
It’s Open Joke Friday

Orginally published on Friday, July 14, 2006 at 8:42 AM
by Todd Rhoades

For all you newcomers to MMI; it's kind of casual Friday around here; we usually only share lighter stories or funny things on Fridays to loosen us up a little for the weekends... today, I've decided that it's 'Open Joke Friday". That means you can share your funniest story or joke here. Just keep it clean (for all you emergent pastors out there). smile

I’ll start us out.

Did you hear the one about the charismatic cannibal?

He kept throwing up his hands.

OK… I know yours probably can’t beat that one, but give it a try anyway!  smile

Have a GREAT weekend!


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    There are these two people who are known to just show up at anyone’s home at any time. One day it happened to this woman and her three children. They were caught still in their jammies and with the living room a wreck. It was 11:00 a.m. The mother works nights; the husband, days.

    The two were invited to sit down and the conversation proceeded. The two introduced themselves and shared about why they were visiting. A personal relationship with Christ first; their church second. One of the two was a woman. She shared that her husband was on staff at the church and what her role at the church and community consisted of. She offered their assistance in any way possible. The other was a man. He shared how he had been a member of this church for many years. Yet, more importantly than the church, was his relationship with Christ. He encouraged her and her family to get into a good Bible based church and get involved there. Whether that turned out to be their church or not. They ended their visit on a really positive note with the woman saying their family would be back to visit. She thanked them greatly for their visit. even though her home was a wreck.

    At the poolside one day two friends gather to talk. One tells about how she knew the woman that had been visited. The woman had shared with her about the visit. The woman said she thought it strange that these two individuals were married. One was so much older than the other. Besides that.. the woman talked about her husband as if he wasn’t even in the room.  And talk about a married couple who looked like! AHA!

    My daddy and I learned an important lesson about visiting people. If their home is a wreck and they’re still in their jammies at 11:00 a.m. - chances are they might miss you saying, “I’m so-and-so and this is my daughter.”

  • Posted by Andy McAdams

    There was this little country church during the depression that was going to have a communion service but had no money for grape juice or wine.  One of the congregants volunteered to provide some persimmon juice.  The pastor’s reply was simply, “it’s the Lord’s Table and what is most important is our hearts then what we use for the elements.

    It turned out that the persimmon juice wasn’t ripe and was extremely tart.  At the end of the communion service, everyone in that little country church was puckering up their lips and throughout the church you could hear smacking noises. 

    The pastor stood and said with puckered lips, “Deacon Jones, would you please close in prayer.” Deacon Jones stood and also with puckered lips said, “pastor, I don’t think I can.” So the pastor asked the same thing of Deacon Smith.  His reply was, “pastor, I know I can’t”. 

    so, the country pastor thought for a moment and then announced, “then let’s all stand, hold hands and whistle the Doxology.”

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    Speaking of cannibals;
    Did you hear about the cannibal that passed the missionary on the trail?

    Or how about the cannibal that ate the catholic, the presbyterian and the lutheran?  Yeah it was the first ecumenical movement.

    Hey you started it

  • Posted by Matthew Hampel

    Why did the gum cross the raod?

    It was on the chickens Foot.

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    My friend came to work one Monday with a black eye.  What happened to you? I asked.  He replied. I was sitting in church yesterday when a large woman wearing a dress came in and sat in front of me.  As the music began, we all stood and I noticed her dress was stuck, if you know what I mean?  I thought it looked uncomfortable, so I removed it for her and as you may have guessed, she hit me.  I told him he should be more careful when helping others.

    Next Monday here comes my friend with another black eye.  What happened to you? I asked.  Well, that same woman came to church yesterday, but this time I had a friend with me. As you may have guessed the same thing was happening. We all stood, the dress was stuck, but this time my friend reached over and removed it for her, but I knew she didn’t like that, so I tucked it back in.

    “Now that’s funny, I don’t care who you are.”

  • Posted by J.C. Jennings

    Over the New Year break I was going to the bathroom when my 3 year old, Isabella, peeked her head into the bathroom. Seconds later I heard my 7 year old, Bethany, yelling at Isabella to “leave Daddy alone! He needs his Prophesy!”

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    An eight-year old boy and his mother were in a discussion. The young son replies, “Mother, just because you are methodologically speaking does not mean you are correct.”

  • Posted by David

    Well, at the risk of self-promotion (I plead guilty), here’s something from this morning at Horn+Swoggled.

  • Posted by Phil

    During Sunday Morning: Why doesn’t the omniscient God read the announcements and the Jehovah Rapha read the sick list

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    A Roman Catholic Priest, an Anglican Priest and a Nazarene Pastor were standing near a river conversing when the subject of which church was nearest to the teaching of God arose.
    The Roman Catholic priest said that of course there was no argument that the Roman Catholic Church was they were descended directly from the Apostles, in fact Peter was their first Pope. He said in fact so close are we that I can even walk on water like Jesus and he proceeded to walk on the water to the other side.
    The Anglican Priest said the Anglican Church was very similar in origin to the Catholics and he too demonstrated his ability to walk on water like Jesus Christ.
    The Nazarene Pastor said that he could not care less where their origins were, he studied the word and preached it purely, and without any embellishments. Since they could walk on water he should be even better at it. He took one step forward and sunk knee deep into the river. The Roman Catholic Priest whispered to the Anglican Priest, “Do you think we should tell him where the rocks are?”

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    A Jewish Rabbi walks into a barber shop for a hair cut.  The barber says, “Rabbi welcome to my barbershop, Im going to give you the best hair cut that you have ever had.” The barber then finishes the hair cut and the Rabbi stands up and looks into the mirror and says, “You are right sir, that is the best hair cut I have ever had, how much do I owe you”?
    The barber says, “Sir you are a man of the cloth this hair cut is on me”.  The Rabbi thanks the barber and leaves.
    The next day when the barber arrives at his shop he finds a basket full of Jewish delicasies with a thank you note from the Jewish Rabbi.
    That same day a Catholic Priest enters the barber shop for a hair cut.  The barber says, “Father welcome to my barbershop, Im going to give you the best hair cut that you have ever had.” The barber then finishes the hair cut and the priest stands up and looks into the mirror and says, “You are right sir, that is the best hair cut I have ever had, how much do I owe you”?
    The barber says, “Sir you are a man of the cloth this hair cut is on me”.  The priest thanks the barber and leaves.
    The next day when the barber arrives at his shop he finds a basket full of wine blessed by the local cardinal with a thank you note from the priest.
    That same day a Nazarne pastor enters the barber shop for a hair cut.  The barber says, “Pastor welcome to my barbershop, Im going to give you the best hair cut that you have ever had.” The barber then finishes the hair cut and the pastor stands up and looks into the mirror and says, “You are right sir, that is the best hair cut I have ever had, how much do I owe you”?
    The barber says, “Sir you are a man of the cloth this hair cut is on me”.  The pastor thanks the barber and leaves.
    The next day when the barber arrives at his shop he finds...a long line of Nazarene Pastors waiting for a hair cut.

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    A number of years ago my wife and I were at an annual pastors conference with about 300 others.  On one morning, after breakfast, the conference leader asked people to come to the microphone and share something God had impressed them with recently.  Two came up.  The next morning, after breakfast, the conference leader suggested coming up to the mic and sharing a joke, if you had one.  The line stretched all around the room.  Hmmmm?

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    I was walking across a bridge recently. I spied this fellow who looked like he was ready to jump off. So, I thought I’d try to stall him until the authorities showed up. “Don’t jump!” I said. “Why not?” he said. “Nobody loves me.”

    “God loves you,” I said. “You believe in God, don’t you?”

    “Yes, I believe in God,” he said.

    “Good,” I said. “Are you Christian or Jewish?”

    “Christian,” he said.

    “Me, too!” I said. “Protestant or Catholic?”

    “Neither,” he said.

    “What then?” I said.

    “Baptist,” he said.

    “Me, too!” I said. “Independent Baptist or Southern Baptist?”

    “Independent Baptist,” he said.

    “Me, too!” I said. “New Evangelical/Moderate Independent Baptist or Conservative Independent Baptist?”

    “Conservative Independent Baptist,” he said.

    “Me, too!” I said. “Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist or Lose-Your-Salvation Armenian Conservative Independent Baptist?”

    “Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist,” he said.

    “Me, too!” I said. “Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist or Historical Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist?”

    “Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist,” he said.

    “Me, too!” I said. “Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist or For Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist?”

    “Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist,” he said.

    “Me, too!” I said. “Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist or Strict Separation of Church and State Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist?”

    “Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist,” he said.

    “Me, too!” I said. “Pro-Disney Boycott Pro-Life Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist or Anti-Disney Boycott Pro-Choice Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist?”

    “Pro-Disney Boycott Pro-Life Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist,” he said.

    “Me, too!” I said. “KJV Only Pro-Disney Boycott Pro-Life Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist or Modern Versions Pro-Disney Boycott Pro-Life Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist?”

    “MODERN VERSIONS Pro-Disney Boycott Pro-Life Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist” he said.

    “Auugghh!!! You heretic!” I said. And I pushed him over.

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    What did they call the bug on Noah’s Arch? 


    (really bad, heh, heh)

  • Posted by KC

    I work with our preschoolers in our church on Sunday mornings in Sunday School, using my guitar to sing songs with them. One of their favorites songs, of course, is “Zaccheus Was A Wee Little Man”.

    This past week one of our preschoolers had a man from our church doing some tree work at her house. When she saw him up in the tree sawing some limbs, (you guessed it), she said: Zaccheus, you come down from there!”, as only a one-year old could say it. grin

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    The Lord had given a pastor a new vision for his church and he presented it in the monthly elders meeting. After giving his most impassioned plea and really “selling” the idea to the elder board, the board voted and voted down the pastors proposed changes 12-1. The head elder looked at the pastor and said, “Well pastor, it’s 12 votes to 1. Looks like you’ve been out voted. Looks like time is up for the evening, so will you please close in prayer.”

    The pastor, not wanting to give up yet on what he felt God was leading him to do then lead in prayer. As he prayed, he lifted his hands up to heaven and prayed, “Loooorrrdddd - I know my brothers here do not have the same vision you have given me. Please help them to see that this is not MY vision, but YOOOOUUUUURRRR vision!”

    At that exact moment, a lightning bolt with a loud clap of thunder burst in through the window in the meeting room, striking the table, splitting it in two and knocking all the elders to the floor. As the dust cleared, the pastor looked at the head elder and said - so, what do you think about that?

    The head elder, dusting himself off, sighed and said, “Well, I guess that’s 12 votes to 2, then...”

  • Perhaps everyone has heard this one before, but it bears repeating anyway -

    The coast guard rescued a guy on a deserted island. The man from the coast guard asked him “There’s something I just don’t understand about this… If you’re all alone on this island, how come there are three huts?”

    The man who had been stranded looked back at the huts and said “See this one? That’s where I live… That’s my home.”

    The coast guard official nodded as the stranded guy continued - “And this second one - that’s where I go to church. It’s where I worship God.”

    “Ok,” said the coast guard official, “what about the third one?”

    The man who had been stranded rolled his eyes, sighed, leaned towards the coast guard offical, and said quietly - “That’s where I USED to go to church.... “

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