Daily Innovation, Ministry Insights, and Thoughts from Todd Rhoades for Pastors and Church Leaders
Leadership Network constantly learns a lot of things from innovative churches around the United States, Canada, and Europe. They already publish books, downloadable concept papers and podcasts that provide a neatly-packaged presentation of what churches are doing to make Kingdom impact. Now they're launching a new blog they're calling Leadership Network Learnings! At this team blog, they will share what Leadership Network is learning in a more immediate, personal and interactive way. LN's team of directors will chime in several times a week to share the latest things we're learning about the great things that God is doing through great churches! And I'm looking forward to being one of the contributors...
Here are just a couple of the recent posts:
Interview with a Next Generation Pastor
Webinar: The Future of Church and Mission
Check out the blog at http://learnings.leadnet.org
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