Orginally published on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 at 12:40 PM
by Todd Rhoades
Fellowship Church has launched a Miami, FL Campus. According to the Creative Pastors blog, after much prayer and many meetings and negotiations, Fellowship Church has merged with First Baptist Church South Miami.
According to the blog, “Ever since Ed’s time at Florida State University, he’s had a passion for reaching the largely unchurched population of this region. A gateway to diverse countries and cultures, Miami provides a unique and exciting opportunity for ministry to people who are far away from God.
A long-distance satellite is an entirely new venture for us and will bring a learning curve all its own, particularly in the areas of communication and support. A team of staff members is currently on site, serving as a task force to build a Fellowship foundation for the campus. They are eager to get to know the people in the community and lay the groundwork for grassroots growth. We can’t wait to see how God will reveal his redemptive story in Fellowship Church Miami!”
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There are 18 Comments:
Okay, I’ll bite.
This is an honest question, not an attempt to snipe at ol’ Ed. Is it really healthy to be “pastor” to people who live in a different time zone?
Leaving aside feelings about multisites in general for a moment, is there a point where we should start to worry not about multisiting (I either just coined that word or misspelled it terribly) a local church, but franchising it nationwide? What will it look like when Fellowship Church and Northpoint and LifeChurch and Second Baptist and Seacoast all have satellite churches in the same “market”? Should they sign a “no compete” agreement and agree not to move in to each other’s home territory?
I agree with your concerns. I’d hope the answer has something to do with the local site’s leadership. If they are equipping and building community and getting the church to really be a functioning church in all aspects (just that the teaching pastor is 1000 miles away) then perhaps there’s no problem here.
For me, I’d neither attend nor serve in this church under these circumstances. But hey… I might feel different in a few years, who knows?
Hey Jim & Peter,
I apologize, but I’m having trouble understanding your issues in this case. From my understanding, and I could be WAY off, but Ed isn’t a “pastor” at FC now, is he? I mean with a congregation that size, I thought he’d primarily be a teacher, and other staff members would “pastor” the congregation. If that is the case, than what’s the difference between doing that in Texas and doing it in Florida?
If there is truly a good solid staff “pastoring” the congregation then it may be no difference… BUT… in my church, I know that my teaching pastor (and lead pastor-same person) teaches effectively because he is in touch with the heartbeat of this town. If he was in South Dakota instead of Western PA (where I am), I doubt he’d be able to make that connection…
It’s one thing to have a recorded teaching. Why does it have to be a Fellowship Church? Can’t they just have Ed’s teaching every week and use it how the local leaders see fit? I doubt that would fly because Fellowship is instilling a philosophy of ministry along with Ed’s teaching. And that is a place of some concern for me. There are people making decisions about ministry in Miami who have never lived there. They may visit there on occassion, but I’ll bet most board members are in Texas. Will the staff on the ground in Miami and the leaders there be able to trump the leaders in Texas?
This seems different to me than another campus across town instead of adding and building on one campus as a church grows.
Is Northpoint doing it wrong with campuses in Buckhead and Browns Bridge? I don’t think so. Like Ed, Andy is a fantastic teacher. And like Miami/Dallas, Buckhead has a very different makeup than Alpharetta.
If it was only a building with their video teaching then everyone goes home, I would say it’s going to be a failure. It’ll be much more than that. They’ll have ministry going being taught, people being helped one on one, small groups, baptisms by the dozens...personally I don’t care who teaches or if a large screen how I see it.
Does Billy Graham fail because he uses TV and doesn’t appear in person every time? If Jesus were on the earth today, there would be some complaining that he’s using satellite from his high-tech studios in Some Big City and God the Father wouldn’t want it that way.
It’s more than watching someone on a big screen. The gang in Dallas is very smart...It’ll be interesting to watch this thing take off!
Let’s learn from what these successful churches are doing and apply it locally. If you fail to reach people and grow, it’s time to get out of the way. God may have already left the building.
As a member of the original FC, I’d have to say that they will do it right in Miami. As far as I know, they haven’t really hired any new people to go down to Miami, so I’m assuming they are keeping much of the original staff from FBC Miami. Which means, they will have input from people who know the town and the congregation. Plus, you have to know that FC staff researches everything they do and wouldn’t just go down there blindly. As far as “pastoring”, Ed is our teaching pastor. But many of the staff members do the shepherding and the same will go for the Miami campus. Each of our satellite campuses has a campus pastor who actually lives in the area and knows the people there.
As far as your comments Matt, why would a church use a teaching pastor’s messages and ignore his vision? That makes no sense. If the church doesn’t fall in line with the pastor’s vision, then his messages will be of no consequence to them.
My question is around cost. FC is in the middle of a $20 million campaign for town and country. Is this the best time for the church to take on another location? I know that the Miami campus should be somewhat self-sufficient based on their local congregation, but I also know Fellowship will only do things on the largest scale(which will take a big initial investment). I also think back to Ed as he has said on many occasions that we support missions but there are so many people in the metroplex that need to reached to. This is true, but going out of State makes me wonder what the true focus is for FC?
In reference to the question about competing campuses in the same a pastor of one of the LC campuses I can confidently speak for all LC campus pastors and say that what we get is just the opposite of competition. We have 3 campuses in the Oklahoma City market. What we get is a synergy and sharing that is off the charts. The campuses without question share and challenge each other in what is the most healthy setting I have ever seen. Our team and people benefit in a big way from the relationship we have with all of our campuses. We are a team who share the same vision and we’re giving everything we have to leading people to commit their lives to Christ. However, there is a friendly game of dodgeball everynow and then. And believe me, when the dodgeballs come out, it’s all about competition then
I agree with your openion.
That will be a tough job to evangelized people who are far away from God. But since it is a Divine mission, I would say , may the power of the Holy Spirit be with you and help you with your mission.
Regards,Jim, Florida Gulf Coast
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A team of staff members is currently on site, serving as a task force to build a Fellowship foundation for the campus. They are eager to get to know the people in the community and lay the groundwork for grassroots growth. We can’t wait to see how God will reveal his redemptive story in Fellowship Church Miami.
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