
How to Grow Your Church?

Orginally published on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 at 9:48 AM
by Todd Rhoades

For those of you who have been regular readers of this blog, you know that there has been a running debate among all different types of approaches to how we ‘do church’.  We are a broad group of readers here at the MMI blog; and that stems from this blog being an out-growth of the ChurchStaffing.com website.  ChurchStaffing has clients and readers all across the spectrum of evangelical Christianity… including people with differing views on everything.

We've discussed and debated the purpose driven philosophy; we've talked long about innovation and new methods of delivery (such as the multi-site or the video venue model of ministry)... but I found this on the net the other day, and it really did make me angry.  Here... take a look:

You'll need flash to view this, and it takes a little while to load but is worth it.

I totally understand the idea behind this model.  As a matter of fact, I grew up in this model.  Here's my main problems.

1.  This model assumes that the purpose of what the contemporary church is doing is only to get larger.   It takes into account only that churches are culturally relevent to get bigger.  That's just simply not true.

2.  Rather than concentrate on Kingdom growth of their own, they tear down and criticize those who are experiencing growth; and at the same time, say that the spiritual growth that takes place in these 'innovative' churches isn't really spiritual growth at all.

3.  Along the same lines, while this camp (and I'm generalizing here) attacks their brothers and sisters in Christ; most of them show no real model that is working well in their community.  Some will disagree and think this point is unfair, but I've asked over and over for an good example and I don't think anyone (thus far) has responded.

Two great examples of churches that are culturally relevant and are growing like gangbusters (and would be great examples of what this cartoon would be against) would be Granger Community Church in Granger, IN and Fellowship Church in Grapevine, TX.  These churches are making a tremendous impact in their community for Christ using contemporary music and while making a distinct effort to being culturally relevant while teaching and preaching the gospel.  Hat's off.

(another interesting side-note... I don't hear the likes of Granger or Fellowship talking down to their stagnant brothers and sisters telling them to get their act together and start reaching their communities for Christ... I guess my biggest problem with all this is the 'knife in the back', 'shot in the foot' stuff that we do in the body of Christ.  Let's rejoice (as the angels do) when one new soul enters the kingdom; whether it's through a relevent contemporary church; or a church that is very traditional.  Either way... rejoice!

More on this to follow (I'm sure).  I'm interested in your take today.  What were your first impressions?

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    I see no “mean fight” here.  Iron sharpens iron.  Every generation must grapple with issues that trend the Church from its Biblical course.  One Scripture verse that seldom (dare I say never) finds its way on the fridge is Paul’s rail against the circumcision group of his day..."I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves” (Gal.5:12) This is Scripture and it reveals the Holy Spirit’s attitude about serious challenges to the Gospel.  We could argue whether or not the issues we are discussing rise to that level.  I believe they do.  The entire axis of the Church has been tilted toward man because of the pragmatic germ embedded in the “church growth movement”.  This is not a matter of incidentals...but, it involves ultimately the very preaching of the Gospel itself.  For example, this pragmatism has morphed into a monster in the “emergent” church movement.  We are now being told that we should not make propositional truth claims to post modern sinners because they cannot relate to the Gospel.  This is exactly the wrong course to take.  Paul confronted the “premodern culture” of his day with the unique claims of Christ under the anointing of the Holy Spirit in clearest of terms...Acts 17 needs to be revisited today.  Many of us are discerning a great and terrible move away from Christ’s intent for His Church at the hands of well-meaning (perhaps) American evangelical icons who have brought forth “success strategies” that are clearly outside of the Biblical pattern.  How does Rick Warren go from Holy, Holy, Holy to Purple Haze.  Where do the Apostles sing such things...there is a “back-door” coup going on as we open the front door to a message twisting methodology that is putting the desires of unregenerate man ahead of the clearly defined Christ-centered purposes of the church. 

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    I just completed a personal study of Leviticus. Has anyone read the clean/unclean rules in Leviticus lately? Note it applies to those WITHIN the congregation and does NOT apply to those without. It was the priests responsibility (not just right) to determine clean/unclean.

    I just went through Leviticus in March and yes, it was wonderful!  I’m beginning over in Genesis right now.  Keep in mind, the Jews of the New Testament were required to know the Old Testament Pentatuech and it’s because of this “foundation” that Paul could expound so intensly on the Gospel.  It is intertwined throughout the Old Testament and beautiful in understanding the fullness of God and His Word.

    God be with you!

    This is Scripture and it reveals the Holy Spirit’s attitude about serious challenges to the Gospel. We could argue whether or not the issues we are discussing rise to that level. I believe they do. The entire axis of the Church has been tilted toward man because of the pragmatic germ embedded in the “church growth movement”. This is not a matter of incidentals...but, it involves ultimately the very preaching of the Gospel itself.

    Jesus and the Apostles fought many of these battles before us, and many after them and between us (like for example, St. Augustine).

    There is nothing new under the sun.

    A secular book I suggest you read PDL is “War and Anti-War” by Andy TOffler.  He is a “futurist” that many governements consider a leader in “worldly prophecy”.  He gives a keen insight into what I would suggest is a day when many of us (Believers), will be considered “religious radicals” (should sound familiar as the term is used almost daily in the news or also known today as.... “terrorists") and guess who will be turning us in?  Not “the world” but the cooperating “religious right” (those who are in “the church” but feel perfectly okay with “telling” who are the “trouble makers” in their religion/denomination).

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    Wow. First, thanks pdl for the links to “Ten Shekels and a Shirt.” That really hit home. Second, all I can ask is that we realize that we serve an awfully big God. That is, what we see as differences, God may see diversity. Big or small, traditional or contemporary, God uses us as He sees fit. As long as Third, God gains the glory, not only in the end but how we go about it. And when I say how we go about it, I do not mean technology or style, but in a godly way that is doctrinally sound and true to the Gospel. It is through the unity of the body that others see Christ in us. Let us not betray that calling.

    I know I have my preferences in church structure and approach to ministry. But as I attend seminary for the second year now, I have truly appreciated the depth and breadth of worship styles, variations in non-core doctrine God can use. We can differ, but let’s remember we are brothers and sisters in Christ. I cannot say I saw anyone heretical here.

    It is almost a microcosm of how we got so many denominations…

    And Todd - this is necessary. Certainly, some may do a drive by criticism, or to unload in an unworthy way, but from what I can see, most are sharing from a desire to build the body. I would say this topic brought out a lot of passion.

    Thanks all, and to God be the glory.

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    I’m speaking to those who contend for the faith. To those who uphold the Gospel of Jesus Christ and do not faint in the heat of the day. To those who through denomination and sects are separated. To those who have been baptized into Gods Holy Spirit. To the brotherhood of men and woman who by the Spirit forms the body of Christ. To the disciples who are in Christ, to those who by His Spirit have been enlightened in their understanding to the present situation we find ourselves in. To those who understand that the only way to salvation is to abide in Christ, so He may live through us, to His glory and to God our Fathers glory, Amen


    The forces that are lined up against us are great and seem over whelming, but they will not over take us, because He who is in us is greater then he who is in the world. I’m saying this by faith and not because I see any real change (yet) of heart in our Church today. We are talking about Church growth here and when I refer to Church I’m referring to the body of Christ (I say this incase someone thinks I’m going off subject, I’m not!). I’ve read your words here in these blogs and have been encouraged by your faith towards God and His truth according to His Word and Spirit.


    What do you think God is thinking about us right now? Come on, you know, you have the mind of Christ if the Spirit lives in you. The very thoughts of God through His Spirit are in your head, what is the Spirit telling you? Is God revealing to you how pleased He is with us? Is He saying, look at the wonderful work my servants are doing in my name? Is He saying, look how the body of my Son Jesus has held together?
    Who’s to blame here Brothers, God or us?


    Was it not Christ who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists and some to be pastors and teachers? Why? Was it not to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up? Built up for what purpose? Was it not that we might reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Is God pleased with the way we are preparing God’s people for works of service? Is He pleased with the way we have built up the body of Christ? The Spirit says, NO, He is not pleased with us! We don’t talk about how the body is being built up, rather we talk about how to stop it form being torn down even more. I am convinced each one of us who is led by His Spirit understands how to stop the tear down and begin to build up the body again, but it is our choice. So why is the body torn down? Is it not, because we have not properly prepared God’s people for works of service towards each other, because we have not properly done this, the body is not built up in the Spirit of Christ? What is the proof of this? We only need to look for the fruit.


    We have been given by God a great responsibility through and by His Spirit to prepare Gods people for works of service, so the body may be built up in Christ, so that we might reach (unity in the faith.) Let us tell God, brothers, how we’ve been able to accomplish this (unity in the faith), this fruit in reality doesn’t exist does it brothers. No brothers, there isn’t any fruit on this fig tree is there, even though we are in season. We are divided into different sects and we quarrel with each other over what?

    What is the definition of a sect: a group of people having a common leadership, set of opinions, philosophical doctrine, political principles, etc., specif. a faction of a larger group.

    One of you says, “I follow this sect of Christianity” another “I follow this sect Christianity ” and still another “I follow this sect Christianity” and still another “I follow Christ.” Is Christ divided? Was your sect crucified for you? Were you baptized into your sect?


    If we can’t reach (unity in the faith) how are we to reach unity in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ? God appeals to us, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of us agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among us and that we may be perfectly united in mind and thought. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.


    If we judged ourselves, we would not come under judgment. When we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world.


    When I think of Church growth, I don’t think of numbers, I think of spiritual growth. But unless we are willing to follow His Spirit and work towards unity in the faith it will not be possible. If any of you wish to work towards this goal of unity let me know.

    In Christ Always

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