Orginally published on Wednesday, March 21, 2007 at 8:47 AM
by Todd Rhoades
Sorry to be out of commission for a couple days... I started getting the worst cold of my life on Sunday night. Then had a one-day trip scheduled from Ohio to Dallas and back on Monday. I did ok on the trip; but yesterday the fever started; and today I feel like someone kicked me repeatedly all over my body, and I have what feels like razor blades in my throat. Not sure what's up... but I do know that I'll take a least today off from MMI and re-coup. Your prayers are appreciated. (I'm such a wimp when I'm sick!)
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There are 20 Comments:
I said a prayer for you! Get well soon.
Get some rest. Don’t give us another thought. We’ll just spend our time wisely reading other blogs!
We love ya and you know it. Just don’t drink and drive or Al will get ya.......
It’s a privilege to pray.
I’m a wimp when I’m sick, too. Bless you HUGE time!
May you recover quickly! Bless you Todd.
Sick sucks. Get better soon.
Praying for you my brother. Hey...they do have such a thing as doctors ya know. I had exactly what you’re talking about and needed meds. Don’t wait too long Todd, because it won’t get better on its own.
Hey Todd, we do miss you when you’re gone. Thanks for all that you do! Get better soon!
Get well, and probably see a doctor, it does not sound like a cold, it sounds like something else, it is the throatthing you need to watch.
Todd, if you only had more faith, you could be sick and move mountains too. Get well and God bless.
Leonard stole my sarcasm....
Rest well…
tee hee -
I said “drat” does that make me trendy? Please I want to be trendy…
Rev Jeff....
I think that “drat” is more emergent than culturally relevant....more missional than trendy. Just my two cents.
Rub some dirt on it and get back to writing! You can be just as sick at your keyboard as you can in bed! Kidding...get well soon.
I hope you are feeling better today. Since we all have opinions around here i’m thinking it sounds like strep throat! I concur with the above opinion that you should seek a higher source such as a medical doctor. Our prayers are with you for a speedy recovery!
“He’s dead, Jim. You get his tricorder, I’ll get his wallet.”
Came by to check on our sick host and to see if any Friday humor was available....the Star Trek quote above broke me up. Sorry to find mirth in your malady, Todd. Get well soon.....
Good morning Todd. I hope you are feeling less wimpy today. You probably could have used the extra rest, although getting sick is a lousy way to get it. Don’t come back prematurely, it’s not worth it. We’ll struggle along without you as best we can. I’ll check in on you again on Monday.
Get well.
Been praying for you since you disappeared. You must have got it from Perry and friends. Get well quick!!!!!
Reminds me that we can catch the good stuff too!!
Seen a doctor yet? You must be really sick. Not just a little sore throat.
I hope you are on the mend. I won’t give advice I am a miserable patient.
Alrighty mister! You’d better have gone to the doc by NOW!
Personally, I hope you’ve been feelin’ better for a couple of days now and are just taking some well deserved time off.
Hey all, thanks for your prayers.
I’m still kickin’… but it was a tough week!
Ended up with some kind of viral infection (along with a bacterial ear infection on top of it). Managed to give it to three of the four kids as well (one emergency room visit, included).
So… I decided just to take the week off and recouperate. Should be back Monday and be back up to speed.
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