church staff

Don’t Keep Your Staff Guessing

Orginally published on Tuesday, April 05, 2005 at 10:43 AM
by Todd Rhoades

Pastor Bruce Johnson, pastor of Seneca Creek Community Church has written a short piece that on staff communication that I think is important for us all to consider this morning… Bruce writes, Have you ever started a job and wondered, “What does my boss care about?"  We all know that every boss has certain expectations and idiosyncrasies, but most of us spend months (and sometimes years) trying to figure out what they are.  None of us like that, so why don’t we turn that around?

Why don't we make clear to our employees, from day one, what our expectations and idiosyncrasies are?

This week, we started two new employees at Seneca Creek—and one of the pieces of paper they get is entitled, "Bruce's Idiosyncrasies".  So, from day one, they know all of my little pet peeves as well as my big "rock" items.  The big "rock" issues are easy for most of us to identify, like "I care passionately about us getting our work done, on time, with excellence."  But, it's often the little things that really get under our skin that hinder our relationships with staff that we don't communicate.

For example, "I really dislike it when people leave a conference room with the chairs all over the room (i.e. not pushed in to the table neatly arranged)"  I know this is obsessive compulsive, but it is me (and, in our case, I am the boss).  Keeping an office environment clean matters to me.  It's one of those excellence things (and, in our case, core value number three).  When someone leaves a conference room a mess (or a production room), it communicates, "I don't care" or "Someone else needs to clean up my mess" or "I'm too important to clean up my
stuff" or "Excellence doesn't matter to me."  In other words, it doesn't communicate anything positive. And frequently, I end up going in and straightening the chairs and cleaning up someone else's mess. As you can tell, this bugs me.  But, if I never communicate this, and someone doesn't clean up, and I keep this frustration buried inside me, chances are, it'll poison our relationship.

So, what are your idiosyncrasies?  What are the big "rock" issues and the little "issues" that get under your skin?  In my case, it's a list of a little over twenty things that new employees know from day one.  They don't need to play the guessing game or wait six months until the hammer comes down.  No, from day one, they know what will make me happy and what will tick me off—which, as an employee, is a good thing to know!”

(You can read all of Bruce’s writings and comments here at his blog…)

FOR DISCUSSION:  Have you ever had a ‘church boss’ that wasn’t clear on expectations?  What eventually happened?  If you are a ‘church boss’, how to you effectively communicate your expectations and idiosyncrasies?  Let’s talk about this here today!

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  • Posted by bernie dehler

    Pastor Bruce says:
    “For example, “I really dislike it when people leave a conference room with the chairs all over the room (i.e. not pushed in to the table neatly arranged)” I know this is obsessive compulsive, but it is me (and, in our case, I am the boss).”

    Sure does seem small-minded to know he has a dumb “obsessive compulsive” behavior, and rather than address it, he feeds it because “he is the boss.” The “I’m the boss” statement also shows his ego and authoritarian leadership method (church leadership experts don’t recommend the authoritarian leadership method, esp. for larger organizations… they recommend the democratic-participative style).

    Maybe he should develop a “compulsive disorder” for triviality.  He has serious work to do, as a boss, and making sure the chairs are lined-up at a table is not one of them!  He needs to read the other article that was recently posted about focusing on the top 5%!  This guy is focusing on the bottom 5%.


  • Posted by Todd Rhoades

    Ah… but Bernie… that would be like me being on your staff and talking saying something about how God has blessed John Hagee financially. (I know that’s one of your pet peeves!) That’s something that would bother you greatly.  Don’t you think it’s good that he tells them upfront what bothers him (no matter how silly) rather than let his staff do it and then just stew about it behind closed doors?  And this would be something that wouldn’t even have to do with workplace matters, like clearing the conference room would.

    I guess I would rather know things upfront (that my boss hated messy conference rooms or doesn’t like the fact that megachurch pastors make mega bucks) before I go and tick them off unknowingly.

    Just my 2 cents worth (if that!)


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    TWENTY things?  Sounds a little...pharasaical to me!  How about the big 5, and he can agree to let the other 15 go?  I thought we learned when we taught kids that fewer rules enforced consistently worked better!  I think if I didn’t need the job REAL bad I’d back out the door.  I’m sorry, I just can’t imagine Jesus nurturing 15 little things that tick him off that he would feel comfortable WRITING DOWN so everyone would know!  I think he ought to consider handing that out at job interviews instead, so the poor applicant would know whether or not this is an organization he could be part of.

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    I have to agree with Sue’s comments and the point Bernie brought out in that Pastor Bruce Johnson “IS THE BOSS”. Whenever leaders take on this attitude of I’m the boss” it is the sin of pride and the love of power. This type of attitude denies growth in Christ and limits the body of Christ from moving under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, because of fear of offending the BOSS. We are all servants of God through Christ and when we assume totalitarian control of any ministry, we then replace the head, which is Christ. This then in turn gives rise to our own little kingdoms on earth that revolve around us instead of Christ.

  • Posted by bernie dehler

    Todd wrote:
    “Ah… but Bernie… that would be like me being on your staff and talking saying something about how God has blessed John Hagee financially. (I know that’s one of your pet peeves!)”

    Todd, if I hired you and was your supervisor, I’d be looking for ways to nurture you and grow you.  As long as you support the mission of the organization, you’re free to have your own opinions.  Far from bothering me, I appreciate input from different people.

    (Also, about Dr. Hagee’s million dollar compensation issue, I’d consider that a “learning moment” and a chance to help you see the problem.  I’m also open if there is another angle I need to see it from.  I learn a lot through discussion and feedback.)

    Keep up the good work; just my 2 cents also…


  • Posted by

    I would really like to have a list of what annoyed my boss. Next April Fools I would really have a good time! All joking aside, I would rather know what bothers people and work things out instead of letting things build up until someone blew up.

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    He said in his article, “This week, we started two new *employees*...” (emphasis mine...)
    Is this a church or a corporation we’re talking about?? You write about idiosyncrasies - but I think the bigger problem is looming in your statement. Church is not a corporation, it’s a MINISTRY. A pastor is not a CEO, he’s a SPIRITUAL LEADER/TEACHER. I’m so sick of the “big church” mentality that permeates all the “how to do church” discussions and books. How about a dose of reality for a change???
    Most of the churches out here have bigger fish to fry than knowing what the pastors, “pet peeves” are. We’ve got hurting, sinful, lost people to minister to and make Christ relevant to. How about discussions that helps us identify Biblical principles for showing people that are oblivious to Christ their need for Him. Let’s get into the REAL issues of ministering to PEOPLE and stop talking about the supposed “Elephant in the Board Room.” If you want to talk about that, go to the board meeting for the local zoo. Let’s start dealing with topics we as pastors truly need - issues that relate to MINISTRY in the trenches.
    As for the “pet peeves...” yes, we all have them, but if we would just kindly mention that something bothers us when it happens, then we wouldn’t need useless discussions like the one posted this week.

  • Posted by Bruce Johnson

    Thanks for linking to my blog.  It’s started quite a few discussions in a lot of churches.  But some of your readers are reading too much into the blog.  I do want to focus on the important things, that’s why I believe it’s critical to get the little things out on the table.  Whether I care about spelling or don’t, that’s a good thing for an employee to know.  Whether I care about how a page looks or not, it’s a good thing for an employee to know. I only used the chairs example because it illustrates how something so little can bother us (but we rarely ever tell anyone).  The bigger issues are concern for others and excellence.  When the little issues are communicated up front, then a leader can focus on the bigger issues.

    And the comment about being THE BOSS is laughable.  By definition, if you are the leader of a church, and you hire employees, you are the boss.  To assume that I’m authoritarian just because I want to make it easy on employees is ridiculous. The point of the blog wasn’t about employees.  The point of the blog was about bosses.  As leaders, we often have conflict with our employees because we’ve failed.  We haven’t communicated to our employees what our expectations and idiosyncrasies are.  I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound authoritarian, that sounds loving (my point is that when you come to work at Seneca Creek you don’t need to spend six months trying to figure out what the boss expects or cares about).  If a boss’s list is two things or twenty, the number isn’t important, making sure that their people know what’s going on in their heads is. 

    Oh, and how Daniel can take this simple blog and then make the comment that I’m guilty of “the sin of pride and the love of power. This type of attitude denies growth in Christ and limits the body of Christ from moving under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, because of fear of offending the BOSS. When we assume totalitarian control of any ministry, we then replace the head, which is Christ. This then in turn gives rise to our own little kingdoms on earth that revolve around us instead of Christ” is really remarkable.  How this simple blog has grown to undermine the Head of the church and limit the body of Christ is beyond me.  My guess is that Daniel may want to go back and read Paul.

    It all comes down to this.  Great bosses let people know what they expect.  And great employees want to know what their bosses expect.  If a boss cares about little things, employees ought to know that.  If a boss doesn’t care about little things, then employees ought to know that.  Either way, I think we could all agree that communication is a good thing.  Hope that helps!

  • Posted by

    I wrote not to offend, but only to shed light on a problem that is affecting the church today as more and more secular culture is being introduced into the church. Many non-denominational ministries are guilty of totalitarian control and as I mentioned in my previous post totalitarian control does hinder the move of God.  I also have to mention David’s post as his heart cries out for real help in dealing with the issues of winning souls and the discipling of new converts. The fact is we have become secular and the church has become a business. Christ’s words still ring true “My house shall be called a house of prayer, But you have made it a den of thieves”

    We need to return to our first love and seek to please our Savior and Lord first of all by developing our own relationship into an intimate one. The church has become lukewarm and the social statistics in divorce, teen pregnancy, teen suicide, abortion, adultery, murder, theft, etcetera are on the increase and prove that we have lost our way.  Iron sharpens iron and we must begin to speak the truth in love if we are ever going to return to truly accomplishing what Christ has commissioned us to do.

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    I want to agree with what you are saying, but I can’t.  Something about your language in all this does not seem to be right.  Honestly if my senior pastor gave me a list of little pet peeves of his like you have, I might turn around and leave. 
    During my college career they taught us (as best they could) to watch for red flags before serving in a church.  If I was interviewing with you and you showed me that list you made, that would be a red flag, and I would stop the interview and be on my way.
    Sounds like you are to demanding.  I know that is not fair to you, not knowing you and all.  I think the problem is language.  “I’m the boss.” “My employees.”
    Is communication a good thing.  Yes it is a great thing.  Is letting things go that aren’t important to the call of ministry a good thing?  Yes a very good thing.  Maybe you should think on that.
    Also Jesus called His disciples friends.  “You are my friends if you do what I command.  I no longer call you servants, becasue a servant does not know his mater’s business.  Instead I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” John 15:14,15 I realize that Jesus is talking to the disciples here, but if the Lord of the universe called those under Him friends, I wonder how He would think of you calling the Pastors under your care employees?
    Again I see your point, but the way you stated it makes me cringe. 
    With all respect

  • Posted by

    OK, I don’t like the “boss and employees” language either, but I do agree with Bruce.  Other staff persons, and volunteers must know what is expected of them.  The volunteer musicians must know what the music pastor (or volunteer leader of worship) expects.  If comming late to practice is a big issue with the leader then everyone should know it.  The leader must also know what really bothers the other staff or volunteers about what the leader does.  When you dig deap into conflict within the church it is often little things like these that start the conflict ball rolling.  It is not about being authoritarian or being the boss, but about communication both directions.  There are little things about many people I work with that bother me.  I try to overlook as many as possible, but sometimes I fail.  If they know what bothers me they try to change.  When I know that something I do bothers someone I try to change.  It is when we do not recognise that someof the little things matter, that we open ourselves up to problems.  Yes, if we were all spiritually mature this would not be an issue, but “I” am not, and neither are you.

  • Posted by Todd Rhoades

    Bruce (and all),

    Bruce, I’m with you on this one… having served under a few different pastors, I would much rather know the things that will bother or irritate; because, knowing me, I’ll do every single one of them, albeit unknowingly.  So it would be a great help.

    I think Bruce is dealing with a great deal of character assasination here.  We don’t know his leadership style from just this post.  To assume is just wrong.  And I’m afraid that those of you that accuse Bruce so readily of having a big ego are (or have been) serving under a ‘big ego’ pastor; and speaking a little out of hurt or personal experiences with an abusive pastor.

    Is it me, or do some here think that ministry is all roses; puppy dogs and ice cream?  Some feel we can all just act like buddies all the time and accomplish great things for the Kingdom.  This hasn’t been my expereience personally (or working with literally hundreds of church staff members).  Ministry is tough work.  Ministry requires boundaries.  And there is (like it or not) a flow chart of authority and someone has to be “the boss”.  I think part of this is in the term “the boss"… but it is the case.  We’re not borrowing ‘business terminology’ here and applying it to the church either… we’re just stating the fact that everyone has a superior (even the ‘boss’ senior pastor!)

    Don’t get me wrong… ministry can be a blast (and I’ve been in a couple situations during times of ministry that it was the most fun and prosperous time of my life).  However, I need to know when I ‘leave chairs a mess’ or chew my gum too loudly or step over someone elses pet peeve.  I’d much rather have it dealt with on the spot or even in a list than to have it simmer over time and show up on an annual performance review (which is usually what happens in most churches).

    Great job, Bruce in being open, honest, and upfront about expectations with your staff, no matter how indeosycric they may be!

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    I agree with you that we do need to submit to authorities above us.  I just long for a Senior Pastor who workes with you not over you.  Indeed I have had some bad ones, but my last two have been good.
    Can you not see the language problem though?  It is not what he is saying but how it is said.  When writing we have to realize that people don’t know us and are going to judge us strictly based on what we write. (Because that is all they will know of us).  This is why I think language is so important.  Rather than employees, why not say my staff?  Instead of “I’m the boss,” why not say, “I am their leader.”
    Also do you not think there is some point where we can get to nickpicky?  What do you think?  I have only been a staff member never the Senior.  Give me more of your perspective.  I did say in post to Bruce that it is not fair because I don’t know him.  I am just making a statement based on his post. 
    Give me feedback.
    With all respect

  • Posted by Todd Rhoades

    With all respect though, you are being somewhat the same way (nitpicky) by prefering ‘staff’ over ‘employees’ (they are essentially the same); or ‘leader’ over ‘boss’.  I think they DO have different connotations; but when I was on staff, I always knew who the boss was; or leader.  I also was a part of the staff (but everytime I picked up my paycheck, I realized I was also an employee).

    Let’s put it in a different perspective… let’s say that you your ‘leader’ gave you permission to hire an assistant.  Now think of the thing in this world that really drives you crazy. (maybe you can’t stand unnecessary noise, like the sound of the tapping of a pencil on a desk).  Yet on day one, you find your assistant constant tapping their pencil on their desk and chomping their gum.  What would you do?  How would you handle it?  If you could sit there and do nothing, then you’re better than I am.

    All I’m saying is that it’s better to take Bruce’s take:  tell them upfront; than to sit there and stew about it; get angry; and say nothing (until you go to do an evaluation on that employee).  It’s honest, upfront; and sometimes necessary.

    Any thoughts?

  • Posted by

    Good points Todd.  However I still don’t agree.  I think there is great difference between viewing yourself as leader rather than a boss.  Or viewing the associates as staff rather than employees but I rather not get into all that for all of us have a different view of things. 
    Am I being over critical, maybe I am.  I would not deny that, however I was just trying to think this thing through. 
    How about this:  I agree with this idea when it comes to telling the associates what you expect.  Things such as being on time.  What to wear on Sundays etc.  What is considered work hours, and how to keep track.  I think maybe the example he gave was silly and what I would call nickpicky.
    When I was hired I was given a job description, in which they told me what they expected and what they didn’t.  To me this was enough, maybe others need more info.  Different strokes.
    Rather a personal note:
    Todd most of the time I agree with you in these blogs.  I appreciate what you are doing and I like your ideas.  I hope we can agree to disagree.
    With all respect.

  • Posted by bernie dehler

    Bruce, putting chairs back in place is not a “little” thing.  You have a compulsive disorder, and you should deal with it, rather than expect your team to have to deal with it simply because you refuse to… because “you are the boss.” If you refuse to seek help, I don’t expect any more explanations or blog writing can help you…

    There’s a big difference between being at meetings on time, and tucking chairs under a table.  One affects productivity, the other is a compulsive disorder. 

    Someone has to tell you that you have a disorder… I’m sure your workers won’t, because it would “upset the boss” and his rules.


  • Posted by

    I think that giving people an informed start is a wonderful idea.  I think it would also be wonderful to allow them to share things that might be bothersome to them.  All could grow and respect each other. 
    It might be a bit small minded to get upset over the fact that he says “because I’m the boss”.  It’s true, he is.  There is nothing wrong with this mindset, if indeed it is said in a way of just simply truth but not being lorded over.  After all, if he’s paying the bills or his name is on the line or he’s been put in that position and has the final responsibility for all that is done, he does have the final say, even in the small things.  He is the head God placed there.  If people have a problem with that then maybe there is a problem they have with authority. 

    A lack of respect and submission is what has people church hopping and never getting planted to do something great for God and His kingdom. 

    I’ve had challenges with leaders that if they were clear in the beginning would have never happened.  This lack caused hurt between us, which we did work through and all is good.  But I loved and greatly admired this individual and there would have never been a place for this hurtful work of the enemy if there had been clearer communication.

    It’s sad that some Christians are unable to truly and whole-heartedly submit to authority.  Blessings come from submission.  Humility is the first step to God being able to lift you up to your place in Him.  Sure those in authority are never perfect.  But that is where it comes to trusting God and not trying to make it all work by being in control. 
    Guess faith is what would be a good thing in this situation.
    And as for using these natural things for direction, we should all be led by our spirit being directed by the Holy Spirit and then these things will not hinder us from being in God’s perfect place.
    Come on, it’s already been blown way out of proportion.  What Pastor Bruce is doing is a kind and simple step to keep a peaceful environment.

  • Posted by

    Sorry I a know I have commented a lot on this issue, but I need to coment on Lara’s statement.  Ok one last thing.  Actually it is wrong in my opinion to say that the Pastor is the boss.  Hopefully the Pastor is not paying the bills and hopefully the Pastor does not have final say in all matters.  The Senior Pastor does not right my checks nor signs them. 
    Can the Pastor tell me what to do, indeed He can.  I disagreed with Pastors from time to time, and they allow me to do it.  Infact they talk it out with me.  A boss orders people to do things, a leader influences people to do things.  Have any of you read John Maxwell’s stuff?  This is where I am coming from.
    Lara I am not single minded, just passionate.  I hope you aren’t misunderstanding me.  I am not putting Bruce down just a little of the philosphy here. 
    Should expectations be laid out on the table, but how silly to include little things like pushing in the chairs under the table.  Ok I am done.
    Sorry if I got us off topic

  • Posted by

    At the risk of repeating myself, I really DO think that a list of TWENTY things is a red flag.  If you’ve got a problem with chairs, well, I guess I could humor you on that one.  But are there 19 more?  And does that mean there are another 20 that you’ve decided not to put on the list because you ARE trying to get along with people?

    Perhaps Bernie is being a bit harsh, but I think he’s on to something.  Whenever you bring people on to your team, everyone will have to adjust. Presumably, if you’ve hired me, you think I’m bringing something valuable to the mission. I’d like to think you’d want to get to know me first before presenting me with a list of ways I have to accommodate you.

  • Posted by Todd Rhoades

    Todd, the moderator here… smile

    OK… time to step in here…

    Bruce has given a response to his original writing here and has responded to some of the comments made at this (and other) blogs:


    I must say that the judgemental statements and attitudes need to stop in this forum…

    Now, don’t go off on me for only wanting nice posts, or for editing comments, or for not wanting any comments but my own.  I always allow for disagreement, but not for personal attack or public humiliation.

    Remember, folks, actual people write these posts; and they are here to help you and others… This is not the first time that a writer of a post has had to come on this blog to personally defend him/herself from the personal attacks of our respondants.  This should not be.  Come on folks.

    It is one thing to say something like, “I disagree with the author’s approach” or to say, “Bruce, I respectfully disagree”.  It’s another thing to say, “Bruce, putting chairs back in place is not a “little” thing. You have a compulsive disorder, and you should deal with it...Someone has to tell you that you have a disorder… I’m sure your workers won’t, because it would “upset the boss” and his rules.” This to me is clearly over the line.

    Most of our mother’s used to say, “If you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all.” I think that would be a good thing here when it comes to personal attacks.

    It amazes me how something that was meant for good can turn so ugly so fast; especially among a group of pastors.  Why is this so?  Can someone help me out here?


  • Posted by bernie dehler

    Todd says:
    “I must say that the judgemental statements and attitudes need to stop in this forum...”

    I don’t think it’s judgemental; it’s just opinion.  Bruce is a big boy.  He can take it.  He expects feedback on a blog.  So do I, on mine.  Bloggers aren’t sensitive babies… esp. if they are espousing leadership principles, they should be open to critique…


  • Posted by

    Todd, I agree that things had spiraled downward in this blog. I had another comment that I was going to write yesterday, but before posting it, I realized it was feeding that fire, so I did not post it.
    I think what’s driving this frenzy is that Bruce approached this whole issue as a BOSS/EMPLOYEE relationship. While I understand his view, I, and it seems many others cannot swallow it. We are all *servants* of Christ - yes, someone has to be the head servant in individual churches, but the word “boss” puts a negative connotation to it. The church is becoming sooooo secular oriented in scope, management and practice that it seems that we now treat church as “work” rather than ministry. Calling the senior pastor the “boss” just makes it all that more secular in many minds (or at least in mine). I think that’s what’s causing the rub here - the perceived view of the boss/employee relationship v/s the fellow-workers in Christ (Ro 16:3) view.

  • Posted by

    Maybe I can help.  I was taught in counseling that when someone responds overly emotionally to an issue that something else is going on inside the person.  In other words, there is another issue from the past that causes us to view life, experiences, and words of others from a slanted perspective. Past experiences dictate our emotional responses today.  They color our thinking.  We hide it in terms of “the Bible says”, or some other way that makes it seem Christ-like.  But when it comes down to it, its just me responding out of the depths of my past hurts and experiences and trying to protect myself from being hurt again.  I try and view my responses to my staff and my church to understand why I respond and say the things I do.
    By the way, Todd, thanks for the articles.  I enjoy them and often share them with my staff for us to discuss at our staff meetings.

  • Posted by Todd Rhoades


    When you say things like “You have a compulsive disorder” and “Someone has to tell you that you have a disorder” those are personal attacks and judgemental.  There is a fine line between ‘opinion’ and ‘personal attack’ and I think you crossed the line.

    I’m sure Bruce is a big boy, but he doesn’t deserve to have his character assasined here.  We’ve never met him, never served with him, and above all, don’t know his heart.

    Again, critique and opinion are one thing… and in my opinion you crossed the line, Bernie… unfortunately, I’m the BOSS of this blog (he said smiling) and I’m the one who creates the line.  smile

    Thanks to everyone for your discussion… let’s just keep it on principles and away from personalities and personal attack.


  • Posted by

    David in his last post in my opinion really sums it up. Good job David.

    The problem with any article is that it is interpreted by individual readers who may or may not understand the intent of the article especially when improper terminology or bad choice of words are used that can be interpreted outside the intent of the article’s purpose. Although true that we never met the writer, one can discern from the words that are written that the author may have a compulsive disorder in describing his pet peeves. This condition may or may not be true but only perceived by the reader and perception to the general reader is truth. When in reality the only thing that the author wanted to do was express that it is a good thing to communicate openly and define boundaries to fellow laborers in the Lord to ensure their prosperity.

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