personally the “burn in hell” message squashed my young self into a works theology until at age 26 I met someone who showed me the “you can be Christian and still have fun” side of it.
Yep, Todd…
There are lots of “Christians” out there, who through their GOOFINESS give Christ a really bad name....
And they do attend our churches.
And yes, Christ died for them too.
Todd, yesturday I discussed these issues with my wife on our way home from lunch. I told her about the discussion here and she just shook her head, in disbelief. She stated that she is happy that we don’t go to those churches.
When we arrived home I asked my neighbor about it. She got mad and told me that is the number one reason why she does not go to church is because of that. She went on to say that is the reason she does not go to her daughter’s church who is getting baptized on Sun. But the preacher set there and belittled her in front of her daughter. That is when I told her about what we were planning to do on the weekends and she told me I will be there what time does it start. She went on to say that her teenage son who is on drugs right now thinks the world of me and tell’s everyone that I am a perfect example of a Christian. The only reason he has not been around me lately is because the other crowd has threatend him if they see him with me. It is not me that is having a powerful effect on him, it is the Holy Spirit living in me and through me. After all Jesus stated that we would do greater works because of this. I close with this example guys, 7yrs ago I worked with a girl that cussed like a sailor. She ate them for breakfast. They soon moved me to another line and one day the whole line came up to me wanting me to do something about it. I asked them if they ever stopped to talk to her about what is hurting her inside. No… was their answer..No one wanted to do that. So I went, began to ask question’s next thing I knew was this, dad & mom married& divorced four times, mom pentecostal and crambed everything down her throat, dad a drunk, beat her and mom, also sexual abused her, married at 19 had a baby, and divorced 6 mo. later. She hated her self wanted to die. I told her, I understand, I was were you are now. But I met a man named Jesus Christ that took all of that away. He can do the same for you if you’ll only trust him, confess with your mouth that you our lost without him and believe. She began to cry I hugged her and told her that Jesus loves her and I do to. There’s nothing watered down about that… I just did what the Holy Spirit prompted me..
You’re right. It is all about balance. You can’t have “turn or burn” without Christ’s love. You can’t have “It’s OK, God loves us all” without some “turn or burn”. While I deplore the picketing in the article, all of us at some time need to recognise that we need salvation or we pay the price. And that price was paid by Christ’s love for us. BALANCE!!
Hi Todd-
Don’t you think John the Baptist was “goofy?” Look at what he ate and wore. Look at what he preached: “turn or burn.”
How about all the desciples for giving up all their wealth to follow Jesus. Is that extreme and goofy too?
These two examples seem to fit your definition of goofiness and extremism perfectly.
Matt. 19:
27Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?” 28Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother[f] or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. 30But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.
Dang! Bernie… you found me out. I was hoping no one would bring up John the Baptist.
But someone always does. And Jesus was a little weird too, wasn’t he? What with eating with all the prostitutes and sinners and such. Come on. Let’s not forget all the weirdos in the early church.
John the Baptist had a message straight from God: Repent for the Kingdom of God is at Hand. Of course, this was also pre-Jesus being widely known as the Messiah. This was definitely pre-cross. This was pre God sacrificing His son to death on a cross because He loved us so much. And it was pre-resurrection. Yep, ole’ John was weird all right, but balanced. He had a message; a very short and succinct message to tell; and he did it as only he could do.
(also… I didn’t mention anyone’s dress or diet when I said they were goofy… I said their thoughts were goofed up, thus bringing the ridicule. John the Baptist had no problem with his message).
On the disciples… yeah, they were a unique group as well. But there are people today who make that same choice with their lives. People give up financial gain all the time to follow Christ. People lose their families because of their decision to follow Jesus. People make decisions all the time that don’t make sense from a human perspective, but make perfect sense from a Kingdom perspective. People can be sold out and be balanced.
People can also be sold out and lose their balance, thus becoming extreme; and, as I said, “goofy”. This can happen in Christianity or life in general.
That’s where I think the sign-holders; the pregnant woman in the HOV lane; the pagans who feel their under religious persecution; and many Christians sometimes fall. That’s were legalism leads. Unbalanced lives are not healthy lives. That’s all I’m saying.
I’m going to start praying that we see eye to eye on one issue this side of Glory, Bernie!
That may be asking for a miracle.
Sometimes the extreme IS the counterbalance to some strongly held position that is wrong...this is where the “prophet” (eg John the Baptist) comes into the picture...inside and outside of the Christian community. I been called extreme by Christians for my preaching outside of abortion clinics...perhaps, but the strongly held position that we can kill human beings with “legal” impunity as a society and be silent about it as the Church of Jesus Christ in this free society is way “out of balance” queston: Are Christians sometimes actually called to be a “counter-balance”?
I don’t want to get into an abortion debate necessarily here (because we’re both on the same page here). To me, and unbalanced stand on abortion would be one that said since they’re killing babies, I’ll kill them.
In the woman’s case I sited in this posting, I think she used her position on abortion to get out of a ticket. Maybe I’m wrong… maybe she really believes this… but it’s a stretch for most people who know that that lane is for 2 or more people to think that a pregnant woman qualifies. Seems like a pretty off-center, off-balance idea to me.
Oh well… this was just my hypothesis when writing the story. Could be that I’m wrong (as I’ve been known to be from time to time).
Of course, I believe that we are to be counter-culture; against sin; and pro-righteousness… I just hope that there are ways that we can do it that won’t appear silly and pretentous to 95% of the rest of the population, Christian and non-Christian.
I agree completely with your initial premise. I also share your view about the goofiness factor in the cases you cited. I’m just pointing out that SOMETIMES the right stand will seem extreme when unrighteous becomes the norm in side and/or outside the churchworld.
Have a great night...deer season begins in our neck of the woods tomorrow so I’m turning in early...blessings,
We have to DO SOMETHING! PDL is out shooting Bambi or his mommy RIGHT NOW! Oh, no! Isn’t there some way to stop him!
(Just kidding… thought this board needed a little humour for the weekend… for balance of course… especially after the debacle over on the free gas discussion...)
PS… and for the record, pdl, I hope you bag a nice big buck!
I just wanted to make a shor comment about this subject before it gets blown to pieces.
“Wet birds never fly at night.
I am ashamed...although, I did not shoot it--I did field-dress and process a little doe that kinda looked like a pre-antlered Bambi...I’ll try to esuage my guilt over a tenderlion and a side of fries
pdl Saturday I’ll get that big one!
I am sure that there may be an exception, but most of the time Paul preached there was two reactions, they got saved or got mad( some did call him crazy though)
If you are told by the world you fit in rather nicely, then you probably do fit in rather nicely.
“If Jesus had preached the same message that ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified.” - Leonard Ravenhill
Sure he would...every generation has it’s legalists who hate the fact that Jesus hung out with sinners. I’m sure the folks from the Church of the Divide would ablige…
I followed the link to the “Jesus Cares More About Your Sin And Burning In Hell than Gas Prices” post. Goofy. Agreed.
And isn’t also goofy to give away gas at church? I mean, maybe it sounds like a good idea to those of us on a church staff trying to reach our community, but does a skepticle and cynical (for reasons the church is often responsible for) world think that might be a goofy idea as well?
I left a post on that article as well. Forgive me if I come off as argumentative. Lately, I’ve read “Blue Like Jazz” and “Velvet Elvis” and I must admit to thinking in new and unfamiliar directions.
Franklin wrote: If you are told by the world you fit in rather nicely, then you probably do fit in rather nicely.
“If Jesus had preached the same message that ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified.” - Leonard Ravenhill
Kent: you are right on Franklin. Something the 82 year old Saint I heard preching last night conveyed was that, as improtant as frienships are, if we put them over the Truth of the Bible, we’re Wrong.
When we slap ourselves on the back for how great and loving we are but thurn our backs on Scripture, or we request that our brothers & sister condone and coddle our sin because of “our liverty”, trust me, it doesn’t put a smile on God’s face.
Matt: Sure he would...every generation has it’s legalists who hate the fact that Jesus hung out with sinners. I’m sure the folks from the Church of the Divide would ablige…
Kent: Sad thing is so many people don’t even know what a “legalist” is. They have adopted the worlds definition of it, just as they have the word “liberty”
A legalist is not someone who holds to a Biblical standard rather than religion.
The “religion of today” is everything goes, meaning that violatiion of scripture is ok as long as you draw a crowd.
As for me and my house we will follow the Lord, not the “ME” religious crowd of today.
Though I agree with the article about “balance” in the speaking of the gospel so that you preach about the love of God and not a “repent sinners” only message...I think that the church has gone much further in the opposite direction.
I hear much more “Jesus loves you, so come to Him” messages that do not explain to the unchurched what they’re coming to Jesus for...except for love. I see people respond to altar calls that don’t “alter their call” and as a result are inoculated from the real thing because they believe they have Jesus - but no mention of sin, repentance or the perfect righteousness/justice of God is ever mentioned.
Romans 1:16-17 says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God for the salvation of those who believe...for in the gospel, a righteousness of God is found by faith from first to last...” For the power of God to move to change lives, a balanced gospel of Law & love must be preached.
I agree with you Todd. There’s much goofiness in the body of Christ today. That’s not to be critical, it’s just facing the truth. Jesus did say that if they hated Me, they will also hate you! But they didn’t hate Jesus and they don’t hate Christians for being goofy! They hated Jesus and hate us for speaking the truth. Jesus also said “The world hates Me because I testify of it - that its deeds are evil”. Being goofy actually takes away the chance for the world to hate us! Instead it makes us look stupid and rediculous! We’re not a threat - just easier to ignore! Being fruity, nutty, and flakey as a Christian removes the “punch” from the message. As someone said earlier in the blog, The truth either offends or encourages. But being goofy hides the truth so that neither takes place!
It was the self-righteous that were upset by Jesus.
They were offended becasue He spoke of Hell, sin, judgement, and the wrath to come. He exposed there deeds for what they were, evil.
If you, like those that hated Jesus, hate it when someone mentions sin, judgement, wrath to come, hell, then you fit more in with the ones that crucified Christ.
The ones who follow Jesus, Paul, and many other Godly preachers through the ages that preach about sin, judgement, hell, wrath to come are not legalist.
Am I judemental when I say “God said do not committ adultery?” No! I am saying what God said, and I am just warning and He not I will Judge.
Am I being judgemental when I say, “all liars will have thier part in the lake of fire?” No, I am just pointing out what God thinks about lying and those who do it.
Jesus said if you are “ashamed of Me or my words, I will be ashamed of you.” We are not ashamed of Jesus, but are we ashamed of His words.
We have the bllod of the Lamb over the door frame, but have we eaten the whole Lamb?
You can not earn your way to hevean, nor can you keep yourself there. However one that is going wants to obey and be faithful to God.
Right on Todd,
I live in Phoenix and I am offended at the audacity of the lady to claim that! I mean I hate traffic, too but what is she thinking (at least buy one of those dummy’s and put it in the passenger seat and claim it needed a ride to shopping mall!) :o) .
Over all I would simply say this:
People need authenicity not goofiness nor legalism, In the end I think of two things.
#1 They will know we are Christians by our love by our love....(sorry now I have that old chorus in mind mind)
#2 Let your light so shine among men that they will see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.
Reality is, the car pool lane incident has nothing to do with good works or love, just another radical looking to get off free! And seeming silly to the 4 million people in my town that we strugle everyday to reach!!!
Well, I didn’t get to read everything above, but I love the balance idea. It seems to me that you have to the whole approach through the entire New Testament to come up with the right balance at a given moment. If you are talking to someone (assuming you have built a relationship that has earned the right to talk to them) who is already beat up over their sin, you don’t need to talk too much about wrath etc. Tell them about the woman at the well; tell them about the substitution of Christ for them; tell them that Jesus died for sinners; tell them to trust Him and embrace Him and follow Him. Tell them to believe and act on the belief that He paid for their sin.
If you are talking to a person who is of the “I’ll do it my way...” mentality, tell them of the consequences-that God will not be mocked, and that He doesn’t have an understanding with them, and they they will perish if they don’t repent.
If you meet someone who is self righteous, take it away from them, and lead them to seeing that their only hope is His righteousness.
On and on it goes. What kind of message you present depends on what kind of soil you are planting in.
What’s so hard about that?
For what it’s worth,
For what it’s worth. I enjoy your insight. I have been challenged on many an occassion. I tend to agree with you and like the way you stir things up. Not only are you a provocative thinker, but an esceptional writer.
Sometimes we are not “Christian” in all that we do—even though we are “Christians.” In 1 Peter 1:15, But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do;…
Note that we are to be “holy” (set apart) in all that we do.
I just bet that the author of the article we read (Todd) is not holy in all that he does!” If the author is “holy” in all that he does, he has me beat by a long-- long yard.
The controversy (I can hear it comming) is what does “all that you do” mean. You do know what the GREEK word for all means, it means ALL, the whole enchalada-- everything—every action—all of them.
So this poor miss informed christian girl was stepping out and using her “christian RELIGION” as her arguement for finding a loop hole (is that how you spell loophole)in the law. I bet that a relationship with Jesus may bring her to a different decision.
The other story was just foolishness, so why respond to foolishness. We have atheists trying to take God out of everything—to their own detrement I might add.
I have myself under a constant state of Check and I still mess-up. Go figure!!
Love Ya
pastor Bill
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