Orginally published on Wednesday, March 12, 2008 at 9:21 AM
by Todd Rhoades
Remember this guy? Well, now he's taken his sights off how to go to the bathroom and turned them on NewSpring and Perry Noble. Personally, after I watched this, I think this guy is saying these things to get picked up on blogs like this one. And I think he's a closet rocker (as many times as he does the voice). And... interesting... of the 20 people listening to him, they know what Guitar hero and Dance Revolution are. It was always my experience growing up in a church like this that most everyone knew the culture VERY well, we just didn't talk about it in church (we just talked about how evil it was, then went home and played the equivilent of guitar hero). At least he didn't say Perry pees sitting down.
Scroll down to watch the video…
I’d love to hear your comments…
HT: Tony Morgan
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There are 34 Comments:
Wow this guy has some real issues “these liberal churches were no one is getting saved” how does he know how many people are getting saved at Pastor Nobles church and when is the last time someone got saved in this guys church. I don’t care if he’s got 5, 50 or 500 people in his church. His whole “we need old fashioned church” mindset is why this generation is leaving the church because it’s not relevent. I don’t know the church he’s talking about but it sounds like it’s on the cutting edge and obviously reaching a city state, nation and a generation with the love of God.
Wow mixed thoughts about this post.
Ok, I wanna throw my thoughts in...I disagree with the notion that “old-fashioned church” is not relevant. The fact that there is a congregation under this pastor should be proof that to some (perhaps not the majority) this is relevant for reaching them.
To me the notion of hymn vs praise, hymnal vs projector, “knocking on doors” vs event evangelism, etc etc should not be an issue. When I study the New Testament, I really don’t see Christ knocking on doors, but I don’t see Paul going into Ephesus throwing a block-party. According my my professors in seminary Jesus didn’t speak Elizabethan english nor did the Temple have copies of the Baptist Hymnal.
Any tool that brings the Gospel to the lost and the saved closer to Christ should be allowed to be relevant to the audience God intends it be used for. Not everyone agrees with door-to-door evangelism, not everyone agrees with sports evangelism or event evangelism, but I know people drawn to Christ by all three methods, so is either more relevant than the others? It depends on who met Jesus because of which type.
Of course, there will be some read my post and accuse me of diluting the truth or opening the church up for pagan and satanic methods in order to “do anything to reach the lost”, but that’s ok. Someone with a level head will see what I’m driving at here.
Good thoughts Adam, I think you’ve got it right there. Pastor Steve had a good point too.
So, can anything productive be done or do we just pray for him and his church and leave them alone? Spare the flock as they say.
I spent some of my teenage years in an IFC similar to this - so this is very familiar to me also. If you listen to Steve’s message about Billy Graham going to hell - you might also get the impression that this church, Faithful Word Baptist, believes that they are absolutely correct in everything they believe, because the world hates them. (they are being criticized by some of the bloggers here - so therefore, they are truly of God. If you are not criticized, but loved, there is no way that you are of God.) However, since Steve is speaking bad of Billy Graham - I guess that means that Billy Graham really is of God.
I wonder how this group of people get their meat - it can’t be from Steve preaching about guitar hero or about men peeing standing up vs. sitting down...that’s more like oils & fats & sugars to me…
the guy does, however, make a couple good points in his message. I think we’ll all be surprised someday when we get to heaven. We’ll find we have been right on some issues and wrong on some others...well, I’m sure I won’t have been wrong on any issues - just everyone else.
*Chuckles* I love that last bit there Music Director. ^_^
Somebody had asked about this guys statement of faith on his church website, how they believed in the local church and were against the concept of a universal church. They had wanted to know what the difference was. I did too, since I didn’t know.
Today I happened to be reading an application for a Christian Summer camp, Circle Square Ranch. On the application was their statement of Faith, and one of the points went like this.
“We believe in the one Holy Universal Church, which is the Body of Christ, and to which all true believers belong and in its mission to witness concerning its Head, Jesus Christ, preaching the Gospel to all people.”
So… don’t know how much clarity that gives you, try google if you really need to.
Been there, done that! I was exactly like that didn’t work very well...I can probably tell you where he went to school...I feel for him...he proably loves Jesus, Hischurch, his people, the lost...I will pray for him...he was taught well and trained to do what he did...he is missing some real joy...I also hope and pray I have as much enthusiasm for the gospel as he has...just want to channel it a little differently.
It is clearly obvious this pastor has real personal convictions in what he believes to be true. I know some pastors like him and we’re friends. There are even some folks in my church that would probably agree with some portions of what he said, but they realize this is a new day and yes things have changed, Thank God Some change has been for the better and some for worse but. We just have to do what we feel God has commissioned us to do they way that best fits our culture and personality, without getting away form sound Biblical truths. But I will say this there have been alot of weeks early in my wife and I’s life in minsitry when we were “Living on a Prayer” God bless the KJV man
One more thing, here is the churches web site and read some of the essays.
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