Daily Innovation, Ministry Insights, and Thoughts from Todd Rhoades for Pastors and Church Leaders
Early this morning, I added a new GeoCounter to the MMI Website. You can see it in the right column about half way down the page. I thought the tool was kinda neat, so I thought I'd try it out. It will tell you the current cities of the visitors to MMI at any given time; and also show you a country count for the last 24 hours of our visitors...
I did just receive an email from a friend that the counter was doing some strange things to his page and slowing down his browser some. Is anyone else having the same problem?
Also, do you find this an interesting addition, or are you like more people and could really care less?
Just wondering!
That’s cool. Thanks for all you do Todd.
I ..... Am....... not......hav....ing .......any.....prob...........lems..........yet...........
Looks like fun. Wait a minute I am not Chicago, I am Naperville. I wouldn’t be caught death being Chicago! Arrrghhh!!!!!!! How we suffer.
Tell me about it I was LICOLN… blech!
Ummmm that was supposed to say LINCOLN.
Dang! I want to be from Trinadad asnd Tobago. It is cold here in Naperville. it is cold in Chicago too, but they deserve it.
LOL! That’s too funny. It shows there’s only one from the USA.
From that country known as Texas - that’s to be expected about us. But what a way for you others to find out you’re aliens living in a foreign land.
Ut oh. I’m laughin’ and it’s ONLY Tuesday. Sorry about that.
Hooray, I’m the one from Mexico!!!! I’m here on vacation in Cozumel and couldn’t stand to miss MMI for the entire week! I’m here with my husband who is here on business and the interesting thing is that there is a man here from Bellevue in Memphis. He’s been a member there for over 30 years and he gives a different spin to all the mess going on there. I guess there’s always more to the story - you can’t always believe what you read! Hey - enjoy the cold up north - it’s hot and humid here!
Strange, I think it says I’m in Wisconsin (Dallas, WI).
That, or Tyler, TX, which is not even close to Dallas. But it is cool whether it works perfectly or not.
Ahhh! My mistake, I’m on our network and the server is in Buffalo Grove, IL.
It works great, Todd.
Thanks again Todd for putting up the GeoCounter. Makes for a great way to specifically pray for those who utilize MMI and where they’re at location wise.
I’m not in Boise. I’m in Sun Valley, ID. (about 300 miles away)
It’s fun to see where people are sort of from
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