Orginally published on Wednesday, March 12, 2008 at 7:40 AM
by Todd Rhoades
Former NBA basketball player Charles Barkley has an opinon about everything (don't we all)... AND he has political aspirations. But he, for some reason sees Republicans as 'fake Christians'; and really takes a slap at Christians, who he said are the most judgemental people in the world. Watch part of this interview, then let's discuss what we can do when leveled with a charge like Charles'...
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FOR YOUR INPUT: So… what do you think? How do you get around Barkley’s view that Chrisitans
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There are 55 Comments:
Think again, you said [And just exactly what do you plan to do when Jesus replies: “‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’] to a great lady who loves Jesus and follows him as far as I know from watching her posts for quite a while. You need to read ALL of Matthew 7 again…
“The rest of scripture does not give permission for us to appoint ourselves Lord over others. “
“Until that day, please stop telling people you are a Christian because you are not.”
“Again, for the slow learners, I’m not calling anyone out.”
“Arguing with Charles Barkley exposes you for the fake Christian that you know you really are.”
Oh, sure. It all makes so much sense now!
mark this does not seem to be about charles barkley or jeaus or matt.7, this seems to be about you, because you are defending what is wrong too much, you are defending what charles has said, about christions, about gay marriages, because if you are standing with what they believe then you are standing with them , good or bad. if you are defending charles in his wrong/sin please do not use the scriptures or jesus to try to back you up, because the scriptures or jesus does not believe in gay marriages, i do not know you or charles barkley personelly, but i can hear what you are saying, and by our own words we are justified or condemed, not by me but by the word of god, to love a person is to tell him gods truth you can not defend the sin and tell people the truth at the same time, nothing but the truth has ever helped me, it might hurt for a little while but in the long run it is best, but i am not offended about what you say about me , i forgive you , but i can not wish you god speed, because i do not agree with you,
CS, your sarcasm in that last post doesn’t sound very Christian to me. Thanks for reconfirming that hanging out in church with Christians like you is a really bad idea. The next time you read about the decline of Christianity in America I hope you remember your smarmy retort. The two are connected.
Deaubry, It has never been about me or Charles Barkley. Perhaps you forgot the title of this discussion. Its about fake Christians. You need to learn how to focus. The message of Jesus in Matthew 7 is all about exposing those fake Christians. When you put away your own arrogance and pride and judgmentalism, as CS is clearly unable to do, and read the words of Jesus in context then you will understand Jesus’ message. It is very clear. However, anyone can pick a single sentence out of the bible that appears to serve his own selfish purposes. Don’t be one of those shallow arrogant Christians who choose to argue with Charles Barkley’s rebuke but rather you should confess your own sin as Jesus has instructed you to do.
Mark writes [The message of Jesus in Matthew 7 is all about exposing those fake Christians.]
Uh… no it’s not. Read it again in context, if you can put aside your own particular prejudices (something that is indeed hard for any of us).
Also [However, anyone can pick a single sentence out of the bible that appears to serve his own selfish purposes.] Or in your case, Mark, what would appear to be an entire mis-interpreted chapter.
You can NOT read Matthew 7 out of context with the entire Sermon on the mount (indeed, or out of context with all of Matthew and all of the Gospels!).
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