Orginally published on Friday, February 02, 2007 at 8:15 AM
by Todd Rhoades
During my time as a worship pastor, I could've sworn I've met this lady at all three of the churches I served in. I wonder... is she still alive? Have you sited her recently? If so, please let us all know her whereabouts...
HT: This website...
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We don’t use hymns a lot here. Too many “pre-believers” coming in the doors. Last weekend I got a wonderful little complaint about that. It was very genteel and polite. “Pastor, could we do some of those old hymns some time.”
Irony… We had JUST DONE A HYMN! Not MINUTES before!
I love the hymns, but how many people who don’t know Christ (and lots of them come in our building) would go home turning to their wife asking, “Honey, I don’t want to sound stupid, but what is a ‘bulwark’ anyway?” (That was humour… take it in the spirit intended...)
AMEN PETER! Also, who says, “hast”, “Hither” or “Verily” nowdays?
BTW...I think that lady has been cloned and is in every church I’ve pastored or consulted.
She currently attends GEFC church and made the same comment about singin hymns but added that we need to sing the “right hymns.” I must have had my ESP tuned to ESPN when we planned the service. I thought the hymns we sang flowed well with the theme and the GOs[pel emphasis…
NOT enough “bulwark” evidently!
In an interesting cross-reference (pun intended) the most widely sung song in churches today is.... a HYMN!!! Holy, Holy, Holy ranks #1, so we must be doing OK practicing for Heaven…
This lady is looking for a new church, so please feel free to recruit her…
Sadly we had a family leave our church within the last 6 months because we no longer use the hymnals that are in the pew… this brings the following quote back to mind.
From Len Sweet:
“Ask the grandparents in your church: how many of you would lay down your life for your grandchildren? Every grandparent will raise their hand. Then ask them: how many of you would lay down your musical preferences for your grandchildren?”
Worship is not about us, the Gospel is not about us. This attitude is why there are so many dying congregations in our country. End of rant…
Well, pray for us. We may flush her out tomorrow. We are changing the doxology! That’s right! You know the one that begins with “Praise God from whom all blessings flow....” For over 20 years that doxology has been sung at the end of the offering. Our new hymnal has about 5 doxologies that are all excellent. Tomorrow we will sing, “O bless the Gifts....” at the end of the offeratory. Can’t wait for the phone calls!
She was present and accounted for at a leadership mtg Thursday night. When someone else referred our “contemporary” service’s music to that “GO-GO style”...... She said, “AMEN! That’s just the thing to call it!”
I guess that makes all the teenaged girls who attended “Go-Go” girls? I guess we’d better inform their parents. Oh, wait. Their mothers are “Go-Go” women and their fathers “Go-Go” men.....
(That was Thursday.... this is Saturday… I’ve decided to find the humor in it and laugh.)
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