Orginally published on Thursday, October 18, 2007 at 6:36 AM
by Todd Rhoades
Passion is a wonderful thing; but passion and wisdom are NOT the same thing. It's quite possible to be very passionate and be very wrong. I think that may be the case with this boy... he can't be more than four years old. Yet his parents have even had a four-year old size anti-abortion plackard made for him. Isn't that special?
Please in no way think that I think abortion is something that is a good thing. In the end, the boy, his parents, and myself would probably come down the same way on the abortion issue. But this is not a wise way to voice your opinion.
Have you ever run into very passionate people in your church that were very wrong? Or people who were very passionate about the wrong things? How have you dealt with these people?
And what would you say to this little boy, or to his parents?
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There are 5 Comments:
That is awful.
I find it amazing that this is the EXACT antithesis of the post you put up yesterday about how students learn.
Oh my. The little boy says in the video, “Give your son to someone else. You don’ have to murder him.” That goes hand in hand with a few of the passionate individuals I’ve dealt with over the past year. Every time a new girl/woman is learned about - it never fails… someone comes to me or calls me and asks… or begs… for me to convince the girl/woman that it would be best for her to go ahead and have the child but give it to them… Most of the time they are having difficulties in getting pregnant themselves. Abortion is never something that I counsel in favor of… but neither is having a child and giving the child up if the mother can in fact raise the child herself. Parenting is difficut even when there are two parents… yet.. it still is possible to be a single parent and raise your child in the ways of the Lord. And as the church.... we should come along side these girls/women… The only time I counsel for a girl/woman to give her child up is if she is unable to take care of herself… and still… then… we as the church should come along side these girls/women.
I ask them to pray for themselves.. for their own hearts to be changed… One had a baby shower for one of the girls last year… That same woman and her husband now have twins of their own. Sometimes we just need a kick in the pants.....
I find this deeply disturbing on so many levels… His parents and he need some serious counseling.
He certainly seems well indoctrinated.
His behavior just seems very age-inappropriate. He seems to have been trained, like it’s not his passion but an adult’s passion that he’s been trained to emulate. At his age he’s not ready to understand or confront the issues that he’s being presented with. I agree that counseling, for both him and his parents, could be beneficial.
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