
Contrasting Healthy/Unhealthy Churches

Orginally published on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 at 11:00 AM
by Todd Rhoades

Jeff Garrett has a nice post over at his blog on the differences between a healthy and an unhealthy church. Jeff explains, "This list of characteristics of a healthy church is adapted from Cory and Cory’s description of healthy groups in: Theory and Practice of Group Counseling

As I was preparing to teach a counseling course I was struck by the similarites between healthy and unhealthy groups and healthy and unhealthy churches. I took Cory's list and found relevant passages from Acts that described a healthy church."

Take a look at these and see what you think:

Healthy Church - Relies on the Holy Spirit (2:1-47)
Unhealthy Church - Relies on human effort

Healthy Church - Based on the Bible (2:42)
Unhealthy Church - Based on tradition

Healthy Church - Emphasis on grace (15:1-35)
Unhealthy Church - Emphasis on works-righteousness

Healthy Church - God gets all the credit (2:47)
Unhealthy Church - People get the credit.

Healthy Church - Faithfully practices the ordinances of baptism (2:41) and communion (2:42)
Unhealthy Church - Fails to practice these ordinances or
overemphasizes them.

Healthy Church - Diversity is encouraged (2:9-11), and there is a respect for individual beliefs and cultural differences
Unhealthy Church - Conformity is prized, and individual beliefs & cultural differences are devalued.

Healthy Church - Prayer is a priority (4:23-31)
Unhealthy Church - Prayer is talked about but not practiced

Healthy Church - Communication is clear & direct (15:22-35)
Unhealthy Church - Communication is unclear & indirect.

Healthy Church - Repentance is stressed (3:19)
Unhealthy Church - Repentance is whispered

Healthy Church - Members feel empowered (4:31) and share power with one another
Unhealthy Church - Members or leaders use power and control over others.

Healthy Church - Assemblies are dynamic; Inspiring worship (2:43, 4:23-31)
Unhealthy Church - Assemblies are dull, predictable and boring

Healthy Church - Thinking and questioning are encouraged (18:26)
Unhealthy Church - Thinking and questioning are discouraged.

Healthy Church - Obedient to God (4:19)
Unhealthy Church - People pleasing

Healthy Church - Members trust other members and leaders, or at least they openly express any lack of trust. (5:1-11)
Unhealthy Church - Mistrust is evidenced by an undercurrent
of unexpressed hostility.

Healthy Church - Culturally relevant while remaining doctrinally pure (17:16-34)
Unhealthy Church - Fixated on doctrine and uses out-of-date methods.

Healthy Church - Goals are clear and specific (1:8) and shared by the members - the church is lead to meet goals.
Unhealthy Church - Goals are fuzzy, abstract, and general.
Members have unclear personal goals or no goals at all.

Healthy Church - Most members feel a sense of inclusion, and excluded members are invited to become more active (2:44)
Unhealthy Church - Many members feel excluded and cliques are formed - there is fear of expressing feelings of being left out

Healthy Church - The leadership functions are shared by the group; people feel free to initiate activities and be creative (6:1-7).
Unhealthy Church - There are power conflicts among members and leaders. Creativity is discourage.

Healthy Church - Large group assemblies and small group sharing (20:20)
Unhealthy Church - Large group and middle size group only. Small groups are viewed with suspicion.

Healthy Church - Sin is confessed (19:18)
Unhealthy Church - Sin is hidden and rarely confessed

Healthy Church - Members give their money generously 4:32-37) ? the leaders are accountable and open in the way they handle funds
Unhealthy Church - Members are not charitable - the leaders are secretive and unaccountable.

Healthy Church - Organizational structure is functional and flexible (6:1-7). Gift-based ministry.
Unhealthy Church - Organizational structure in inflexible and dysfunctional. Haphazard ministry

Healthy Church - Needs-oriented evangelism (1:8)
Unhealthy Church - Evangelism is rare - few people are saved

Healthy Church - Cooperates with other churches in ministry (21:18 & 24:17)
Unhealthy Church - Isolates themselves from other churches - exclusive and sectarian.

Healthy Church - Cohesion is high; there is a close emotional bond among members. Members share with each other (2:44-45).
Unhealthy Church - Division exists; people feel distant
from one another. There is a lack of caring and empathy.

Healthy Church - Organized ministry for the poor (6:1-7)
Unhealthy Church - No organized outreach to the poor

Healthy Church - Men and women are free to pray and prophesy (1:14, 2:17, 4:24, 21:9)
Unhealthy Church - Women and young girls are excluded from full participation in assemblies & small groups

Healthy Church - Loving relationships permeate every aspect of the church ( 20:36-38)
Unhealthy Church - Members are distant from each other

Healthy Church - Conflict among members or with leaders is recognized, discussed, and often resolved (6:1-8, 15:1-30 & 36-41)
Unhealthy Church - Conflict or negative feelings are ignored, denied, or avoided.

Healthy Church - Passionate spirituality (18:28)
Unhealthy Church - Lack of enthusiasm - low morale

FOR DISCUSSION:  Think about each statement as it relates to your church. Identify strengths and build on them. Identify weaknesses and take measures to improve those areas. Work to improve the health of your church knowing that your salvation is secure. You are the church of God. One day Jesus will present his church to himself as perfect, without blemish. Until that time we pray and rely on the Holy Spirit as we strive to be all the Lord wants us to be as a church.

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  • Posted by

    JCE - I don’t think you must own all the responsibility, I think I started it.  Anyway, I for one loved your previous post and was quite enlightened by it:

    [Evidently, it has never been your experience to meet a person who had never been preached to, never been to Church, never even heard the name of Jesus, never read a single Bible verse nor heard a single Bible verse, who was moved upon by the Holy Spirit, convicted of their sinful state and visited by the Lord, repented and received Him as their LORD and SAVIOUR, and gone on to maturity in Christ.]

    Add to that, the scripture wasn’t available to most of humanity until the reformers gave it back to us.

    I for one, am very grateful that the God of the universe isn’t constrained by anything - including the arguing and fighting amongst His children, nor compelled to choose one particular method of communication.

    Looking forward to more lively discussions on a completely different topic.


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    JCE states, “Actually bro, I can give with one hand and take away with the other. Sorry, but it’s part of the image I am being conformed to in the likeness of my Father.”

    I think that BeHim was using a literary devise to show that a person cannot hold to two contradictory positions.  So, if you think you can embrace two contradictory positions and this is in some way part of sanctification…well, you’re mistaken.  It could be equivalent to saying that this is my wallet and it is not the case that this is my wallet, thus engaging in thievery.  Or we might say that it’s ok for God not to be able to deny Himself, and for God to be able to deny Himself.  God could be eternal and not eternal, self-existent and not self-existent.  So, no, you cannot give with one hand and take away from the other.  To do so would be a contradiction.  Just a thought.


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    I appreciate your input. I knew what BeHim was suggesting.  When i said i can give with one hand and take away with the other my reference was kind of like this:

    Give with one hand:  The Spirit of the Word is infallible, inerrant, Holy Spirit breathed. In this light I readily acknowledge Scripture as an instrument of God and the authoritative rule and practice for the Christian life.

    Take away with the other hand: The letter of the Word is fallible and subject to interpretation. In this light Scripture becomes an instrument of man claiming the authority of God to advance personal agendas.

    For me this is a relationship issue. I worship the source of the Word not the Word of the source.

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    I forgot I was challenged here to use my name instead of initials. One of you just sent me an email to remind me.  So,I’ll try to remember. The last post above is mine and my name is Jim Eaton...previously JCE.

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    I don’t agree Scripturally that a person can have a personal relationship with Jesus completely apart and separate from Scripture like “IN THE EARTH"… it aligns to closely with Joseph Smith, Charles T. Russell, American Indians, Islam, etc.

    As well, I believe Scripture to be clear that God’s Special Revelation for man is complete and it is dangerous to assume God has spoken when He has not spoken.

    To be clear I absolutely believe it is necessary to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit and He does in fact guide and direct… BUT… not apart from Scripture (in a “new way").

    [For me this is a relationship issue. I worship the source of the Word not the Word of the source.] Again, they are not exclusive.

  • Posted by


    I do not have a desire to get the last word in so feel free to respond again, but I think it would be best for us to agree to disagree. I never said anything like..."a person can have a personal relationship with Jesus completely apart and separate from Scripture like “IN THE EARTH"..."

    But since you said it...there is a sense in which I do believe that.  It is true that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  It is true that the Word of God precedes, paves the way for, opens the door to, or however you would prefer it said, the experience of the new birth.  All I have been trying to tell you BeHim is that it is that which was breathed by the Holy Spirit, that which is the power force within the Word of God and not the letter of the Bible itself that brings life.  You have made this into my sounding like a real heretical cultish person with yout accusations and comparisons. I am truly sorry you perceive my writing the way you do.  I would ask you to pray and seek the Lord for understanding and ask Him to show you what I have realy been saying or show you if in fact I am a heretic, but since your only communication with the Lord is through Scripture...I guess that would not be possible because according to your convictions He can’t speak to you.

    I am sorry that I pushed a button with you. Truth be known, I’m sure there probably does still remain some heresy of one kind or another in my belief system. There are things I know are truth today that I used to not believe and there are things I know are not truth today that I used to believe were truth.

    Maybe some day I will become as enlightened as you are, able to govern my life exclusively with the Bible, and not need a real personal and intimate relationship with the Lord.  Until then, be it immaturity or heresy, I am desperate for Him, and thrilled that He at least allows me to believe that when I cry out to Him, He hears me, and He answers me and He shows me great and mighty thingsI did not know.

    I’m sorry I can’t agree with you bro but once you’ve connected directly...relationship by proxy leaves a lot to be desired.

    Be blessed in HIM

  • Posted by

    Amen, Jim Eaton! Where we were or where we are at ,the best is yet to come. We are all on a journey and as God knows us each intimately and best, we go from where we are, and as we are ready for the revealed Word we will accept what He tells us and work from there. There are different stages of developement in the spiritual life as there are in the physical life and we need to respect the different ages or stages of growth God bless you all!

  • Posted by Franklin Reeves

    We do not have relationship by proxy with the Bible. The relationship is with Him and no one has said otherwise.

    How do you know the spirit that is guiding you into all truth, is the one that belongs to God?

    Are you sure it is not one of the other spirits that are out there, could it just you mind playing tricks on you?

    See without an authoritiative standard outside of yourself(head/heart (decietfully wicked by the way) you can not be sure of anything.

    We might interpret a scripture wrong and make a mistake (might yeah thats funny), but one that only acknolwedges the Spirit or spirit as being the final authority can say and do whatever the Spirit or spirit says? So in the end what is true for me might not be true for you.

    I believe the Holy Spirit is active, that it comforts us, teaches us, but one that does not study the revealed word of God faithfully and realize it is the final authroity on what we beleive can and will be decieved by spirits.

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    Man this is good preaching you guys, JCE, ld & Franklin. To be a Christian and not to have a peronal relationship with Chirst, is like a man saying he is married and never sees his wife from day to day or talks with her from day to day. That would be silly and senseless. That would be like marrying her lock her in a cell and throw away the key.
    There are different levels of maturity with the Lord. One of the lessons I have learned is this and the most vaulable.
    “It’s not how much of Him I have, It’s how much of me He has.”
    Jesus told Nicodemas that You must be born again. When we were born the first time we were not full grown, we were an infant. Same as when we were born again we were infants not full grown. We did not know everything there was to know about Christ and the Scripture’s but he reveals these things to us by and by.
    Myself personally do not believe that God is not going to condemn us because of ignorance of Scripture. He is loving, he is understanding, he has grace, he knows that we are learning. If he was going to throw anyone out he would have thrown the disciples out because of their ignorance.
    Last, I believe God speaks to us in several ways, The Holy Spirit to our Spirit, through his word, through prayer, through christians, through circumstance.

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    To me the Holy Spirit is not an “it”, but the third PERSON of the God-head and very much God HIMSELF.

    I do not believe nor did I write anything to suggest that we will ever hear from God or the Holy Spirit anything that is contrary to, contradicting, or not in complete agreement with the revealed Word of God we already have in Scripture. 

    Without question, anything and everything I ever perceive that I am hearing from the Lord, whether it is from His voice (which as one of his sheep I recognize and follow), the guiding of the Holy Spirit (who is resident within me), the wisdom of counsel from men and women of God (with whom I have relationship and trust) or a prophetic word, a word of knowledge or wisdom, or maybe even a donkey or an axe head or yes, maybe even a word from a complete infadel and heathen; ABSOLUTELY MUST (I feel like I need to write that in Blood)be filtered through the TRUTH and AUTHORITY of the revealed Word of God in Scripture!!!!!! If it doesn’t line up with the Word...it didn’t come from God!

    Can I be any more clear with that???

    How it does or does not line up with the Word is another story altogether. My stance is to give greater weight in trusting the Spirit of the Word of God concerning what it says than I give to developed skills of hermeneutics.

  • Posted by Franklin Reeves

    Myself personally do not believe that God is not going to condemn us because of ignorance of Scripture.

    I agree Jeff. The Bible does not say that anyone will be condemmed to hell for not knowing the scripture.

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