Brian McLaren Wants You to Vote for Obama…

Orginally published on Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 5:06 AM
by Todd Rhoades

Here's the new TV commercial. What do you think?

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  There are 51 Comments:

  • Posted by Bo Lane

    Shouldn’t McLaren have said something like ...

    “I’ve been thinking lately, well pondering something I guess. I’ve been asking a lot of questions about Barack Obama and have been asking more questions. I lit some candles and then painted a big mural while I was pondering my thoughts. Then, as I sat back to observe the painting and take in the ambiance of the candles, I thought about thinking about the possibility of the thought of Mr Obama as the potential president and what that would look like, you know, potentially. Then I asked some of my close friends to think about and ponder what I’ve been thinking and pondering about ... and well, I’ve come to conclude that I don’t really want to conclude but in a round-about way I will conclude that Mr Obama might be a good president. But then again, I’m not really sure on that...”

    That would be commercial I could listen to…

  • Posted by Daniel

    Fishon, provide some documentation for your claims (i.e. that Obama hasn’t helped his half-brother--how on earth would you know?) or shut up. And Todd, I move to have Fishon’s comment removed unless he can back it up. It’s slander.

    Bo, your comment is frivolous and unhelpful. The question is not “in what ways can we make fun of another Christian?” but rather “what do we think of McLaren’s endorsement of Obama?” A little self-policing would be nice here. We can’t claim to be Christian and then rape each other with words.

    Beyond the poor choice that is endorsing a candidate, I agree with the commenters who find the emphasis on ‘family’ to be poorly chosen. The ad was a bad idea, and it was a bad ad. But perhaps this can be a lesson to the rest of us.

    I’ve appreciated Rick Warren’s refusal to name ‘his’ candidate very much.


  • Posted by Bo Lane

    My comment was in fact what I thought of McLaren’s endorsement of Obama - pure crapola - just like everything else he stands for - or doesn’t stand for, for that matter.

    Why would I want to listen to someone who doesn’t even know what he believes - or doesn’t believe - or wants to sit down and hold a conversation about how he believes what he’s not sure he believes or doesn’t?

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    “Rape” each other?  Wow.

  • Posted by Mark E

    You guys are kidding right....McLaren calls himself a pastor, he is called a pastor on this video.
    Neither the religious right....nor the liberal left...should be endoring political candidates.
    McLaren is doing what he has rightly railed against from the other side of politics.

  • Posted by Tyler

    I shared some of my thoughts on this here:


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    You are absolutely right. No documentation--other than the brother STILL lives in squalor and on a dollar a month, that is according to the story.

    So I apologize for my slander towards Obama, and feel sorry for the brother who must have received $$$ from older brother, but has made the choice to still live in squalor and a most dangerous place to live.

    Oops, I will get in trouble by someone else because I can not document that Obama did give his brother $$$$.

    You know what Daniel, I don’t know if Obama did or did not give him money. I do know, according to the articles that he still lives in squalor and a dangerous place to live.

    I hope you don’t hold me in to much contempt because I assumed that a very rich brother would some how convince a really down and out brother to allow him to help him live in a better standard of living.

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    Cheesy, or is it cheezy...whatever, the commercial is fromage.

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    Living here in the Bible belt, last election I had to endure sermons where a picture of Bush would be shown on the powerpoint, as the pastor of this large church spelled out Christian values, then a picture of Kerry would be shown as the preacher spelled out a list of anti-Christian values.

    I think somewhere in proverbs there must be a passage that states when a conservative republican pastor endorses a candidate from the pulpit, it’s OK as long as they can stand off the IRS, but when a liberal democrat endorses a candidate as an individual, it’s a sin.

    Give me a break.  Personally, I think Obama ought to write off the “Christian” vote because “Christian” has become synonymous with “Republican.”

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    ERR .....i feel dirty watching this video.....endorsements are not what pastors do....they point to mercy and greatness of God not man. 
    I can say i’m more than a little disappointed by all who were in this video....and yes, if Dobson or other prominent followers made an endorsement video for McCain i’d feel likely the same way.
    Fascinating survey…

    It’d be so much better if Jesus come!

  • Posted by Vince Kuipers

    What a Joke, why am I not surprised as Brian McLaren is a False Teacher and I use would not go to him for political advice especially understanding how abhorrent and messed up his theology is.

    Abortion is a major issue for me and Obama might as well support the “Nazi Party” in his support of the holocaust of unborn souls.

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    He will stand by your family! Of course if the wife or daughter in the family wants to kill her child in the womb, he will stand by while that happens. What a real man!!!

  • Posted by Rick White

    I guess McLaren is the headline stealer...but Kirby Jon should not receive a pass on this one.  Caldwell is probably more relevant to the future of the church going forward (I don’t hear too much from McLaren these days, except for the occasional book release).

    Caldwell did the Leadership Summit a few years back and still holds audience with men in those circles.  McLaren...well...I’m just not surprised by his sudden affliction of conviction in this matter.  Perhaps someone ought to ask him about the atonement while he’s afflicted with such boldness?  wink

  • Posted by Kevin Evans

    I could never support a candidate that endorses the murder of the most helpless people in society - the unborn.  Talk about the actual content of Matthew 25???  Over 1,000,000 unborn boys and girls are aborted annually in the US.  Does that not at least seem as significant as any other political issue?

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    This is just more of the same junk that has gone on in the past.  You get a “Christian” leader (or maybe “leader") to support you publicly so you can run for office.  With the exception of Jefferson, I believe (and could be wrong) every President has claimed to be a Christian to some degree.  So a pastor in the corner is a must.

    It is sad that it has to be McLaren for Obama because I was under the impression that everything must change…


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    I do not agree.


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    Birds of a feather--well, you know the rest.  Vultures, no less.

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    I liked the ad, which may make me the only reader of this who did.  There were three reasons given for not liking the ad. 
    #1.  not the pastors job to endorse a candidate.  I agree, usually.  But I also agree that it is fair and appropriate and just for all people to speak to their convictions.  But even if he hadn’t endorsed Obama he’d still be accused of giving closet Obama endorsement as Jim Wallis is accused.
    #2.  how can he be pro-family when he favours leaving abortion decriminalised.  Hmmm, interesting here that neither candidate is seeking to criminalise abortions.  Interesting that Obama wants to actually reduce the abortion rate.  And further interesting in that there is no agreed starting point for personhood.  The bible teaches that God forms us in our mothers’ womb, but never claims that personhood begins at conception.
    #3. the story about the half-brother.  Interesting.  Is that the half-brother in the shack living on $1 a day or the half brother who’s an alcoholic muslim, or the half-brother who reported that Obama’s secretly Muslim and plans to enable Iran to attack Jerusalem?
    Be Blessed,

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    1.) I am curious if, in your view, there is a difference between speaking to your convictions and endorsing a candidate?  It would seem to me that convictions vary and are many where as a candidate is singular and often has numerous convictions all their own.  There is a difference between endorsing a candidate and endorsing a conviction.  Clergy, Ministers, Pastors, we should endorse individual convictions, hopefully ones that are biblically based.  We should never endorse individuals.

    2.)I agree that everyone should take heed if someone says they are “pro-life” we need to ask if they are they willing to make abortion illegal again.  Your question about “personhood” though intrigues me.  What do you mean by personhood?  I am assuming, which may not be wise, that you mean life.  I believe declaring life status or personhood at any point before a child is born will open up another Pandora’s Box of legal battles and laws that will be passed to ridiculum.  I have read in several places that Scripture teaches us that life is in the blood (Lev 17:11 if you want to look at it).  If you want to argue for a scientific/Biblical hybrid definition of personhood or when life begins then it is about day 20, when we first have blood.  For me, personally, life begins at conception and I do think life or personhood status should be given, fully understanding that it may get legally crazy, to babies that are yet to be born.  By the way, that’s a conviction (something I believe in) that I endorse.

    3.)If you are looking for Barak’s half brothers...I will only comment on the one I have looked into. That’s the $1 a month brother.  Barak is big on family according to this ad by McLaren and Matthew 25 (you know, whatever you do unto the least of these brothers..).  Read the article yourself at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/uselection2008/barackobama/2590614/Barack-Obamas-lost-brother-found-in-Kenya.html

    I am curious about this but you failed to comment on my reason for not liking the ad.  My reasoning is that it is just more of the same garbage that Republicans have pulled the past several elections. 


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    I don’t have a problem with a person voicing their concern for a candidate or their support. We have freedom of speech, this country was built on that.  Christians should be allowed to voice their concern one way or another. However, I am surprised and dismayed that a Christian would support such a candidate when you learn about him.  Obama has a brother in Africa who only makes $2.00 a month and Obama has never spoken about him.  Obama has questionable people around him as well such as Tony Rezko a convicted Slumlord, Bill Ayers, a non-repentant terrorist, and the likes of Rev.Wright and Farrakahn.  Not including the fact that he did not support legislation in his own state {Infants Born Alive Act}. To me that is reason enough alone not to support this individual!

  • Posted by Bo Lane

    I believe, concerning either candidate, that by voting for either one, you are breaking the heart of a holy God.

    Scripture tells us that God has already appointed - and often anointed - those he has deemed to be rulers and leaders. And scripture never calls us to vote someone into any office of leadership - regardless if they are the “lesser of two evils” - which, in my opinion, is a slap in God’s face.

    That’s exactly why I’m voting for Chuck Norris. Or as the Kids call him ... Whip Botty.

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    I personally don’t agree with McLaren’s choice.  However, I would like to know why scripturally or legally why a Pastor can not voice his political opinion “as a Pastor”?  Granted, we should not tell others WHO to vote for.  But, as a citizen with freedom of speech rights, as a citizen with civil responsibilities, as a pastor with leadership responsibilities...who says I should give those up because of my profession?

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    Here is the tag verse for Matthew25.org which paid for the ad and which McClaren subscribes to: “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’

    What about the least of those who were born after a failed abortion and were refused aid and died several hours later?  According to Obama’s voting record he upholds the right of a woman to rid herself of a baby that was delivered from a failed abortion and now independent of her body.  According to Obama her rights to let a born baby die supersedes the rights of an innocent child to live.  How does this square with matthew25.org’s mission statement? Does this mean they are unwittingly sacrificing Jesus again?

  • Posted by Daniel

    Tyler, very briefly, read Obama’s response to criticism regarding his vote on the Illinois Infants Born Alive bill. The wording was not innocent. He of course does not support killing babies for the fun of it.
    The way folks here have been criticizing Obama on abortion is ridiculous. Just like political liberals can pussyfoot around abortion, political conservatives can pussyfoot around war and nuclear armament.
    THESE ARE POLITICIANS. Get used to it, regardless of your preferred party.

    Finally, I have to ask. What on earth does it matter where Obama’s half-brother lives and how much money he makes? Do any of us have half-brothers (or even just brothers) that don’t live anywhere near us? Are we responsible for them? How long are we our brothers’ keepers? What about our cousins? Do the rich have an obligation to give to all their blood relatives, no matter how distant? Why just the relatives?
    Come on now, people.


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    Article gives additional proof of obama’s knowledgable support of infanticide.

    Life Lies
    Barack Obama and Born-Alive.
    By David Freddoso 8/17/08


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