church barriers

Breaking The Barriers:  Helping Your Church Grow (Part 2)

Orginally published on Monday, February 07, 2005 at 10:07 AM
by Todd Rhoades

Today, we’ll finish our two part series on how you can break the barriers to growth in your church. Dr. John Jackson continues… “Churches that want to fulfill the Great Commission by reaching lost people will hit barriers to growth. It is my belief that the are at least a couple kinds of barriers: growth barriers and leadership barriers. My specific definitions are…

A "growth barrier" is a set of qualitative factors that create a ceiling to quantitative progress. A ?leadership barrier? is a barrier that exists in the mind, the heart, or the gift mix of the church leader.

In our last article, we talked about some of the key growth barriers:

Clarity of vision
Certainty of leadership
Unity of leadership
Connection with Community
Excellence in Presentation
Faithfulness in Follow Through

This article will help your church to address the final 3 fundamental factors that are barriers to your church growing. Future articles will address specific Leadership Barriers to Church Growth.

Connection with Community
Some members and even leaders of churches do not have clue number one about the communities in which they live, work, and serve. Sometimes this is due to a ?Christian Bubble? they live in, seldom interacting with the unchurched around them. But other times this cluelessness is simply a lack of homework: to know your community, you must study it. Who lives near your church?

For example, imagine that your ministry is located in a community where the annual household income (an easily obtained figure) is $80,000 and one in six households has an income that exceeds $140,000. How would your outreach focus be different than a church that is located in the heart of a college community with thousands of people who are single? The heart of the gospel would never change, but the way that you advertise, the way you perform music and the style of speaking would all be vastly different.

Growing Churches break through growth barriers because they are effective students of their community culture. If the local McDonald's owner knows more about your community than you do as a pastor, then your church is in trouble. Breaking through growth barriers means you understand how to reach your community. Robert Schuller said it best when he proclaimed that churches must ?find a need and fill it, find a hurt and heal it". Barrier busting ministry always finds a way to connect with the community and meet needs in the name of Christ.

Excellence in Presentation
Unchurched people have come to expect (but not accept!) mediocrity whenever they do attend church. And churchgoers have come to accept and expect mediocrity from others as well as ourselves when it comes to presentation-oriented ministry. Few people have the guts to stand up and say, ?This is bad. God is not pleased with us offering the leftovers of what we could offer Him.? God is pleased with sacrifice, with excellence, with our best. Consider this warning from Malachi:

?When you bring blind animals for sacrifice, is that not wrong? When you sacrifice crippled or diseased animals, is that not wrong? Try offering them to your governor! Would he be pleased with you? Would he accept you?" says the LORD Almighty (Malachi 1:8, NIV)

Excellence in your weekend service presentation is critical to your success in taking new ground for the Kingdom. I believe most churches need to narrow their ?targets? of excellence. For most churches today, I think of these 3 excellence ?targets? as essential:

? Excellence in weekend teaching
? Excellence in worship and musical presentation
? Excellence in children?s ministries

When our church, Carson Valley Christian Center (Minden, NV, www.carsonvalleychristian.com) was planted and launched in February 1998, it was decided that excellence would be attained in the above three areas from day one. People are attracted to and stay at a church because excellence in one or more of these ?top three? areas, and so they simply must have the utmost priority for your entire fellowship. Sometimes, the dark question which few churches have the guts to ask their people is this: ?Would you invite your unchurched friends and neighbors to our church if the presentation in one or more of the ?top three? areas were improved? Does our mediocrity prevent you from inviting anyone to our church??

We live in a time where "ought" doesn't cut it any more. Saying to someone that they "ought" to come to church won't budge them from their notions of irrelevance. But, presenting a warm and excellent worship service that touches their heart, stimulates their mind, and engages their soul will break through the barriers of their heart resistance. Paying attention to specific ministry needs (children's ministry, first touch ministry, and age graded programming) with excellence demonstrates commitment to your vision of reaching people.

Sometimes churches are failing to offer an excellent well-rounded presentation on the weekends because the church is trying to do more than it can do well. Obviously, the goal would be to do all of it well. But we challenge you first to do fewer things ?well? rather than more things ?poorly.? Then work up to more and more as you conquer those challenging areas with assertiveness and excellence.

Faithfulness in Follow-Through
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up (Galatians 6:9, NIV)

Once you know what the right thing is for your vision, your leadership, your communities?just do it! Do it over and over again. Do it well. Do it right. Do it consistently and faithfully. Persistent execution of your vision will produce a harvest. Practice continuous improvement and be a laser beam rather than a shotgun. A ?shotgun? approach is usually tempting to us, since it makes a lot of noise and produces an immediate response from our people! But the ?laser beam? approach will be quieter and more exacting, and will yield results worth waiting for. A harvest!

It has been my experience that ?staying the course? relates to four specific dimensions; each of them require constant attention and pose strategic questions:

Call: Are you clear about God?s call on your life, your call to ministry, and the vision He has for you and for those you shepherd?

Character: What are the essentials of heart and mind that make up the ?you? that you want to be. What are the epitaphs you want written on your tombstone by your family, friends, AND adversaries? Are you clear about how your character has been shaped and is shared with others?

Community: Do you have ?anchor relationships? in your life? Are there people into whom you have invested and who both keep you accountable and can undergird your life during a storm? All ministry flows out of relationships; are you building a community of relationships that model and contribute health in your life?

Competency: Have you identified your gifts and are you continuously improving your kingdom effectiveness with your gift? Are you clear about how the 80/20 rule works in your life as it relates to effectiveness?

Your church can grow! You can reach more people for Christ and fulfill the Great Commission. Perseverance in ministry always relates to clarity of vision AND persistence in follow through. In short, knowing what to do and doing it consistently well is key! This process takes time, energy, and more effort than you will have on some days. But never give up. In time you will reap a harvest, and God will give you wisdom and direction as you seek to bring people to Christ and grow them to maturity in Him.


Dr. John Jackson is the President of VisionQuest Ministries and the Founding and Senior Pastor of Carson Valley Christian Center. Dr. Jackson has written the books, PastorPreneur, and High Impact Church Planting. You may learn more about breaking growth barriers and creative approaches to church ministry by visiting the VisionQuest Ministries Website at http://www.vqresources.com    or by visiting the special resource site at http://www.pastorpreneur.com.

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 TRACKBACKS: (0) There are 33 Comments:

  • Posted by Dan

    First, I must say in a spirit of Christian love and according to the bible- The Word Faith churches do have it, they have a different Jesus. Jesus said that many false Christ’s would arise. Forgive me Todd, if I am out of bounds with this however the bible is clear in 2 Peter 2 the spurious gospel that the Word Faith group is preaching. Most if not all of the teaching is based on Eisgesis not Exgesis and one point of contention, the Carnal mind is at enmity with God, I am certain that Paul never intended for Christians to become carnal to win people to the Lord. If you take that to it’s logical conclusion, then perhaps Pastor’s should divorce because that is what the carnal world would have us believe is correct when problems arise as opposed to submitting to Christ’s headship over our lives.

    Further, no one said that all mega-churches are “evil” or even wrong. The contention is with the style of growth. Fleshly growth based on Sales/Marketing principles vs. what God is doing. Again...(I am feeling like Todd now!) It is a logical fallacy to say that just because something is popular that it is a work of God, just as the reverse is also a logical fallacy.

    As Christians we are to be like the Bereans who were of a more noble Character than the Thessalonians. The Apostle Paul after being trained by Gamaliel (the foremost Rabbi of the 1st Century) was well educated in the Holy Writ. However, Luke did not record the diligent searching of scripture done by the Bereans as a negative one at all. Anytime someone calls something into question, they are given a label....narrow-minded, shallow etc. the Ad Hominems flow like a river. Give me scripture for using man’s wisdom for building a church, my bible says that God provides the increase. Read Revelation Chapter 3 about the Laodiceans, my point is
    we must examine all things to make sure that they are of God. Why is it when someone raises a biblical objection, supporting scripture is not given rather it is opinion and conjecture. I would like to see in scripture a biblical model (OT or NT) for a church filled with worldliness. Most of Paul’s letters addressed these very items Corinthians,Galatians,Colossians etc.
    Alas, I will not be able to view the responses as I am leaving for a trip.

    I am submitting this in Christian love, we must exhort each other to get back into the word, I agree with excellency but again Jesus Christ is the only one who is truly excellent. Preach him and him crucified.

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    Dan, you obviously don’t know anything about the Word of Faith movement, or just enough to be ignorant about it.  Excesses by some? Yes, but not all.  Same in big churches, little churches, baptist churches, Pentecostal churches - all of them.  Lumping them all together is foolish.

    I don’t know why so many come up with these stupid straw-man arguments that have no substance and valididy whatsoever.  Remember it is better to be thought a fool than to type on your keyboard and prove it.

  • Posted by

    Gee, if this topic caused this much “fun,” I can’t wait for Wednesday!?! 
    Good Heavens!  From a few simple considerations involving aspects of church growth to the PREDICTABLE negative assumptions. Then, we moved to tribulation and martyrdom then begin this morning by calling one another fools. Even a “new” person entered the fray with a negative assumption of very intent of this forum.
    Todd, you sounded A LITTLE down with how the discussion DE-volved yesterday and I’m guessin’ it’s not off to a positive start today!  Yes, it becomes less than inviting when you can predict the direction of the input simply by reading the topic.  Just “feelin’ yer pain” brother!  Folks need to lighten up. I’m reminded of a line from the song “Playing Games” (At the Foot of the Cross) “as we fight for position in the Church of God, the world goes on dying without the Savior’s love.  Are we just playing games at the foot of the cross...?”
    And NO, I’m not making light of the concerns expressed nor of the plight of the Church or the world as a whole...and NO, “the Church of God” was not a comment on the denomination nor any denomination for that matter and NO, I’m not holding music nor a song or any other literature over and above Scripture!
    Can we assume that? Can we stop being SO defensive and advance a discussion beyond the predictable even while expressing caution?  Can we cut Todd and each other some slack?  Decaf maybe?  Just curious…

  • Posted by

    Todd - Even if no one else got help from you posting the barriers articles, I want you to know that one church will benefit.
    My assignment and top priority for today was to establish guidelines for a special committee about to be set up by my church to figure out why for the past 16 or more years we have not grown and are in fact dying.
    The Committee will be called a “Renewal Committee.” We need renewal and revival at our church of less than 100.  This is the first time in pastoring five churches that the church has not grown during my ministry. It hurts.  I have tried everything that is out there.  We just did the PDL campaign and got nowhere - and I am so discouraged. 
    The two articles will be a must read for anyone on the committee.  I hope they will see the church’s barriers - hidden and obvious - to why they have not grown.
    I do wish the other postings were more discussion on the five points.
    Frankly, our issues are clarity of vision, connection with community, excellence in presentation and follow thru.
    Would anyone want to help me on these issues?
    Thanks in advance - and yes, I do think the church is “unhealthy” and needs to grow (by evangelism / outreach) and not just transfering believers from another church in town.

  • Posted by

    I am actually in pain while reading these commments. There seems to be a lack of love in most of of what is said. Discussion is healthy, but here I see people just trying to prove that they are right. There is an assumption made that pastors of all large churches are all self serving. They lack the ability to hear from and discern what God’s call and purpose is for a specific portion of the Body of Christ. While that may be true in some cases, I doubt those leaders are reading these article and viewing these comments. We have to understand that we are not the big picture, we are a part of the big picture - large, small or mega.
    There is scripture being taken out of context which is very sad. It is great to be passionate and convinced of our call. It is that call from God that we have to honor as Pastors and Ministers. The articles are helpful and useful - as with any other literature - they however are not scripture and the writers are not presenting them as so. Use what can, disregard the rest.

  • Posted by

    Barriers to Church Growth

    We live in a world that is fallen and has been given over to Satan the god of this world and he has set up hierarchies whose only purpose is to destroy man and faith in our Heavenly Father. For us to understand the barriers of church growth we must understand that we are living in a world where our enemies are real but unseen to the natural eye. These demon powers and principalities need to be dealt with properly before the barriers to church growth can be overcome.

    With this in mind then the plan should be to overcome the barriers which are supernatural and thus require a supernatural solutions such as
    1. Fasting
    2. Prayer
    3. Maturity in Christ
    4. Well versed in the Word of God the bible
    5. Spiritual warfare to bind the hindrances
    6. Teaching members the importance of unity
    7. Technology in itself is not evil and should be used to the fullest extent

    We must always be on guard that the growth we see is not in numbers only but a genuine conversion of the lost and then the development of new believers into mature ones. The reason our society is in the condition that it is in is that we the church have not ensured our converts are genuine therefore they are unable to take on the forces that destroy societies and are unseen.  Remember the parable of the ten virgins? I believe that Jesus was telling us a prophetic message that 50 % of those that call themselves Christians are destined for hell and they don’t know it.

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    PS.  What comes to mind after I posted my message is the temptation of Christ. Before He was able to accomplish his mission he was led by the Spirit of God to the desert to spend time with God that prepared him for his confrontation with Satan. Once Jesus defeated Satan in the wilderness he was free to move on to the rest of his mission (church growth. )

  • Posted by

    This is my first year in full time ministry at a church that just celebrated it’s first year anniversary. I have been to Saddleback conferences, Fellowship Church conferences and have read a plethora of growth, community, and other church help material. It’s easy to be bombarded with “stuff” to the point that you become a hearer of the Word and not a doer.

    How many of us have an Acts 2 church where people are added to our numbers daily? Or a 1 Cor 9 where we become all things to all people that we might save some church?

    There is much wisdom in the responses to this article. Comments that question whether you even have to grow to comments of health. The church is a body, that if healthy, will grow and attract the lost. If you are not growing or are declining then you have a sickness. This article merely opens up some possible diseases that might be infecting the leadership or the congregation.

    I don’t believe that while we run this race we should be satisfied with mediocrity. I think the body should invest it’s talents so that the investment provides an ample return. I doubt that anyone gets into ministry to simply “play church”. But if we are not careful, Satan can and will push us to a place where we quit evaluating our performance, where we no longer attempt to be creative in reaching the lost. Let’s face it...we aren’t preaching to the crowds Paul or Peter or Jesus preached to. We are trying to reach the 21st century crowd of buried in debt, loose morals and values, playstation and Hollywood generation where he who dies with the most toys wins. God bless you all for fighting the good fight.


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