Nazarene Nooz reports that while most people in the United States turn their clocks back by an hour and then stay up an hour later, church leaders in Southwest Indiana have found a way to capitalize on the time change in order to boost the day's Sunday School attendance.
Most churches remind their attenders of the twice per year time change, but Albumin Avenue First Church of the Nazarene has decided to remain silent about the return to standard time. Sunday School Superintendent Harold Steinwyck explains, “Last year we forgot to issue the reminder and a bunch of people showed up for what they thought was the worship service. They looked a little confused at first, but then they realized their mistake, felt stupid, and then (most importantly) tried out a Sunday School class. Our Sunday School attedance was up by approximately 23.8%. “
Read more here at Nazarene Nooz...
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One time at a former church (1,600+), someone decided for us to wait until AFTER the final church service that Sunday morning to change the time. We were supposed to do this as a body.... Ummm some of the arms and legs didn’t get word. Talk about sheer disaster. We can laugh about it now.
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