Orginally published on Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 7:45 AM
by Todd Rhoades
I'm kind of a geeky computer guy; but I know nothing about this concept... but my friends at are on-top of it (as you would expect). now has a 'virtual' campus at Second Life. What's Second Life? Well, it is a virtual community that I don't completely understand... but thousands of people are into the 'virtual' community concept on the internet. And is there reaching them. Here's more from their announcement of the new campus...
For the last few months we have been working on a virtual campus in Second Life. If you are not familiar with Second Life, you can read more about it in Wikipedia.
We purchased an island (16 virtual acres of real estate) and have worked with both in-house and outside developers to develop the property. There are still several areas of the island that we have not developed, but we are opening the island for a “beta test” this week.
You can download the software and create an avatar (see the wiki above) on Second Life for free and using the map you can search for “Experience Island” then teleport there. If you already have the software installed you can simply go here.
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There are 7 Comments:
I think it is awesome that LifeChurch reaches people where ever they are, but I have to wonder why people need or want an alternative reality. This one must be too painful? Disappointing? Hard? What is an avatar?
Avatar - (n.) It’s like a meta-physical manifestation of a spiritual channeler… or a spiritual hologram with physical properties.... You know like JESUS....
Someone help me here.... Is this sort of like SIMS?
Camey - Like peppermints are the same as peppermint schaaps… oops - sorry I read too many responses on the alcohol issue… but this is not just a computer game…
Second Life is more of a virtual community where people feel free to live out their fantasy desires without the “reality” part of a reality check. You could say it is a doorway for people to create an alternate existence… They “become” the avatar that they create, and live in this realm as that individual. The dangers are obvious as “anyone” can become anyone. This is a concern even if it stays in the virtual world… if members connect and then arrange meetings in the Reality realm it will make MYSPACE concerns and previous child endangerment issues seem like a virtual hang-nail.
From the little I know of what is doing, they are entering with the assumption that these individuals will be acting out their most hidden or inner desires, which are really effective doorways to their own spiritual searches… I may be wrong on that, but I can see an open doorway that this “FANTASY WORLD” gives to people’s darkest fears or hurts…
Thanks RevJeff for taking the time to ‘splain that to me. This will be interesting to watch and learn from. Think it needs many, many prayers as well.
BTW: Don’t think for one second that I don’t notice when you’re not around here. And that alcohol issue was a hot one for sure. I had to double check that it was Wednesday. lol
I’ve been to the campus on Second Life quite a few times over now, and the Lifechurch team has done an excellent job. This place is an excellent mission field. (Pray for me, though… I think I’m addicted.
One thing I’ve been noticing is that Second Life naturally points out a certain pointlessness in real life. That is… You can spend hours on Second Life exploring, building, chatting, playing games, trying to make money, and finally log off and go about normal life. Then you look around, and in the first life, the same thing is happening—people are exploring the world, building, playing games, chatting, trying to make money, etc. Ultimately, the people recognize that these pursuits are pointless in Second Life. Knowing this, they see these pursuits in real life, and wonder if those are pointless too.
I think that fact alone makes second lifers more receptive to the gospel.... somewhere, in either of their “lives”, they just want something to pursue that has a real meaning.
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