
Big Changes at Willow Creek:  Appel and Frazee Submit Resignations

Orginally published on Monday, January 28, 2008 at 8:24 AM
by Todd Rhoades

It became public over the weekend. Randy Frazee is leaving Willow Creek to take the senior position with Max Lucado at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio. Also, Gene Appel will leave after Easter of this year. Bill Hybels will take over the Lead Pastor of South Barrington (once again). Here's the announcement directly from the Willow Creek elders...

January 26, 2008

Today the Elders of Willow Creek are announcing that two senior staff leaders have made personal decisions to pursue new ministries outside our church.

This June, Teaching Pastor Randy Frazee will become the Senior Minister of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas, where he will teach and lead in partnership with pastor and author, Max Lucado.

“After 8 months of prayer and counsel, I believe God is calling our family to expand the reach of the neighborhood initiative to San Antonio,” Randy said. “However, my decision to leave is mostly about family and a simple desire to be around my kids, two of whom are currently living in Texas and a third who will head to Texas for college this fall.

“It has been a complete privilege and joy to be a part of the Willow Creek team,” he said. “You can count on our fervent prayers and blessings as we move forward on this endeavor.”

Gene Appel, Lead Pastor-South Barrington, who came to Willow Creek as Associate Pastor in 2003 and moved into his current role two and a half years ago, also announced his resignation from staff.

“I love this church,” Gene said. “It has been an enormous privilege for me to serve here, but after months of internal wrestling and seeking the counsel of wise people I trust, I have come to a place of peace and clarity, and sense the nudge to move toward being the senior pastor of a local church again. I’ll continue serving in my role through the Easter season, and then I’ll begin prayerfully pursuing God’s next adventure. I am honored to have been able to serve in partnership with everyone at Willow and I have been forever impacted by this place. I will be cheering you on for the rest of my life.”

On January 17, 2008 the Elders of Willow Creek and Bill Hybels agreed that Bill will assume the role of Lead Pastor-South Barrington in addition to his other senior pastor responsibilities, which include oversight of the Regional Campuses and the Willow Creek Association. 

“I am honored to assume the responsibility to lead the staff and congregation at South Barrington and I look to God expectantly for what He has planned for us in the future,” Bill said.

The Elders fully support the decisions of Gene and Randy, and are grateful to them for their faithful leadership, high character, and inspired teaching.

SOURCE:  Willow Creek website

QUESTION:  With Mike Breaux also moving on in recent months, this means that, for the most part, the entire teaching staff of Willow Creek will turn-over rather quickly.  How difficult will this be for Willow?  And how will they deal with all the public talk about real problems at Willow (it’s already starting in the blog world this morning!) How would you handle it if you were Bill Hybels or the Willow elders (not that they look to MMI for advice!) smile

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  There are 48 Comments:

  • Posted by

    Jasbo writes [Willow Creek has always been Elder led and though Bill Hybels is a strong leader, I believe it is mischaracterized as a regime or him as a dictator.  Willow Creek does not have a congregational form of government which may be the case with some WCA churches. ]

    It’s a false government if its stacked with regime players all the way around.  Why do you think Dr. B. moved on?

    And, I don’t think that I have mis-characterized Bill at all.  Most of my friends at church when something like this happens they call it “Billowcreek”.  Not my term, but I’ve heard it countless times, and it is more a tool so they don’t have to think about the behind scenes mess that is ongoing, its obvious to anyone who attends regularly they are like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off.

    As for Randy, I believe that his leave was intentional and for the reasons stated. 

    We will give this to God and let him sort it out.

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    Dear Willow Guy,

    Unless you’ve been on staff at Willow, you have nothing to do but speculate and gossip. I believe it’s not a good thing to think you know someone’s heart, especially when it comes to Christ’s church. Bill is no more than Willow’s Senior Pastor. The spiritual matters are led, and decided upon UNANIMOUSLY by the Elders, the day to day management is done by the Management Team and the Board of Directors oversees the physical and other non-spiritual workings of the church. Bill takes his orders from them. He is not a dictator. 

    And as for Dr. B, do you not think the man has the right to retire? He has served God faithfully and due to health and age has chosen to retire. Trying to make something out of nothing is not Biblical. That goes for speculation that there is a “behind the scenes mess” going on. One thing that Willow has always done well is informing the congregation of what’s going on in the church. They do have open books and have always strived for excellence.

    Maybe the “chickens” you think you see running around are volunteers making sure EVERYONE is informed.

    Seems like you “attend” regularly, but haven’t really learned much.

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    Hey “Former Staffer” obvious why. 

    Maybe you should take your own advice - you
    dont know me yet you do the same thing in your accusing manor with me.  I have learned a lot, and I can tell you I have been disgusted the past year in the management, elders, pastors and the whole nine yards.  Willow has been turning to Emergent Church theories that dont work.

    And I know Dr B and he didn’t want to retire he was in opposition to the new building and he did the polite thing and walked away - just like some other pastors are doing now.

    It is a problem that the concregation should be worried about.  You can only whitewash so long before you need a new fence.

  • Posted by

    Willow guy - you need to carefully consider just how Biblical your speech is in this blog.  You are showing disrespect in your speech.  I do not know your heart.  But I am extremely disappointed in your present conduct.  Do I need to quote the Scriptures to you about how to conduct yourself regarding those God has put in leadership in the church YOU choose to attend?

  • Posted by

    I cant stand Christians who say we can’t talk about what’s going on because its gossip and thats ungodly. Gossip wouldn’t occur if the whole truth was told in these situations.  This to me is the core problem.

    Imagine a place where everyone told and spoke truth.  You would think a church could be such a place.

    So where in the Bible does it tell leaders to not speak truth to the core of body?

    So let me understand, its ok to lie if your a pastor of a church?  Not so sure you have read your bible.

  • Posted by

    Eph. 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.  30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.  31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

    Is what you are saying building up the leaders of your church?  Are you being kind and compassionate?  Have you taken your concerns directly to a person who is responsible for “telling the whole truth?”

    That is what I meant by Biblical speech.

  • Posted by Todd Rhoades

    OK… nuff guys.


  • Posted by

    I have never before in my life responded to any blog, but feel so compelled to respond to this one. I am a pastor’s wife (not senior) and often enjoy peeking into MMI on my husband’s email. We have left two churches under difficult circumstances, and because we desperately wanted to leave in a way that pleased God AND protected the church, we strived to leave with honesty, love and wisdom. We told the church that God was leading us elsewhere, but without saying anything that would damage the unity of the church or dishonor the pastor, God’s anointed, even if we didn’t share chemistry with him. This was difficult for us at times, when we were hurting so much personally, but we trusted God’s deep love for us and for the churches we served - that He had plans for us and for the church that wanted our obedience in order to come to fruition. Amazingly enough to us, God has not only protected us and the churches, but prospered us even more, putting us in places where we can bear even more fruit for the kingdom. To the point, there will always be questions that must be left unanswered, even for those most directly involved in difficult separations, but they lead us to the place where God is enough - where He is all in any situation. And that is worth more than having all the answers.

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    I agree with Todd. My comments are just that - MY comments. I am not on this blog to offend anyone, nor try to make my beliefs someone elses. The point I was trying to make was that sometimes God has to hit us over the head with a 2X4 to get us to move away from situations we’ve become comfortable in. It’s never easy to change directions in life. Sometimes it’s very painful. But, if we trust in God, ignore those naysayers around us and have a willing spirit, God will reward our obedience.

    My mother always told me “Things are not always as they appear to be.” Willow Guy, I do not know your heart and apologize to you. I was not accusing you of anything. I just wanted you to know that Willow was Bill’s vision. He toiled and grieved over the start of that church. I really believe God has led him to where they are today and keeps the original vision alive in Bill. I certainly am nobody to speculate and wonder what God has in store for the pastors and congregation of Willow. All I do know is the folks that are there have been God-led and they will always be in my prayers. How could they not! If it wasn’t for Bill and Willow, I’d still be on the road most traveled! God bless you. I shall pray that you find the place God wants you to be planted, and grow to His glory!

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    As a pastor I sometimes wonder about the nature of the “call.” By that I mean that we are sometimes called to stay somewhere for a long time and sometimes we are called to move on after a relatively short time. I have made four moves in twenty years and everytime with the exception of one move, it has ripped my heart out. I am sure that Gene Appel feels that same way today. He is probably somewhat perplexed at the timing of God’s newest call to walk away “to a place I will show you” when he has no idea where he will be going. I am thinking that the one thing he does know for sure is that it is time. The rest of it will remain a mystery until the Holy Spirit begins to lead again. We need to pray for him and others that we hear about in similar situations that their faith will be strong enough and their commitment to “the call” will be such that they can go simply because they trust God and live this life by faith, not sight.

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    For those who have been on a church staff for any period of time, we all know that there are times when God does “call” someone to another ministry or secular job.  But come on folks, three top pastors in a period of a few months?  That is clearly a case of missing the mark when hiring these guys.  Think of any other organization that would have three of it’s senior staff resign.  Who would take the blame?  The board who hired them.  Stock would drop and the shareholders would be very concerned.  So why in the church do we couch it with “God is dropping the bomb and scattering these men to other godly adventures?” What about the relationships that have been formed and the trust that the congregants gave these guys as well as the trust they gave the leadership at Willow?  Where is that now?  You can’t tell me that such a mass exodus doesn’t scream of internal complications.  It’s not for us to guess at all the reasons why but let’s not sugar-coat this and think everything is peachy.  Three of your top guys step up and say “I’d rather be doing ministry somewhere else.” That’s a huge red-flag that’s hard to spin into something positive.

  • Posted by

    I apologize to you Willow Staffer - I was a little short fused when I read your response. 

    Bert (posting above) has said what I was trying to say all along (to bad you didn’t write it before I did or I wouldn’t have posted anything). 

    So with that - I am not going to say anything else.

  • Posted by

    I really wonder if the elders are running the church at Willow or just rubber stamping Hybels ideas. Although the members choose the elders, how are they nominated? Gene said he wanted to leave because he felt that God was leading him to be a senior paster at a local church. Why did God call him here in the first place then? Maybe to expose some of these problems.

  • Todd - thanks for reminding me that I was getting off the point of responding to the article.  Sorry to you and to Willow Guy.

  • Posted by

    After moving to Illinois we went back and forth on attending Willow on a permanent basis.  For about 4 months we attended services, both midweek and weekend and served in various places around the church.  I do not have enough experience with Willow to say whether or not its “Billow Creek” but I do have some thoughts on the mass exodus of Willow teaching pastors.  First, from my understanding, Mike Breaux left in part because he did not like the administration part of his job and he was being pushed more into this.  He’s a man who just wants to teach the Word of God, not jetset and preach Willow philosophies.  Secondly, the shift could be financial.  With 2 weeks left to the financial year, Willow was $2 million short.  However, it was really difficult for me to appreciate the severity of it while I was watching the Imagine Christmas spectacle with hired acrobats and dancers.  Third, it was very evident that on weekends that Bill Hybels preached, attendance increased significantly.  I heard many people say how much they liked Mike Breaux or when Rob Bell came to town, but I never heard anyone talk about the great messages from Appel or Frazee.  I’ve met quite a few people who were put out when they scrapped mens/womens ministries in favor of neighborhood tables.  Add to this that the Reveal survey “revealed” that church members wanted more significant midweek services and it was met with “The Story”?  We decided it was not the place for us, as believers.  Willow is losing people.  It is an aging congregation of believers in a church that is trying very hard to stay “young” and seeker oriented..  Maybe bringing Bill back to his pastor role will bring a spiritual renewing.  Or maybe its the elder board’s way of saying “our mission is to turn irreligious people to fully devoted followers ofChrist, and that’s going to be our only focus.  The rest of you can go “self feed.” We can only pray that its the first one.

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    I am thankful for this on-line discussion.  It was quite the bombshell x 2 that was dropped at the service 2 weeks ago. I still hadn’t quite “recovered” from Mike Breaux leaving and then the announcement of both Randy and Gene too!!  Change is hard ... and so it’s helpful to see your comments and have this type of forum for discussion. 

    Three key pastors leaving; coincedence?  They say it is; that each were called to other places and one doesn’t have to do with the other.  It’s hard to deny being curious if there’s something internal at Willow that’s up.  But I guess the wiser part of me says just leave it at what they said, don’t go looking for answers that I’m not prepared to hear, that aren’t really my business or won’t do me any good where I’m at on my journey anyway. I just have to think that God was at work with all of it; that there’s a bigger plan for the 3 of them and for Willow.

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    Bottom line, there is an issue at Willow.  Where are today’s Prophets and who among us have applied our spiritual gifts to discern this situation? Men of God must stand up and call it as it is and as God has revealed it.  If you have been to Willow recently you know that the content has been agenda-driven and not God-driven.  Breaux, Frazee and Appel are God-driven men.  May God bless them in their future endeavors.  May God allow individuals within Williow to pursue God independent of agenda (see the Willow Reveal Studies) creating a wave God’s flow like never before.

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    We love Gene!!!  He was the reason we stayed with Willow.  If John Ortberg was still around we would be long gone.  But truth is, his preaching has been steadily in decline since he started.  I suspected he enjoyed the day-to-day contact with church members in a smaller church setting.  Someone online has mentioned how well he remember someone’s name and family situation from ONE meeting several years back.  If he is such a people person, Willow may be too boring for him.  I’m the same kind of person, I know I would be too if you put me in his shoes. 

    As for Willow, we feel the only downside is not personable enough.  Sure neighborhood groups are nice but you can’t assume people who live in the same neighborhoon will have a lot in common.  We are small business owners and we have nothing in common with our neighbors, from schedule to profession.  We crave people with similar backgrounds who can understand what we feel, and be able to get together with us during our off days.  We can’t find that at Willow.  We still love it and contribute a great deal.  But if we find a smaller church we may leave too.

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    I heard that Gene Appel interviewed with Saddleback and that him interviewing there showed up on their website causing Willow to confront Gene.

  • Posted by Mark

    I am wondering How four Pastors left if You include McHenry Campus, Is it God shaking the church? Im not here to really give the answer or question..I know for Our Pastor Bill Hybils, its must be a huge Mountain at this time. Growing Pains perhaps? Willow Creek is only a Young Man in His thirties You know?
    Still a Young Church...Ive been attending on and off since it started..Its a wonder I haven’t applied for a Pastors Job...I like that You can Be a sinner and still go there(tongue in cheek) smiling! I like that Bill himself and other Pastors admit thier short comings, and
    humble themselves often...Alot of church s go through splits and divisions , could this happen at Willow? Anything is possible. But As Bill taught today and its true and I know it personally, God works everything out for the good, to those that are His! The church is the Lords and God wil ultimately to with it as He wished...Leaders or no leaders.
    Thats a good thing...so pray for Your selves and Pray for Willow and its leader(leaders) and staff...Im glad We have this church in our area..Thanks Lord!

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    I attend Willow and was disappointed when Mike left.  My husband actually came to know Christ through God using one of Mike’s sermons.  That being said...I read all of the above comments and am disapppointed by the finger pointing we as Christians fall into.  I am a pastor’s daughter and folks used to do it at my dad’s church as well.  I often wondered if people were more boisterous in church settings because they may not have had a voice in their professional arenas; however I try to catch myself as well (for that would be pointing fingers).  What is the point about arguing the menutia?  I guess I would focus more on: Are people continuing to learn more about what it means to be a Christian?  Are people continuing to walk closer to HIM on this faith journey?  Then whoever is at the helm...steer, whoever is called to lead...lead, whoever is called to teach...teach, AND WE AS FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST (not any person here on earth) garner HIS teaching from HIS word and those HE has put in our paths.  Just my two cents.

  • Posted by

    As someone who has attended Son City, and then Willow Creek Church when it was actually at the Willow Creek Theater ) , then subsquently grown with the church through the past 30 or so years - I have come to know Bill Hybels as solid a leader (along with the elders) as they come.  I attended the service on 6/1/08 - one of the best I have ever heard him deliver and there have been some good ones.  That church is a very special place and while there have been mistakes (they are human after all) the message, mission and integrity of the leadership remain as it always has.  ROCK SOLID.  What we all have to do now is PRAY - pray that Bill has the strength and God’s help to lead, teach and run the Church until a new teaching staff is provided.  Willow is one of the most incredible gifts God has given us, don’t let rumors, hearsay or a few human mistakes poision what is otherwise an awesome place with a great foundation.

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    Through listening to the many messages Pastor Gene Appel delivered at Central Christian Church I was convinced that JESUS CHRSIT was the way. 

    He is a gifted man.  I wish him the best and know God will find a special place for him. 

    May God continue to bless your church during this transition period.

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