
New Book Chronicles Gossip:  “Good Christian Bitches”

Orginally published on Tuesday, November 04, 2008 at 7:30 AM
by Todd Rhoades

A new fiction book that is self-described as a chronicle to back-biting Christian women called "Good Christian Bitches"? Sorry, folks... it's not Friday, and I can't make this stuff up!

The book is set in the fictional community of HIllside Park, an upscale Dallas suburb. The characters are back-stabbing, church-going women who use their Bible study as a forum for their gossip.

According to the writer, Kim Gatlin, ""If one person stops and says, 'If I do this or say this, they're gonna think I'm a GCB,' and if they think better of it, then I've done a good thing."

You can watch videos of with the author...

Check out the author video interviews here...

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  There are 11 Comments:

  • Posted by Kevin Bussey


    I’m not a fan of the title.  But her insight is right on.  And it isn’t just women.  Church people often disguise gossip in the forms of prayer requests.

  • Posted by bishopdave

    My bassett hound, Princess, is deeply offended by the title as she thought it was a reference to Christ followers like her.

    I think the only thing that’s caused louder whining is when ACORN registered her as a Democrat.

  • Posted by

    I dont like the title much either, but it sounds like an interesting book. I don’t know whats worse though, gossiping and using the bible study as a cover, or just out right gossiping and not hiding it....Both are really powerful and damaging.

  • Posted by

    That’s one horrible title, a the cover has an sinful sexuality and covetous nature to it.  But the worst part?  The plot line is probably more true than any of us would like to believe.


  • Posted by steve

    Thanks SO much for the picture.

  • Posted by

    Love the photo!  And I might be alone here, but I love the title.  Do I find it offensive-NO.  Sometimes you have to go extreme to get your message out (and I don;t even think that this is all that extreme). 

    Jesus was certainly not worried about offending folks, (I know what your response is already so just save it).  In John 6, Jesus kept talking about how He was the Bread of Life, whover drinks My blood has eternal life, My flesh is food indeed, My blood is drink indeed, and these things He said in the Synagogue (6:59), catch that-in the synagogue!! Then He asks them (61), does this offend you?  From that time many of His DISCIPLES followed Him no more (66).  So yes it did offend them, they ended up falling away from Christ because they became offended.

    Here’s Jesus, getting His message out to who? Those in the church and who’s getting offended? Those in the church, the Christians, the Christ Followers.  Some things never change.  Lighten up out there!!

  • Posted by Cindy K

    Ugh.  Just the most recent battle in the ‘you Christians are self righteous hypocrites’ war.

    The author purports to be trying to do a ‘good thing’ but she and her publisher knows that she’ll make more money with a crass title and smarmy cover.  And if you watch the Video’s from the link above it becomes pretty obvious that she did write the book about people she knows.

    In my eyes the value of any criticism is proportional to the caring and love that accompanies it.  Pot shots which intend to tear down and not to build can do more harm than good.

    That does not mean that there is no truth to this book.  Only that it is worthless because the people who might garner some wisdom from it will certainly not read it. 

    It seems more like a ‘get even’ thing than a ‘let me point out a great social evil’ thing.

  • Posted by

    Another forum for gossiping is the traditional “prayer chain”.  Unfortunately, the book describes a truth that is often overlooked that takes place among both men and women of the Church, and it reveals the lack of teaching and practicing of “righteousness” and “holiness”.  We accept immorality within too many areas of the Church.

    I don’t like the title of the book, and I’ve not read it.  Yet, the title is unfortunately accurate about many within the Church.

  • Posted by Kevin Miller

    The Title: I’m a marketing guy, so sure, I’m biased. But I work with a lot of authors. I’ve walked the halls of the Christian Bookseller’s Association and seen hordes of books by “good christian authors.” And in being so nice and politically correct, they give their books titles and taglines that are about as exciting as watching a chess match. And they don’t sell. What bothers me much more than a possibly offensive title, is a great message that will die behind a poor title and cover. It happens way too much. Is God big enough to make a poorly marketed book sell anyway? Sure, but he counsels us to seek wisdom. I tell my authors that their content doesn’t need to change, let their message ring true. But if they want anyone to actually pull if off a shelf and buy it, they are going to have to pay attention to compelling titles and taglines.

    On the subject - well, I’m not a woman. I’m married to one now, and she has often come back from bible studies knowing the intimate details of many of the congregation...that were given in confidence to some of the women leaders. My wife learned that if she didn’t want our personal laundry shared around, be careful which ‘christian women’ in church she shares with.

    So kudos from me, I’ll go buy the book now.

  • Posted by Ariel

    All I can say is I’m pretty sure LifeWay stores won’t be stocking this book on their shelves. =)

  • Posted by Kevin Miller

    Surely not. But Barnes & Noble will be...even better!

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