
Church Staff Member Turns Himself In on Murder Charge; Church is Supportive

Orginally published on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 8:36 AM
by Todd Rhoades

A youth minister who confessed to the unsolved killing of a convenience store clerk 13 years ago is being widely forgiven by congregants at his former church. Twenty-9-year-old Calvin Wayne Inman is charged with capital murder in the 1994 stabbing death of a Pasadena clerk during an alleged plot to rob the store. He was 16 at the time. Inman was arrested last week after turning himself into police earlier this month at the encouragement of his senior pastor.

Inman was a youth pastor at Houston’s 800-member Elim Church, where worshippers say they admire his courage to finally surrender to police.

Church member Kelley Graham called Inman “a hero.” Robin Thac, another church member, said she was “thrilled” that her 17-year-old son had a role model when it comes to accepting responsibility.

Inman had been with the church in 1999. He was ordained as a minister in November but resigned just a month later.

FOR DISCUSSION:  Any thoughts on this one?  (Personally, I think calling him a ‘hero’ might be a little over the top)…

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  There are 6 Comments:

  • Posted by Karl

    Yeah, “hero” might be a little much, but I admire that the church has a move toward forgiveness. I’m glad that he has support when he really needs it.

  • Posted by RevJeff

    Whoa.... he’s a hero?  A “Role Model” for taking responsibility?  I am glad that he is doing the right thing - now.  And I am glad that His church will support him… but he is guilty of murder.  How do you think the victim’s family would feel if they heard the word “hero?”

    How did he get hired in the first place?  Does the question “have you ever committed or been convicted of any felony/violent crime?” not get asked in bigger cities?

  • Posted by inWorship

    Hero? Hardly.

    I think what he did was the right thing. Turn himself in and face the consequences. I am thankful that his church is supportive, everyone should be.

    BUT, why is it that doing the right thing or doing what’s expected is heroic or rewarded?

  • Posted by Jermayn Parker

    Hero??? If thats a hero im Donald Duck!!

    Full of courage yes but a hero? No way!
    I think the best thing about this story is the support, grace, love and forgiveness of the church. rare these days for a church to to show that!

  • Posted by Adam McLane

    I’ve been thinking about this story a little bit. As a youth pastor, I feel like we should try to always be a role model. Charles Barkley, I am not!

    A hero? No Noble? Maybe.For folks that think he is a role model, ask the family of the victim about that.

    I think he is a murderer. That doesn’t mean that God can’t use him. Look at Moses, look at Paul. But the first step is going to be his paying his price to society.  I’m glad he turned himself in, but I’m not digging the spin job that this church is trying to put on it. They had a murderer on their staff.

  • Posted by

    Hardly a hero; not even a role model, save for his willingness to accept responsibility.

    And what are his fellow church members forgiving for?  Not murder.  The sins against them were lying--they can forgive him that.  The only ones who can forgive him for the murder are the murder victim and God Himself.

    God will certainly forgive him this sin, if Calvin sincerely seeks it.  Calvin (and his church friends) should also expect Calvin to pay a great penalty for his crime.

    Making Calvin a hero and offering cheap forgiveness makes a mockery of Christian belief.  There is nothing to celebrate here.

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