
Contrasting Healthy/Unhealthy Churches

Orginally published on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 at 11:00 AM
by Todd Rhoades

Jeff Garrett has a nice post over at his blog on the differences between a healthy and an unhealthy church. Jeff explains, "This list of characteristics of a healthy church is adapted from Cory and Cory’s description of healthy groups in: Theory and Practice of Group Counseling

As I was preparing to teach a counseling course I was struck by the similarites between healthy and unhealthy groups and healthy and unhealthy churches. I took Cory's list and found relevant passages from Acts that described a healthy church."

Take a look at these and see what you think:

Healthy Church - Relies on the Holy Spirit (2:1-47)
Unhealthy Church - Relies on human effort

Healthy Church - Based on the Bible (2:42)
Unhealthy Church - Based on tradition

Healthy Church - Emphasis on grace (15:1-35)
Unhealthy Church - Emphasis on works-righteousness

Healthy Church - God gets all the credit (2:47)
Unhealthy Church - People get the credit.

Healthy Church - Faithfully practices the ordinances of baptism (2:41) and communion (2:42)
Unhealthy Church - Fails to practice these ordinances or
overemphasizes them.

Healthy Church - Diversity is encouraged (2:9-11), and there is a respect for individual beliefs and cultural differences
Unhealthy Church - Conformity is prized, and individual beliefs & cultural differences are devalued.

Healthy Church - Prayer is a priority (4:23-31)
Unhealthy Church - Prayer is talked about but not practiced

Healthy Church - Communication is clear & direct (15:22-35)
Unhealthy Church - Communication is unclear & indirect.

Healthy Church - Repentance is stressed (3:19)
Unhealthy Church - Repentance is whispered

Healthy Church - Members feel empowered (4:31) and share power with one another
Unhealthy Church - Members or leaders use power and control over others.

Healthy Church - Assemblies are dynamic; Inspiring worship (2:43, 4:23-31)
Unhealthy Church - Assemblies are dull, predictable and boring

Healthy Church - Thinking and questioning are encouraged (18:26)
Unhealthy Church - Thinking and questioning are discouraged.

Healthy Church - Obedient to God (4:19)
Unhealthy Church - People pleasing

Healthy Church - Members trust other members and leaders, or at least they openly express any lack of trust. (5:1-11)
Unhealthy Church - Mistrust is evidenced by an undercurrent
of unexpressed hostility.

Healthy Church - Culturally relevant while remaining doctrinally pure (17:16-34)
Unhealthy Church - Fixated on doctrine and uses out-of-date methods.

Healthy Church - Goals are clear and specific (1:8) and shared by the members - the church is lead to meet goals.
Unhealthy Church - Goals are fuzzy, abstract, and general.
Members have unclear personal goals or no goals at all.

Healthy Church - Most members feel a sense of inclusion, and excluded members are invited to become more active (2:44)
Unhealthy Church - Many members feel excluded and cliques are formed - there is fear of expressing feelings of being left out

Healthy Church - The leadership functions are shared by the group; people feel free to initiate activities and be creative (6:1-7).
Unhealthy Church - There are power conflicts among members and leaders. Creativity is discourage.

Healthy Church - Large group assemblies and small group sharing (20:20)
Unhealthy Church - Large group and middle size group only. Small groups are viewed with suspicion.

Healthy Church - Sin is confessed (19:18)
Unhealthy Church - Sin is hidden and rarely confessed

Healthy Church - Members give their money generously 4:32-37) ? the leaders are accountable and open in the way they handle funds
Unhealthy Church - Members are not charitable - the leaders are secretive and unaccountable.

Healthy Church - Organizational structure is functional and flexible (6:1-7). Gift-based ministry.
Unhealthy Church - Organizational structure in inflexible and dysfunctional. Haphazard ministry

Healthy Church - Needs-oriented evangelism (1:8)
Unhealthy Church - Evangelism is rare - few people are saved

Healthy Church - Cooperates with other churches in ministry (21:18 & 24:17)
Unhealthy Church - Isolates themselves from other churches - exclusive and sectarian.

Healthy Church - Cohesion is high; there is a close emotional bond among members. Members share with each other (2:44-45).
Unhealthy Church - Division exists; people feel distant
from one another. There is a lack of caring and empathy.

Healthy Church - Organized ministry for the poor (6:1-7)
Unhealthy Church - No organized outreach to the poor

Healthy Church - Men and women are free to pray and prophesy (1:14, 2:17, 4:24, 21:9)
Unhealthy Church - Women and young girls are excluded from full participation in assemblies & small groups

Healthy Church - Loving relationships permeate every aspect of the church ( 20:36-38)
Unhealthy Church - Members are distant from each other

Healthy Church - Conflict among members or with leaders is recognized, discussed, and often resolved (6:1-8, 15:1-30 & 36-41)
Unhealthy Church - Conflict or negative feelings are ignored, denied, or avoided.

Healthy Church - Passionate spirituality (18:28)
Unhealthy Church - Lack of enthusiasm - low morale

FOR DISCUSSION:  Think about each statement as it relates to your church. Identify strengths and build on them. Identify weaknesses and take measures to improve those areas. Work to improve the health of your church knowing that your salvation is secure. You are the church of God. One day Jesus will present his church to himself as perfect, without blemish. Until that time we pray and rely on the Holy Spirit as we strive to be all the Lord wants us to be as a church.

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  • Posted by

    [So, even if one takes a completely Dispensational view to interpretation of Scripture; honesty and integrity, if nothing else, should at least cause that one to admit he/she is truly not equipped to engage a Pentecostal/Charismatic in debate concerning Scripture or the right/wrong of how we do Church and Ministry.]

    A dispensationalist may not be able to engage a Pentecostal/Charismatic in debate concerning Scripture but a Presuppositinalist would be well equipped for both or either.

    [With all that said, I must also say, any truly Spirit filled Charismatic/Pentecostal who is actually walking in what they claim to believe, will not be found spear chucking and demeaning the rest of His Church, either here or anywhere else. They will not accuse Dispensationalists or non-charismatic believers of heresy for not embracing the truth as they know it, but they will understand the limitations involved in relational application of church and ministry.]

    You’re not suggesting JCE that there is no ONE way to BE the church are you?

    BTW.  Do you and Wendi know one another honestly???  I’m only inquiring because it seems like flattery for a purpose, Wendi like most of us, myself included has uncrucified flesh.

    So here’s the question JCE… Are Pentecostal/Charismatics agents of revelation?  Meaning, are they receiving new instruction from God that they can hear… does God speak to them audibly (even in a “still small voice")?

  • Posted by Franklin Reeves

    So here’s the question JCE… Are Pentecostal/Charismatics agents of revelation? Meaning, are they receiving new instruction from God that they can hear… does God speak to them audibly (even in a “still small voice")?

    BeHim are you talking about God revealing new doctrine type things, or are you suiggesting that God does not guide us in understadning scripture, or lead us.

    The Bible seems to suggest the Spirit will teach us, gives us words to speak etc..

    If you mean that you are wary of the idea that God is providing people with special extr-biblical instrutions on the “hidden truths” then I am with you.

    If you are saying the Holy Spirit no longer has a function, then I would need to see that in scripture, becasue everything I have read and studied says the opposite.

  • Posted by Franklin Reeves

    I persoanlly believe if we lost all the knowledge and understadning from those that preceded and were left with the scriptures and God, that we would be okay. I learn a lot from our forefathers in the faith, but if what they say seems to go against the Bible I have to look harder and closer, even seek wise counsel. If I see my mistake then I join with them, if I still cannot follow thier conclusions or still disagree then I will have to go with the Bible.

    Now I have to admit that most of the time, it is me that changes to agree with them. However I pray, study the scripture, compare to the rest of scipture and I will go with the one that appears correct (even if I do not like it).

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    JCE - Indeed, too long of a theological dissertation for the purposes of this blog.  I’ve done the same myself here, when something I felt passionate about caught my eye (and my keyboard).  But since I enjoy participating, I’ve determined to be more careful.

    You did make my point early in your post though:

    [Absolutely, if we are only referring to what makes one “saved”, and therefore joint heirs together as members of the Body of Christ, this is a non-essential issue and should never be allowed to surface in a way that could divide us on that plain.]

    That is exactly what I was saying . . .

    So BeHim - PLEASE.  I had no intention of beginning a theological debate. That is not needed in this forum, because I think the target audience is pastors and church staff.  We already have wrestled with theology and doctrinal issues - or we wouldn’t be in vocational ministry. 

    My point, as you know because you’ve already commented on it, was to agree with Garrett, that one sign of church health is being able to cooperate with other churches (and denominations) that have quite different doctrinal views, on behalf of our community and our shared commitment to the essentials - reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus.

    My comparison to dispensational and charismatic theology was for no other purpose than to show these as non-essentials that don’t keep us from being ministry partners in the community.

    Here was Todd’s point for discussion:

    [Think about each statement as it relates to your church. Identify strengths and build on them. Identify weaknesses and take measures to improve those areas.]

    The one about cooperation jumped out at me because we’ve recently talked at staff meetings about how we can come along side some other smaller churches.  The question about doctrine came up.  We hashed it out.  No solid plans, but we did agree (as a staff at least) that we should be willing to link arms in service to the community with any Christian church - including Catholics.

    Please don’t be tempted to argue with me about Catholics.  I bring it up because Garrett’s point about church health was exactly what our staff has been discussing recently - and that is where we landed. Now our task is to put our money where our mouth is.  I’ll keep you posted.  As a large commuter church in a declining neighborhood, I hope we’ll learn to be better partners with small churches.

    I’d love a response with practical advice about that specifically, I’ll be sure to pass the advice along at the next staff meeting.  But please not theology lessons, okay? 

    BTW – everyone on this blog is completely anonymous to me, including you and JCE.

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    It boils down to this: Think of the church in terms of relationship, then go to ‘google’ and type in ‘characteristics of abusive relationships.’

    Next, replace the term ‘spouse’ with ‘church’ or ‘church leadership.’

    If as a pastor, or staff member, reading through such a descriptive list leaves you saying “Oh my gosh!” - then friend, you have an unhealthy church.

    Healthy churches are loving and accepting because they are focused on someone larger than themselves.

    Unhealhty churches are mean spirited and controlling because they are focused on nothing but themselves.

    The unhealthy church will chew you up and spit you out. And the ones who will do the chewing will look you right in the eye and tell you that they love you. The ones who will spit you out are the ones who will raise their hands and claim they love Jesus.

    Very little has changed in 2000 years.


  • Posted by


    1.) No I do not know Wendi beyond the three or four posts of hers I have read here.  To my knowledge, I do not know anyone posting here.

    2.) No, BeHim, I’m not suggesting there is no one way to do Church. But I am suggesting that the way to do Church, at least from my limited experience, whenever it does end up being the right way, will always be void of legalism, permeated with grace and tolerant of weaker brethren not yet matured beyond their need to “GET IT RIGHT”!

    3.) I don’t know BeHim, you decide...if the theological premise that baptism in the Holy Spirit and cessation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, were proven to you as completely false, and you knew the experience for the early Church in that regard to be available, alive and well in the Church today...how would you answer your own question about agents of revelation and new instruction? I’ve never met a P/C Spirit Filled believer who made such a claim; only heard a lot of accusations about such.


    I will do my best to avoid future verbosity and theological extendedness.

    You wrote, “My comparison to dispensational and charismatic theology was for no other purpose than to show these as non-essentials that don’t keep us from being ministry partners in the community.”

    I believe that you truly mean that, and many of us who are P/C have absolutely nothing in us to keep us from walking with and working side by side in ministry with those who do not embrace our understanding and experience, especially since a significant portion of those who are P/C (self included) have come here from a cessationist background.  We could not see before and now we do.

    The problem that exists as far as inability to flow together in fellowship, worship, preaching, teaching and ministry outside the Church, comes almost exclusively from those who reject our belief and experience, not the other way around. We would be very unlikely to require a non charismatic to operate in a gift of the Holy Spirit when he/she does not even believe in it let alone have the power to do so. But you can rest assured that the majority of anti-charismatics would expect us to not prophesy, not give words of wisdom or knowledge, not lay hands on the sick expecting them to be healed, not cast out demons...and definitely not speak or pray in tongues if we are in their presence, their church or working together in ministering to thers.

    I’m so sorry, but for us, these gifts are essential ingredients in authentic ministry and to lay them down, treat them as theologically insignificant opinions, and refuse to go there would require direct disobedience to the leading presence of the Holy Spirit and denouncing His presence and purpose in our lives.

    NO CAN DO!

  • Posted by

    Wow! I can’t believe how this discussion has evolved! I just wanted to comment on what I think Wendi said, “I don’t think the creeds deal with the “inerrancy” of the scripture.”

    I agree that as far as the ancient creeds go, which are the ones I alluded to, especially the Nicene Creed (Western Recension, for those of you looking for specifics...) I agree they absolutely do NOT put “innerrancy” in the category of main unalterable points of doctrine. I wouldn’t put it in that circle either, although, like some of you others, I AM a proponent of it.

    The Holy Spirit discussion has gone way over the edge in terms of this topic, and having thought a GREAT deal about it over the years, I am firmly in both camps (How post-modern/emergent/super-cool of me… wink

    I do NOT buy the argument that the sign gifts petered out upon the conclusion of the canon, but at the same time, I think it is often a mark of an UNhealthy church (there I go getting back on point again) that makes such serious issue out of this. And another mark would be some of the strange abberrant behavior I’ve seen mark many P/C congregations in this regard… “teaching” someone to speak in tongues, for example. Conversely, I’ve heard more than one preacher rail against P/C beliefs who themselves were great examples of real spiritual gifts of preaching, and I thought it hurt their message and witness to do that…

    (I was going to write this in tongues, but I was afraid that not all of you had the gift of interpretation… Go ahead, laugh a little!)

  • Posted by

    Since I think I started the HS discussion, let me see if I can bring it back on point.

    Personally, I think any and every gift can be abused. Every strongly held belief can become an obsession.  Either is UNHEALTHY . . . for the individual, the church, the kingdom witness of the universal church. 

    JCE - My experience has been the same as yours.  The “anti-charismatic” camp is much more militant in espousing their position and criticizing those on the other side. It’s dishonoring to the unity of the church.  None of us should be asked to lay down their gifts. God intends to use every element of our “wiring” as we serve.  Don’t ever do it, no matter what the cessationist asks.

    I would bet that what Jeff Garrett had in mind when he wrote that healthy churches cooperate, is an AG, Baptist, and Lutheran, church going together to sponsor a neighborhood outreach.

    Such a thing is unlikely to happen if any one has been vocal against the doctrines and practices of another.  It would serve us well to think through what potential ministry we compromise when we choose to criticize. 

    The ED for our local YFC and ESA chapters both are part of a large Four Square church in town.  Both are often invited as guest speakers, but would never get such invitations if they’d been publicly critical of particular churches or belief systems.  Because they are offered such platforms, the ministry in our community is blessed.  I am a trainer with a Christian publishing company.  If I made it a point to criticize Christian churches with different doctrinal views than my own, I’d not only lose my job, I’d compromise my kingdom influence.

    There is an influential pastor of a mega-church here in CA that has done that very thing (not just anti-charismatic, anti-seeker, emergent, women, . . .) I like to envision him being assigned to his section in the heavenly choir, and God making him sing for all eternity, standing between the woman pastors, charismatics, postmoderns and emergents - with BH and RW leading choir practice every Wednesday night.

  • Posted by

    [I don’t know BeHim, you decide...if the theological premise that baptism in the Holy Spirit and cessation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, were proven to you as completely false, and you knew the experience for the early Church in that regard to be available, alive and well in the Church today...how would you answer your own question about agents of revelation and new instruction? I’ve never met a P/C Spirit Filled believer who made such a claim; only heard a lot of accusations about such.]

    Classic redirect with class though… lol

    At any rate, I don’t Scripturally (Rev) believe there are agents of Revelation today.  Forth telling yes but no foretelling as in the days of old.

    [There is an influential pastor of a mega-church here in CA that has done that very thing (not just anti-charismatic, anti-seeker, emergent, women, . . .) I like to envision him being assigned to his section in the heavenly choir, and God making him sing for all eternity, standing between the woman pastors, charismatics, postmoderns and emergents - with BH and RW leading choir practice every Wednesday night.]

    Or perhaps He will be welcomed as a good and faithful servant while perhaps the others began with “but Lord we did… in your name”

    I envision this as a possability not because of my personal view but because I know it is true in Scripture.

    People may not like JM or DJK but is he Scripturally wrong???

  • Posted by

    I find the mean spirited methods or JM and others to be scripturally wrong. 

    Please do not reply and get us onto a JM, BH, RW rabbit trail.  No need, no purpose served, neither or us persuading the other -we already know that, right?

  • Posted by

    Wendi, Thank you.  BeHim, You too.


    I’m sorry you felt the Holy Spirit discussion went way over the edge and moved away from the topic. If it truly did, I am sorry because it looks like I took it there.

    I guess I was believing I was pointing out a real life, relevant issue, that is so interred in the bones of Western Christianity that it is at the core of any health issue in the Church.

    We are the Body...Body...Body of Christ! To talk about a Church as being healthy, when it is openly vocal and demonstrative about trashing and refusing intimacy and relationship with vital members (i.e. organs...no, not the old sacred cow kind) of its own body, seems about as sincere and legitimate as owning an herb shop and lecturing on health in between my cigarettes and McDonalds lunch.

    When we can manage to hang with each other, have relationship, stay in fellowship and allow for these differences to work themselves out in the context of “becoming one with each other as Father....(you know the rest of Jesus’prayer for us as well as I do), then we will have the possibility of a Healthy Church and something to contrast with.

    Until then, we can surely have healthy individual lives and healthy relationships in the Body with those whom we connect in Him, but “Healthy Church”, in my opinion is an oxymoron apart from living in denial!

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    I didn’t feel it went over the edge… Truth is, I enjoyed it a lot! I just know that that fella who runs this forum likes us kids to stay on point whenever we can. (Thank, Dad!) And your point is well taken, for the health of the church in general. One of the things I think non-Pentecostal/Charismatics find very disturbing about P/Cers is that whole prophecy as new revelation thing, and based on my experience with it, I agree with their assessment.

    I have found it VERY disturbing when somebody has opened their mouth in a prayer service and begun with something like “Oh my children...” and then went on to spout the same exact stuff he’s been saying in meetings et cetera forever, or just throwing a couple of interesting uplifting minor prophet quotes together. You know what I’m talking about, right? “I’ve longed to gather you together, I want to pour out my blessing...” ya da ya da ya da. Don’t get me wrong, my theology is definitely Charismatic, I’m even a bona-fide tongue-speaker, but let’s face it, this theology gets abused… And THAT is unhealthy, and leads to the kind of backlash you see from the anti-P/C set. Who can blame them?

    Which is why I try to be as charitable with everybody as I possibly can, even when I disagree. (I think that’s a HUGE one, and we’ve seen it illustrated time and time again both positively and negatively on this very forum!)


  • Posted by

    HEALTHY CHURCH:  (In our Culture)

    A fellowship of local believers comprised of dispensationalists, presuppositionalists, covenant theologians, pentecostals, charismatics etc.; blacks, whites, browns etc.; wealthy, not so wealthy, poor etc.; scholars, educated, illiterate etc., etc., etc.; ALL deeply and passionately consumed with becoming one with each other, even as Father and Jesus are one...SO THAT...the world will know that HE IS!

    UNHEALTHY CHURCH:  (In our culture)

    Any gathering of believers excluding (as in separated from and in opposition to) any members of the Body of Christ.

    Hang with me folks and I’ll learn how to be concise and brief.

    BTW...there is one exception to my insisting that every “vital organ” in the Body of Christ needs to be embraced and allowed a functional relationship in every healthy church:

    The long time SACRED COW with its pipes and foot pedals...DEFINITELY needed excommunicated!!!!!!

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    That is soooooooooooo true Bro!!! And non P/Cer’s have valid evidences for such foolishness in our camp to be sure.

    In such times I want to stand up and say in a deep toned, authoritatively sounding voice..."Thus saith the LORDAHH...I DID NOT SAY THAT!!!

  • Posted by

    Hey JCE -

    I wanna come to that church with dispensationalists, presuppositionalists, covenant theologians, pentecostals, charismatics etc.; blacks, whites, browns etc.; wealthy, not so wealthy, poor etc.; scholars, educated, illiterate etc., etc., etc.

    all linked arms and reaching the neighborhood for Jesus. 

    If you plant it I will come.


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    Amen and thanks.  You are an encourager to be sure.

    Actually though, that very thing is not at all out of the question. I am currently seeking His face for understanding as to whether it is in the plans for me to embark on another church plant.  That is exactly the kind of church my heart is panting after. I’m from San Diego, but serving in the Houston area right now.  We’ll see.

  • Posted by


    [BeHim are you talking about God revealing new doctrine type things, or are you suiggesting that God does not guide us in understadning scripture, or lead us.]

    No, I’m with you.  God does guide us in understanding Scripture and leads us through His Word.

    [If you mean that you are wary of the idea that God is providing people with special extr-biblical instrutions on the “hidden truths” then I am with you.]

    Bingo.  There are no agents of revelation today.

    [If you are saying the Holy Spirit no longer has a function, then I would need to see that in scripture, becasue everything I have read and studied says the opposite.]

    Not at all, the Holy Spirit is very much a function of our Christian lives.

    Sorry for any confusion, I was attempting to find our where JCE stands on the issue but it seems he would rather not discuss it.

  • Posted by

    No, that’s not what I’m saying, a worldview is more than A belief but a “set” of beliefs.

    Worldview - a worldview is a network of presuppositions which is not verified by the procedures of natural science, but in terms of which every aspect of man’s knowledge and experience is interpreted and interrelated.

    A presupposition is an elementary assumption or basic commitment or foundational principle

  • Posted by


    Thanks for the compliment about the classiness of my redirect. LOL

    Actually though, it was more like an old bass spitting out the lure when he sensed the hook. LOL

    Anyway, I have no problem discussing what you asked, I just thought I had already gone on too long and didn’t want to monopolize the blog.

    So, here was your question:

    So here’s the question JCE… Are Pentecostal/Charismatics agents of revelation? Meaning, are they receiving new instruction from God that they can hear… does God speak to them audibly (even in a “still small voice")?

    Actually, I do not believe any Christian is an “agent of revelation”! I do not believe any human has ever been an agent of revelation, with the exception of Jesus. The Holy Spirit in my understanding has been, is and shall be the only agent of revelation. The fact that God chose at times throughout history to deliver revelation by using a human being as His delivery boy, does not in my understanding, equate to making that person an agent of revelation.

    So, I would guess the answer is...no I do not believe P/Cers are agents of revelation.

    I also do not believe for a moment that God will ever use a human being or any other form to deliver any revelation that would prove to be contrary to or out of line with the revelation He has already given in Scripture.

    Do I believe God could choose to bring revelation by whatever means He felt like, that would be completely new to us.  ABSOLUTELY!!!

    But I am persuaded it would prove to be entirely consistent with his Word in Spirit and in Truth even if we finite and time bound mortals could not manage to reconcile it with the Letter of His Word.

    Daddy is just too huge, too independent, too often revealing His ways to not be mine; and far too sovereign for me to get into projecting limitations on Him as to what He can do by way of revelation, just because I am convinced I have mastered the science and art of hermeneutics to the point of complete knowledge and understanding of His Word!

    I know it is heretical in the eyes of those who worship “the Book that sits upon the Throne”, but as scary as it is I will opt to depend upon His REALITY in RELATIONSHIP with me and the indwelling presence and leading of His Holy Spirit, over any interpretation of Scripture.

    From the time of Christ until this very day in history, over 80% of the Christians who have lived on planet earth have never even had access to, or opportunity for reading, let alone owning and studying the Scripture.  They have had to depend on truly BEING born from above, truly BEING filled with the Holy Spirit, and Truly IN RELATIONSHIP with the Lord.

    I am persuaded His realness and presence has proven sufficient to keep those who are His.  I am also persuaded, for those who have truly been born from above, that their experience, regardless of whatever seasons of theological or doctrinal straying they have gone, or may go through, will prove in the end to be conformed to His image as well as we who have been extremely blessed to have access to His revealed Word in Scripture.


    About the speaking audibly thing...I can’t speak for anyone but myself. I can tell you though that there is no written or unwritten doctrine or acknowledged belief system within the P/Cers camp that says God speaks to them audibly.

    As for myself...I’m stil alive here on earth so the jury is still out on that one. But, So far it just ain’t happening and that really pi..es me off! LOL

  • Posted by

    JCE, you said [So here’s the question JCE… Are Pentecostal/Charismatics agents of revelation? Meaning, are they receiving new instruction from God that they can hear]

    Well, speaking as a guy who is P/C in my outlook… absolutely NOT… and I am afraid that some of them actually think they are. I totally agree with you. God’s revelation comes through Himself and His Son and His Holy Spirit… who has spoken through the prophets, so therefore through the Written Word (alongside the Incarnate Word).

    SO off topic, but here’s one for you. Unhealthy churches see themselves as instruments of Revelation, Healthy churches see themselves as instruments of the Gospel, the revealed Word of God… (There… it’s back on topic!)

  • Posted by

    [Actually, I do not believe any Christian is an “agent of revelation”! I do not believe any human has ever been an agent of revelation, with the exception of Jesus. The Holy Spirit in my understanding has been, is and shall be the only agent of revelation. The fact that God chose at times throughout history to deliver revelation by using a human being as His delivery boy, does not in my understanding, equate to making that person an agent of revelation.]

    Okay… did God use man to write His book.  If yes, then God used certain “agents” for His Revelation and we call these people “agents” of revelation.

    [I also do not believe for a moment that God will ever use a human being or any other form to deliver any revelation that would prove to be contrary to or out of line with the revelation He has already given in Scripture.]


    [Do I believe God could choose to bring revelation by whatever means He felt like, that would be completely new to us. ABSOLUTELY!!!]

    God “could” do anything but IS Revelation complete?

    [I know it is heretical in the eyes of those who worship “the Book that sits upon the Throne”, but as scary as it is I will opt to depend upon His REALITY in RELATIONSHIP with me and the indwelling presence and leading of His Holy Spirit, over any interpretation of Scripture.]

    So do you believe in a dual source of revelation?  One the Scripture and two the Holy Spirit in you which supercedes Scripture according to your statement.

    [From the time of Christ until this very day in history, over 80% of the Christians who have lived on planet earth have never even had access to, or opportunity for reading, let alone owning and studying the Scripture. They have had to depend on truly BEING born from above, truly BEING filled with the Holy Spirit, and Truly IN RELATIONSHIP with the Lord.]

    But this relationship is still based on Scripture (did someone instruct them/teach them about the Word.. yes) - Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God… you’re undermining Scripture itself and if you’re truly Christ’s disciple you’re going to “abide in His Word” John 8:31 through oral teaching or written.

    [I am persuaded His realness and presence has proven sufficient to keep those who are His. I am also persuaded, for those who have truly been born from above, that their experience, regardless of whatever seasons of theological or doctrinal straying they have gone, or may go through, will prove in the end to be conformed to His image as well as we who have been extremely blessed to have access to His revealed Word in Scripture.]

    How is a person sanctified?  Sanctify them by thy Word they Word is Truth.

    [About the speaking audibly thing...I can’t speak for anyone but myself. I can tell you though that there is no written or unwritten doctrine or acknowledged belief system within the P/Cers camp that says God speaks to them audibly.

    As for myself...I’m stil alive here on earth so the jury is still out on that one. But, So far it just ain’t happening and that really pi..es me off! LOL]

    Does Scripture teach that God speaks to us (audibly) today?  regardless of the subjectivity… if it’s true for one it’s possible for all and it must be in Scripture.

    I say this because it seems to me you’re okay with P/C ers saying that God speaks to them audibly but it hasn’t happened to you which is kind of like saying… “It’s True for them but not necessarily for me"…

    I’m simply pointing to a fallacy of dual revelation… our source is Scripture and God’s spirit enlightens us through it.

    With that, I’m off to see Narnia.

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    My thing about being pi..ed off that God hasn’t spoken audibly to me was a joke!

    Question for you...how did Paul come to be saved?  I’ll answer it myself...he was accosted by Jesus Himself. The last I checked Jesus was the WORD! You seem to have an agenda to somehow take me as a representative P/Cer to the place of being people who are outside the realm of orthodoxy and adherents of heretical doctrine. It ain’t gunna work bro!

    I am totally at peace giving you ammunition to fire my direction by stretching relationship with the Word you are referring to.  I’m not a Bible worshipper and to this day have found no Scriture to suggest I ought to be.  To be quite frank, you have to make a faith based ASSUMPTION to make the 66 books of the Bible be literally from the hermeneutic perspective, let alone spiritual truth, the explicit point of reference Scripture is referring to when you wrote,
    “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God… you’re undermining Scripture itself and if you’re truly Christ’s disciple you’re going to “abide in His Word” John 8:31 through oral teaching or written.”

    I believe as much as you do that these books are the infallible, inerrant, Holy Spirit breathed Word of God.  I even wrote earlier that nothing would come that would conflict with them. But I have to tell you I do not now nor ever will have a level of intimate REAL RELATIONSHIP with the Bible that I do with Jesus, the Holy Spirit and my Father.

    I prefer to take the Spirit of the Word which gives life than to turn my life in Him into death by living by the letter of the Word.

    Your source may very well be Scripture, and I have no problem at all with your indocrinated choice to live with that. I am an extremely blessed man to be fortunate enough to have Scripture, even more blessed to have been fortunate enough to learn the original languages and develop the tools of studying Scripture that I have. I cannot, in fact, read any portion of the Bible without amazement at the way the Lord speaks to and works in my life through it.

    Evidently, it has never been your experience to meet a person who had never been preached to, never been to Church, never even heard the name of Jesus, never read a single Bible verse nor heard a single Bible verse, who was moved upon by the Holy Spirit, convicted of their sinful state and visited by the Lord, repented and received Him as their LORD and SAVIOUR, and gone on to maturity in Christ.

    Well brother, it has been my experience on more than one occasion.  you see, the Word was made flesh and came and dwelt among us.  Not only that, but from the perspective I’m reading in what you write, even the power of Scripture as the Word of God is undermined and even worse not recognized for the POWER it truly possesses.  BeHim, the Word of God, as Scripture, is IN THE EARTH!  Yes, in its canonized form it is all you say it is, but it is far, far more.  It cannot be contained or more appropriately imprisoned by that process of canonization so that the only way life can be found through it is to declare the book the ALL in ALL source of the Christian life, and then superimpose upon its letter our man created literature and science based methodology for apprehending its life giving power.  Scripture in its format of the Bible, is a visible manifestation of the Spirit of the Word of God. 100% His Word.  100% infallible.  100% inerrant. And my ability or inability to rightly interpret it has absolutely ZERO to say about that! It does however, providing my study received truth and understanding of the Word through the Holy Spirit, have a great deal to say about the authenticity and authority of anything I would teach or speak into another person’s life.

    I will spend a little bit of time in your camp concerning the Word, and possibly even repent and recant of my position, if you can give me even one single passage of Scripture contained in our 66 books of the Bible that INSTRUCTED us to gather those specific books, compile them together, declare them to be the complete revelation of God, and to establish the principles of hermeneutics as the only valid means of understanding what God has spoken or is speaking. To do so you cannot just be automatic when calling those compiled and canonized books to be what the Word in Scripture is speaking of. You’ll have to literally give me Scripture from within the Bible detailing the process ordered by God that resulted in what we call today the Holy Bible.

    I’m jealous, can’t go see Narnia yet. I know without a doubt you are my brother in the Lord, and whether we come into agreement here or not, I speak only love, grace and peace to you in the Name of Jesus.

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    Wow – I think I started all this by applauding Garrett’s assessment of a healthy church as one where diversity within the congregation is encouraged and cooperation with other churches is practiced (and then I actually suggested Dispensationalists partnering up with Pentecostals and Charismatics).

    JCE – that last post is a sermon that’ll preach for sure!!! 

    BeHim – I’ve mentioned this to you before, but it sometimes it seems through your posts that you’ve begun to worship the written word over the Incarnate Word.  I had a pastor tell me once that EVERYTHING has the potential to become an idol if we become obsessed with it – even scripture.  I thought that was a good warning to me, and good counsel.

    A few years back there was a guy from Florida on the radio, a reformed theologian with a big radio DJ voice (Who was that guy?  Is he still around?).  Once when answering e-mailed questions, he read one on this very topic that started with “Does God reveal Himself (insert method) . . . today?  The host responded “Since I’m not God, I refuse to answer any question that begins with the words ‘does God . . . ’ or ‘can God . . . ’ or ‘will God . . . ’”

    You know what I think would be really good for us.  Find the most under-resourced church in our community, in the most depressed neighborhood, with the most different doctrine from our own (not different orthodoxy – different doctrine).  Then to knock on their door and simply say “How can we serve you?” “What could we do to give you a boost in your efforts to reach this neighborhood?” Theological conversations would be absolutely and unequivocally off limits. I know a Pentecostal church in downtown St. Paul that did just that for a struggling Catholic Parish in their neighborhood.  Though they didn’t know it in advance, it turned out that the Rector was a very evangelical Christian.  The Pentecostal church sent their members in to lead Alpha (and cover costs) until the Parish could sustain it on their own.  Took about a year.  They became great ministry partners.  My heroes.

    I think maybe I’ll suggest this crazy idea at our next staff meeting. 


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    I hope you are not suggesting that a person can be saved through general revelation since this would fly in the face of Romans 1 and the Noetic effect of sin.

    [I prefer to take the Spirit of the Word which gives life than to turn my life in Him into death by living by the letter of the Word.]

    Why wouldn’t you want to live by the infallible, inerrant, Holy Spirit Breathed word of God unless you’re suggesting there is a better more fruitful more righteous way of living outside of the Word of God.

    Are you creating your own moral standard or is God whispering a new moral standard in your ear?  You see, you keep communicating two opposing beliefs.

    [Your source may very well be Scripture, and I have no problem at all with your indocrinated choice to live with that.]

    What other source of revelation are you going to live by other than Scripture?

    Is God whispering sweet messages in your ear by which you are to live by like our ancient heretical Gnostics?

    Scripture is the ONLY, and I mean ONLY, rule for Faith and Practice which you adherently oppose.

    [I will spend a little bit of time in your camp concerning the Word, and possibly even repent and recant of my position, if you can give me even one single passage of Scripture contained in our 66 books of the Bible that INSTRUCTED us to gather those specific books, compile them together, declare them to be the complete revelation of God, and to establish the principles of hermeneutics as the only valid means of understanding what God has spoken or is speaking. To do so you cannot just be automatic when calling those compiled and canonized books to be what the Word in Scripture is speaking of. You’ll have to literally give me Scripture from within the Bible detailing the process ordered by God that resulted in what we call today the Holy Bible.]

    So are you suggesting because the Scripture doesn’t provide a detailed process of canonization that we can reject Scripture?

    You can’t give in one hand and then take away with the other.  “You can’t say the Bible is the infallible, inerrant; Holy Spirit breathed Word of God.” Then attack the very canonization of Scripture.

    Let me ask you some questions JCE… Are there books in the Bible that should not be there?  Did God make a mistake in the past 2000 years in giving us the 66 books of the Bible?  Is special revelation not complete?

    I cannot believe that I am arguing for the canonicity of the infallible, inerrant, Holy Spirit breathed Word of God to a person who actually claims that it is the infallible, inerrant; Holy Spirit breathed Word of God.

    You can’t give with one hand and take away with the other hand.

    I believe the New Testament books of the Bible are a fallible collection of infallible books, since the church’s canonization of the Bible is fallible.

    Are you going to align with Rome’s position that the New Testament books of the Bible are an infallible collection of infallible books, since Rome states the church is infallible?

    Or are you going to align with the higher critical heresy of limited inerrancy that the Word of God is fallible and in some way incomplete or inadequate?

    If you have any other position on the canonization of Scripture, I would like to hear it.

    Three tests or benchmarks for canonicity of the books of the Bible:
    1. Apostolic origin (written by an Apostle or written by someone under the direct sanction of an Apostle.
    2. Reception by the primitive church (circulated letters of the epistles) did the books have he reception of the early primitive Christian community as authoritative.
    3. Compatibility. (the compatibility of the doctrine of the controversial books with the doctrine of the inner core of New Testament books that were not controversial) i.e. Hebrews

    Narnia was great BTW.  I highly recommend it.

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    I want to apologize to everyone here for getting caught up in this side issue about the Word. It was foolishness on my part to think it could be discussed here without degenerating into accusatory postings.  I am truly sorry.

    The bottom line of all I was trying to say is HEATHY CHURCH: follows the Spirit of the Word.  Unhealthy Church follows the Letter of the Word.

    Spirit of the Word = Infallible and Holy Spirit Breathed.

    Letter of the Word = Fallible and Subject to Interpretation.


    You said, “You can’t give with one hand and take away with the other hand.”

    Actually bro, I can give with one hand and take away with the other.  Sorry, but it’s part of the image I am being conformed to in the likeness of my Father.

    I quit asking or answering questions about whether God made a mistake or not years ago, so you’ll just have worry about that one yourself.

    For your sake, I pray God is still willing to be UNCHANGEGD, and still willing to give revelation to men today.

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