
Mark Driscoll To Publish Study Bible

Orginally published on Friday, October 17, 2008 at 6:47 AM
by Todd Rhoades

Our friends at InternetMonk.com have the skinny on all the new study Bibles coming out this year. Tim Keller has a new "Reason for a Study Bible" Study Bible hitting bookstores in the fall. Al Mohler has an "Encyclopedic Punditry Study Bible" that will be sold exclusively at Lifeway Stores. And Paula White has the "What the ..." Study Bible that will be out in the spring. But the one that I can't wait to get my hands on is the Mark Driscoll R-Rated Study Bible for Dudes. Here's the description...

The Mark Driscoll R-Rated Study Bible for Dudes. Freak out your reformed Baptist friends with Mark Driscoll’s comedic, rude and radically male centered interpretations of scripture. This is a study Bible that reaches the emerging culture while denouncing the emerging church. A fashion section helps you to see the scriptural mandates for mechanic’s shirts and hemp necklaces. Puzzlingly endorsed by John Piper, an alternative sheet of negative endorsements from various reformed bloggers is available on request. Profanity in red letters. Crude and shocking sexual episodes in blue. Bible doctrine is related to MMA throughout.

Read more about the other new Bibles coming out here at InternetMonk.com...

OK… just in case you didn’t get the joke… this IS a joke.  No Mark Driscoll study bible… no profanity in red letters; or sexual episodes in blue.  There’s no Kelly study bible either.  Matter of fact, I love both guys and their ministries!

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