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John MacArthur Takes on… Todd Rhoades?!!??

Orginally published on Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 3:13 PM
by Todd Rhoades

Huh?! I just found this link to MMI from the radio show of Paul Edwards. Paul has a daily talk show on WLQV of Detroit. On Tuesday of this week, he had as his guest, John MacArthur. He then proceeded to quote ME from a posting here at MMI and ask MacArthur to respond.

OK… John MacArthur really doesn’t take me on… as a matter of fact, it’s pretty obvious that he’s not the slightest clue in the world who I am… it’s more a discussion of his new book, and, mostly, his view of Mark Driscoll.

Here’s short transcript of the exchange, along with a link to the audio version (it’s about 1/3 of the way into the interview):

PE:  ...Todd Rhoades seems to be coming to the defense of what you had to say about Mark Driscoll.  He says, “Just a question… I’m assuming here that ‘grunge’ people need Jesus.  (I hope I’m correct).  Who will better reach them?  Mark Driscoll or John MacArthur?  Let’s take it a step further… who IS currently reaching them?  Driscoll or MacArthur?” Then he concludes by saying, “All I’m saying is… John, man…”, he’s talking directly to you.  I don’t know if you’ve read this, Dr. MacArthur…

JM:  No, I haven’t.  What’s his name again?

PE:  His name is Todd Rhoades. 


PE:  MondayMorningInsight.  I would never call you John as he’s doing, so please understand…

JM:  No, please do.

PE:  On, no, no, no… I’m just quoting from him… saying, “All I’m saying is, John, man… don’t make me choose.  Why does it have to be an either/or?” He says, “You work at the work God has given you; and let Mark reach the people God hasn’t gifted you in reaching.  And if a word slips out here or there, and yet a few more people make it into the Kingdom, I can accept that.” How do you respond to that?

JM:  Well, the issue that I tried to point out in what I wrote in “Grunge Christianity” and also in the book, is, do we think our technique gets people saved?  Do we think that cussing in the pulpit or being crude, or celebrating drinking beer somehow accesses people into the Kingdom of God?  That NOT doing that isn’t going to reach?  Those are not the issues.  But the issue with me is, you can’t say that because the culture does certain things that I’m going to do them because that’s how I reach them.  In so doing, you ignore the whole issue of sanctification.  What I’m trying to say in regards to Driscoll in particular… I agree with his doctrine of Justification, but in that style of ministry, you can’t get from that doctrine of Justification to a Biblical doctrine of Sanctification.  What you do is you create an environment where people can have reformed Soteriology and keep living the way they want.  When you know every episode of South Park and every R Rated movie, and, you know, when you’re fast and loose with the language; and the things he even said in his book “Confessions of a Missional Pastor” to a guy in the middle of the night who was caught up in pornography are just so outrageous that you just ask if there’s any understanding at all, if there’s sense at all of Sanctification; a deep commitment to Holiness, and not a flaunting of liberty, sort of, in-your-face, I don’t care what you think, this is what I’m gonna do mentality; which I don’t think Godly and humble people tend to do.

PE:  What do you make of this writer, this Todd Rhoades, trying to justify Mark Driscoll’s mode of ministry based on the fact that he’s reaching people that John MacArthur can’t reach visa vie that you would never do the things that Mark Driscoll is doing? 

JM:  Well, the answer to that question is that what I do or what he does doesn’t reach people.  What reaches people is the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit.  I am convinced that if Mark Driscoll; he’s a gifted enough communicator, believe me; if Mark Driscoll conducted himself differently and preached the gospel and preached holiness and Godly life and demonstrated humility, he’d have a church at least the size, if not larger than what he has.  I think it’s a misunderstanding to think that’s why they’re there. 

Hey, John (CAN I call you John?)… I’m really not that bad a guy… I’m a Cedarville grad, for crying out loud.  I think Mark Driscoll would love to respond about his view of Sanctification; I’m just thinking that the process and end result of Sanctification might look a little different to Mark than it does to John.

I mean no disrespect to JM… I think he’s a great guy that God is using in many ways.  The problem lies here:  I think the same of Mark Driscoll. 

For what it’s worth…

FOR DISCUSSION: Any thoughts on MacArthur’s response?

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  There are 62 Comments:

  • Posted by Wyeth Duncan


    I’m sorry, but I just do not get the sense that anyone here is being “playful” when they’re calling MacArthur “Mactheknife” (and I am familiar with the song, by the way) and “Johnny Mac”.  The way these nicknames are bandied about comes across (at least, to this reader) as being dismissive of the man--and that’s what I don’t think is right.

    Now, I do see Rick’s point about MacArthur attacking Driscoll.  Nevertheless, I still think that MacArthur’s overarching purpose--what drives him--is a zeal for the Church, not an insatiable desire to attack Driscoll or anyone else.

    As I observe the conversation here and at other blogs, there seems to be a definite tendency for “MacArthur-ites” to demonize Driscoll and “Driscoll-ites” to demonize MacArthur.  I don’t think that’s necessary at all.

  • Posted by Leonard

    I do not doubt Mac has zeal to protect the church but he does so by building an argument based upon half information.  No one I know of here at MMI believes cussing from the pulpit is okay, nor does driscoll.  That quote is from Donaldl Miller and Driscolls recollection was that it happened over dinner.  Mac implies and maybe even directly states it was from the pulpit.  I think mac thinks he is protecting the church but I am not so sure anymore.  I think he is protecting his view of doctrine as though it is completely right and protecting his methodology as though it is right.  Not just here but with his statements about expository preaching being the only way to teach the word.  Mac is okay with methodology as long as it is his. 

    He states that Driscol cannot get to sanctification from justification because of his methodology.  That is just opinion not fact.  He states it on the basis of conjecture and half information not personal experience.  This is my problem with MAC.  If you knew the people here you would discover that few of us are in either camp, D’s or M’s It is not demonizing to say Mac is wrong here. 

    James, you are preaching to the choir here.  I attended Macs church and met people who were unchanged over time, they go to my church and your too.  Neither Mac or Driscol thing that people should not grow.  But mac seems much more inclined to say what growth is and what it is not. 

    I worked with Gangs for several years.  They would come to know Jesus and some would change overnight and others over a couple years.  It was sanctification none the less.  Are we to believe that Sanctification is not happening at Mars hill?  Are we to believe that this is not important to Driscoll?  If you do then you have not heard him preach or read his writings. 

    We might disagree as to what is respectful or not and as to how dismissive to mac these names are, so for that I apologize to you for the MACTHEKNIFE comment since it came from me.  I assure you I meant no disrespect to Mac.

  • Posted by Sam Shultz

    What we have with MacArthur is a prime example of an academic ultra-conservative complaining about times that are changing which are out of his control. It’s like a modern complaining about a post-modern’s point of view and telling him/her it’s wrong. The point is, it’s a point of view, it’s a paradigm, or in this case with sanctification, a process, which cannot be debated. It just IS. But for those who are unhappy about the changing times, who see the new paradigm (and in this case, really misunderstand it) as contrary to theirs, they feel compelled to complain and scream “the past!”

    I’m in a conservative denomination myself, but we have at least realized that there are two different paradigms in place right now and one cannot say to the other: your worldview is wrong. When the blind man was being healed by Jesus, and Jesus asked him “what do you see,” the man replied, “trees.” (My paraphrase.) Though we didn’t see trees, no one told him his worldview was incorrect. That was what he saw as much as he could see it. When the disciples saw the large stones in Jerusalem, they saw large stones. When Jesus saw them, he saw an overturned kingdom. My point is, MacArthur does a great job with the audience he has. He shouldn’t think of himself so highly to believe that his ways will work for audiences he doesn’t have.

    Better keep writing, John. There’s more to think about.

  • Posted by James Marler

    What startles me is the rapidness with which this has become a question of “what works?”.  As if to say that the only difference in JM and MD (used here only as an example, people) is a methodology; a way to approach the spreading of the gospel, if you will.

    I mentioned previously this issue of seeker-senstitive churches.  Churches that have a come just as you are, God loves you just as you are and after you get saved you can stay just as you are because God loves you just as you are philosophy (Yeah, I know all of that probably should have been hyphenated, but seriously...)

    The problem with this approach is that it is not the BIBLICAL methodology.  It doesn’t matter if it is or isn’t JM’s or MD’s (again… example only), it only maters that the approach is not Biblical.  And, ultimately, the only thing that ever “works” is the Bible.


  • Posted by Leonard

    James, you cannot create the argument and then corner someone into defending an argument you created.  The Greek word for that is STRAW ARGUMENT.  I know many pastors who are leading more seeker sensitive services, none of them say what you say of they say.  None would say, come as you are, God loves you as you are, STAY THE WAY YOU ARE.  That is such a crock of an argument. 

    To say that is what they ascribe to philosophically is not accurate.  To then impugn their methodology as unbiblical (a methodology you, not they, defined) and then to use the bible as a means to discredit them is the very tactic Mac takes and it is frustrating as all get out. 

    First of all, Driscoll is not, nor has he ever been seeker sensitive.  Second of all, no seeker sensitive ministry I know of says people should stay the way they are since God loves them.

  • Posted by Rick White

    Leonard...to be fair to James...while I don’t know of any seeker churches that would say what James says either...fact remains that this seems to be the unspoken end-result in many of those churches...and why many maturity-seeking members of these churches leave (another subject).

    Now...having said that...I agree with most everything you said, Leonard...with a twist.  James...there are very few methods that are “biblical”.  Using a building that is not your home or a local synagogue is not biblical, technically. 

    If you feel I’m wrong about this, PLEASE spell out in detail the methodologies that are biblical with proof texts included.  Or...please spell out in detail the methodologies employed by churches that are non-biblical (cited as wrong in the Scriptures) with texts included. 

    James...I feel we would agree about things churches do that annoy us...I’m annoyed by many practices in the modern church...but I’m not going to call them non-bibilical.  I’ll build an argument that appeals to wisdom...not some right/wrong standard that doesn’t exist in the scriptures.

  • Posted by

    Aw, Leonard you beat me to it! (I like your greek exegesis by the way...)

    btw, some people have been offended by our curious nicknames for JM, so I propose wa all refer to each other only by nickname from now on.

    Some ideas for the regulars are as follows

    Peter Cottontail, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Toad Rhoades…

  • Posted by


    You said: “I have listened to Dr. MacArthur for many years and I love his teachings because they are 100% biblical.”

    Well, bother if he is 100% what is there to debate?  In fact for that matter what is there to question in regards to JM at all?

    Point - no one is 100% doctrinally pure, no one, not even JM.  Some of us on the other side of the theological isle actually think he is way off in his understanding of theology!  But I still consider him a brother and appreciate his clear devotion to our Lord, whether he would apply that same consideration to me – I kind of doubt it.


  • Posted by

    I think Al’s point is one of the main reasons many people have a problem with JM, that he doesn’t give any consideration to any viewpoint that differs in any way from his own.  Most people can appreciate his devotion to the Lord, just as they appreciate Mark Driscoll’s devotion even though they disagree with some of what he says or does.  However, the perception is that John McArthur does not appreciate other people’s devotion to the Lord when they do not totally agree with him.  He is jokingly referred to as Mac the Knife both for the song and for his sharp tongue and cutting remarks.

  • Posted by

    I don’t remember much about the Driscoll piece, but I have to agree with MacAuthur.  I have said for years that we don’t have to look like—smell like-- talk like—the “world” to win “the world”.
    I believe there is a sanctification issue—yes progressive but none the less growing.  I appreciate the comments but we need to be careful that we are not disrespectful in the process.
    We ALL are going to be surprised when we get to heaven.

  • Posted by MIke Edwards

    Hey Todd

    Paul is my uncle and he certainly loves to stir the pot doesn’t he! Being associated with A29 has definitely been an eye opening experience to both what goes on inside the network and how many misperceptions exist out there about Driscoll and the network. What’s most unfortunate, is that McArthur (nor Hybles for that matter) have ever personally contacted Driscoll to discuss these things before publically standing contrary to him. I’m not so sure that’s the best approach, even if Driscoll iwere wrong.


  • Posted by Cameron

    Holiness is not withdrawal. Jesus Himself was hated by the self-righteous religious crowd because He hung out with sinners, drunks, and prostitutes. I went to MH for a couple years. If you want to talk about sanctification then go to a MH men’s retreat. Until you’ve been to one, and JM has been to one, I need not say more and neither should JM. I have heard MD say “damn” from the pulpit. It’s the only time I’ve ever heard him “cuss” from the pulpit. The context was about some church member giving their blood, sweat, and tears to serve the church and some don’t do a damn thing. It was a rebuke to his own congregation. I love MD and JM. They have both changed my life. But one things for sure. If we don’t learn to grasp the arts with Christianity, then a dying world will fail to see Christ as meaningful and beautiful. But engaging the arts, as MH does, is not something that should be forced, but natural. The arts is the Christian’s mother calling him home.

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